Sup Forums, why do you hate jews?

just a basic question. I understand that many globalist bankers are jews, but does that make me entitled to hate an entire group of people?

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Hey redditfag go fuck off


I don't. Only literal niggers can ignore the nuances in a group and judge them all for the actions of a few. That's literally what SJWs do. I'm no better than some Jewish liberal SJW if I do that. I actually like Israeli Jews, most of them have lost people and are prideful. American Jews fit almost every stereotype though, they should go to Israel and become real human beings.

most of the people who hate jews on Sup Forums are just self-entitled whites who think they should be in the jews' position

excuse me leaf check ur priv

The Jews killed my dog.


Read/watch anything Kevin MacDonald.

I don't hate them all but they should all be deported.

You can't criticise generalisation, and then discriminate down to two subgroups in which you generalise.

You either have to believe that generalisation is a good method for pointing out the average of a group, while also pattern recognition.

Or, you have to go down the 'Don't judge a book by it's cover', we are all individuals etc.

ehm, yeah. I don't hate the jews but i believe they should all be gassed to death. For real this time.

>an ideology/culture/religion has a way about shit
>It follows that shit and incorporates that shit into everything about it.
>"Wow how can you judge people based on this shit they identify with"

anyone with a mutilated penis show hate every kike on the earth.

every kike on earth should be dead, and every trace of them and their satanic ways should get purged.

What is that, some sort of darknet mad scientist site?

Christians are taught in schools and by parents that ''jews killed muh jesus'' so people grow up being constantly brainwashed, which in later life transforms into ''jews control everything '' when they see most jews pretty comfy and settled due to their high IQ.

I agree with this post 100%. I think my rage is all that keeps me alive at this point.

Sup Forums doesn't hate anyone, all the hate threads come from redditors who migrated after their hate subreddits got banned.

Jews are parasitic vermin that need to be cleansed from the face of the earth.

"I just wish that those troublemakers who want to mutilate you by circumcision would mutilate themselves." - Galatians 5:12

That's right Shlomo, it is as you say. Anti-semetism is my love for you.

How was your blowjob as an infant Sheldon?

>What is that, some sort of darknet mad scientist site?
No. It's perfectly accepted without question in this country because of the eternal kike.

Once again, every kike on the Earth should be dead, and all traces of them, erased.

Donald Trump is a Puppet for the Jews

The Red Pill

I agree. Slaughter Jews when?

You sniveling kike you're the reason for the problems in the world. You filthy kikes burn nations so you can keep your hands warm.


>Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you. (Revelation 3:9)

Jesus, himself, called the jews satanists.


(((He))) says while posting a picture of a character created by a Jew, but had another Jew steal credit for him. And while no prominent Shlomo's have played the Joker, we can't forget that the story for the Dark Knight came from (((David S Goyer))), and is pushed out by (((Warner Bros))). But ya know, those are all just coincidences. I mean, 2% of the population, that's still A LOT you know, goyim.

muh jesus is like 1% of it. The real reason is
>We're superior to everybody but hey lets live in other nations and treat them like shit even though we won an entire ethnostate.
>Everyone fucking hates us even though we've gotten the western world to sympathize with us to the point where antisemitism is seen as being worse than racism. They're clearly plotting to kill us despite basically sucking our dicks, they've got to go.
>I really hate nationalism because it makes me The Other, gotta important a bunch of third worlders so I feel more comfortable.

This isn't even "jews made communism" or "Jews want to re-unite the tower of babel to summon the messiah by making all goyim one people" tier shit, this is bare basic crap spewed from even the lowest diaspora.

When trying to figure out why people hate you, always look at your own actions before theirs, because reactionary prejudice supersedes preemptive prejudice by a long shot.

If the holocaust is real, you Jews got your own country, got shittons of money, got to shit all over the grandkids of your enemies and allies, and even made a profit at the place the nazis killed your fellow Jews. You make money off the death of your brothers. If that's not sociopathic, idk what is. If the holocaust is not real, then you made money by lying to people, thus proving Hitler's big lie theory. That's why we hate the Jews.

>Throw the jews down the well,

I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with.. etc. etc.

Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

>So my country can be free,

When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000

>They taking all the money,

The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.

I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike/multicult bolshevik party murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian/Ukranian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.

>And they don't give it back to me..

The Jewish Problem - Dr. Joseph Goebbels

What about the people who are genetically only part Jewish – 10 or 25 percent Jewish, that is? What do purer Jews, the ones in power specifically, think about them?

What will happen to these little Jews in the future, who are genetically closer to being Goys than Jews?

>1 post by this id

I started to hate jew because they cry in every media that everybody hates them. So why not hate them if they want?

Also a good version.

They hate jews because soros told them to.
Since neonazis won't be taken seriously by normals it's a good way stop stop Sup Forums from being effective in overthrowing the deep state.

You could end up fodder for the big Jews like the rest of us Goys. Good luck Chaim!

all manipulators of the collective consciousness for personal gain must die.

>the bald filthy kike on the bottom left

Yeah, I think the little Jews will serve their purpose now helping the big Jews, then they'll be aborted -- like they never existed.

TY for redpill, (((leafberg)))

no just influencers and nation wreckers. the average jew, no. been friends with a few

Am not being anti semetic when i say that all the central banks and media are "controlled" by jews. Therefore diferentes opinions are considered racist.
But it all started with Edison. Everything good in this world is now país because of him
Tesla wanted to make everything público available. But ohhhh noooo say edison. Lets make 9273727174932 patents. Even the fucking mude movies!! That allowed everyone to watch it despite of the lamguage you speak. But he made them have subs so that he could win some. He was everything wrong with this world. Greed! Tesla is our real hero, we could have been 1000years more advanced if edison decided to be more concerned about humanity. But nooo muh money muh control everything buy everything and kill everyone who has new inventions

Yes we made your country the world's literal wasteland. Enjoy your poo streets subhuman scat monkey.

>scat monkey
is that banter kosher?

big jew, little jew

pol just hates its competition
>ib4 we da joos now

Jews have the most toxic religion in all of human history.

>Christian Heaven
Singing songs with Jesus and walking with God.

>Islamic Heaven
You get a bunch of brand new virgin wives.

>Jewish Heaven
Every Jew gets 2,000 SLAVES...

they want to take over the world. they have literally said that shit. they are Hitler in disguised. Shit compared to Hitler. Hitler was a good man

They will purify the race by taking out the lesser Jews.


Pol hates Jews because Jews are superior. Pol betas cherry-pick stories about misdeeds of some Jews and extrapolate this information on the whole Jewish society in order to excuse their bullies toward the people who are more smart, educated and talented than a regular lazy western bloke.

Ivan, between you and me.

I have found the secret to the Jews power, i was invited to take part in a "passover sader" so i went along to see what intel i could gather, i think the answer is their "bitter root" HORSERADISH IS THE SOURCE OF THE JEW POWER

Because they do bad things and have evil goals.. We wouldn't give a fuck otherwise.

Throughout jewish freemasons have been undermining everyone all the time, they infiltrate governments and take over the politics, economic and the media.

There's a reason why jews have been persecuted so much.

At the moment, jews own almost all of the banks and all central banks except in Cuba, North Korea and Iran.
They print all the money they want causing inflation and robbing the countries resources.

I can write a whole rant about jewish freemasonry but don't feel like it because I would be typing 15 minutes straight, this is just in a nutshell.

They act as victims cuz Hitler kicked them out of Germany. They made up the holohoax


they are physically and ideologically manufactured psychopaths.
basically we have a newborn (pic) psycho who will learn from Talmud that everyone but him is a piece of junk to be exploited and then disposed of. thats literally psycho^2
psychology considers psychopathic personality disorder incurable, so such persons should be publicly executed in every town. read about infant's psychology because pic is strongly related and explanation is too long. sadly banning religions and religious traditions never works so question remains open for innovation. its not possible this civ will ever do well with jews on this rock. they had few thousands years to improve and spent it destroying every civ from inside and blaming it on everyone else
