Are creationists more retarded than flat earthers?
Are creationists more retarded than flat earthers?
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The groups overlap considerably
I have never seen a creationist go to any of the lenghts flat earthners go.
Even if they do, there's a high IQ group in the flaters that's beyond anything that creationism can put in the table.
They are equal in retardation
I'd say not quite, as they are more blindly following a bad interpretation of a book, rather than just flat out retarded. Denying science because of ideology is just slightly less downsy
>there's a high IQ group in the flaters
There are some very intelligent evangelicals, they're just brainwashed. There's an internal logic to their denial. It's contrived and absurd to us because we're not part of their group, they're only ever around like-minded people who confirm their beliefs.
Flat earth however was disproved by the ancient greeks. you can take a Fucking trip by plane and see the curvature.
Yes paco
as retarded I'd say, it just comes down to which retarded idea they happened to hear first.
Never noticed that some of the arguments were beyond the reach of common mortals.
Like very advanced specific scientific papers that involved a flat stationary earth in NASA models, or obscure experiments done to prove ether theory by einstein.
What I know it's that your own spatial perception feel different if you believe that the earth it's flat.
what they really need is a hip new rebranded jesus who's cool with science, but politely disagrees with their conclusions. when hes not skateboarding, he's hitting the books
This reminds me of a quote from Werner Heisenberg-a theoretical physicist and pioneer in quantum mechanics:
"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”
תחזור לאטאיסטים נעים להכיר יקוקסינל
None of ya'll can even explain how a singularity exploded into creation in the first place so ya'll can sit down and shut the fuck up about your Stephen hawking and that house nigger that replaced Carl Sagan. Ya'll dont know shit.
ילד כפות לך תשתרמט במאה שערים
i know people who believe in (((intelligent design))) but are otherwise pretty bright. some people who experience loss of family members at a young age just force themselves to believe in a god and his magic against all evidence.
Every post here is pretty much a NON ARGUMENT
I doubt any of you have studied evolutionary biology or seriously understand creationist arguments beside the thirdhand caricatures you hear from some atheist YT channel with 500 subscribers where the same worn out argument are repeated.
I find that atheists have to reject a lot of evidence and arguments in favour of God's existence just so they can have a free conscience while they watch porn or live in sin.
I think that pic perfectly summarizes atheists. Inept, insincere and just plain moronic. Atheists generally have no issue with living in their intellectual squalor. Rarely do atheists ever interact with the best Christians have to provide which reflects just how confident they are in the beliefs and convictions.
>there's a chance that there is a god, and there is an afterlife
>it's demonstrably better to cover all my bases and live life a certain way that demands faith in a chance
intellectually dishonest. self-preservation drives religiosity, it's immutable
>I find that atheists have to reject a lot of evidence and arguments in favour of God's existence just so they can have a free conscience while they watch porn or live in sin.
give us a couple of examples of all that evidence for the existence of the god.
What are you referring to? You do know how to use greentext don't you? Are you from r/atheism?
Intellectually dishonest, hedonism drives areligiosity, it's immutable
how does hedonism instigate not believing? isn't that argument backwards? i think you're trying to troll but it's coming across wrong
For the sake of argument if we put any overlap aside... it would be hard to say which group is more retarded as both are so radically stupid that to accurately describe just how truly stupid they actually are would require immense linguistic skills.
Might as well just say they are equally retarded.
>Religious: "The Universe is causal, and therefore in order to have it exist, there must be something non-causal before it. Call that God."
>Atheist: "W-well, God couldn't exist unless s-something c-came before God... I-it's impossible to know something without science, and because science relies on causality, G-God is just a fairy tail..."
>Religious: "Then what about the Big Bang?"
Atheist: "WE JUST DON'T KNOW!"
Yes im going crazy because this stupid fucking leaf in another thread refuses to acknowledge evolution.
if you deny there is a Creator of this Universe, it is unfair to call you a retard
a retard would have an excuse
instead, you are wilfully suppressing the truth in order to maintain your sinful lifestyle
also; if the earth was flat the cats would have pushed everything over the edge already
Stupid argument. If God exists, He presumably exists outside the confines of time. Thus our way of thinking with beginning and end doesn't apply. Therefore it is perfectly possible for God to have no creator
>The Universe is causal, and therefore in order to have it exist, there must be something non-causal before it.
Says who you dumb idiot.
Also, If you came across an old rusty car in the middle of a field, in the middle of nowhere, how would you suppose it got there? Would you think that God just put it there, or would you use your knowledge about the environment and the function of cars to theorize that a man drove the car there a long time ago?
If you arent an idiot, you would assume the latter. Of course, you don't KNOW that that's how the car got there but it's far less stupid than assuming that God just put it there.
Kill yourself
Reddit leave
I always think its funny how people project assumption on how flat earthers can believe it, as if there can be no way an intelligent person could come to this conclusion after looking at the evidence.
>hurr theyre brainwashed and cia psyops distracting from real conspiracies , when our globe earth model is taught by the same people that lie about guns,drugs,wars, water ,technology, santa, food, politics and all for money which is also fake and a lie.
>these people are pedophile satanists, yet when they tell me they went to the moon I believe it,
>but the guys who see through all the bullshit and have nothing to gain by lying and tell me I've been lied to by known liars , they have to be crazy.
that question couldn't be fucking easier and you are frankly a dipshit for asking it.
And yes the world was created in an instant and you are a RETARD if you believe otherwise.
Fucking look around you nigger. Some shit is just easy to see, I promise you.
i think it's funny that you're responding to me as if i care anything more about the flat earth community than to make a dumb joke about cats pushing objects off the edge of it
But they go together
>provocative language
>laced with assertions
>no real arguments of substance
>obviously made only to give the poster his dopamine rush
Typical vapid theist post
>thinking science doesn't explain it because he just never searched for the answers
You're just stupid.
Vacuum fluctuation and higgs field is one of the many possible explanation for the Big Bang, still more logical than your brainwashing sects.
Vacuum fluctuation and higgs field
what primary evidence do you have of any of these existence
>big bang
theory, not the truth. And only provable or possible through proving gravity, which is also a just theory.
>inbr ad hominem
>inb4 scifi gravity explanation
mfw doesnt know anything about freemason liars
so essentially then? funny how both communities that couldn't possibly know either way just attack eachother with ad hominems and 'arguments' based in assumptions instead of just respectfully disagreeing with eachother. two sides of the same coin really.
unironically defending flat earth using an analogy involving santa? lmao
> But they go together
no, they don't
the earliest book of the Bible, 'Job' speaks of the earth being suspended in space much like the spherical Sun and Moon
each time the earth is described in the Bible as a circle, we're translating from the Hebrew word which can also mean a sphere
now that may not mean much to modern people, but at the time the Sriptures were recorded, all the surrounding pagan nations held to flat earth beliefs
just look at how the egyptians portrayed the world as opposed to the God-given revelation of what it actually is, found in the Old Testament
Both are less retarded than atheists.
doesnt the bible talk about someone standing on a mountain and looking at the four corners of the earth implying the earth is flat and that verse is where a lot of flat earthers get their "evidence"?
if it does then how about you find quote and post it here
besides if you draw a circle on a X Y axis you will have 4 "corners"
the four corners indicate the compass lines
related to that is a constant reiteration from Scripture that when God forgives sins, He takes them as far away as the East is from the West
now you and i know that we could find the North and South poles
but before men had really explored the globe, the Scripture points to an infinite space between East and West because there are no such extremities on our planet
as for the Bible talking about people standing on mountains though, i think you may be conflating some times when men were on hills, with the verse in Revelation chapter 7
oh, and it should also be noted that when Jesus spoke of his return, he made some inference that it would happen both in a daytime and in night - indicating a knowledge of a spherical earth where it is always nightime and daytime on opposite sides of the globe
So your argument is that you have no argument?
Wow mindblowing
Nice but proof?
12And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
>Nice but proof?
not that user, but...
if you agree with Creationists that the Universe came into existence at the Singularity known as the Big Bang, then you also agree that Time came into existence with it - since our Cosmos is a dimension of Space and Time
anything that existed before our Universe was created, resides outside of Time
this proves that if there 'is' a God who created this reality, then God exists outside of Time
and since it's obvious from observing our Universe that it was created by an intelligence which designed it in minute detail, we know there is a God
His name is Jesus.
The sudden popularity of the Flat Earth theory two years ago is a CIA psyop that is designed to hide the fact that Earth is actually hollow. This is a common technique that intelligence agencies use to deceive the masses (I call that technique 'conspiracy misdirection'): They promote a conspiracy theory that they KNOW is FALSE and want you to think you're red-pilled by believing that false conspiracy theory is TRUE while using that false conspiracy theory to hide a TRUE conspiracy theory related to it that has even MORE far-reaching implications than the false conspiracy theory. For example, the 'Moon landing hoax' conspiracy theory is being used to hide the TRUE conspiracy theory that we went to the Moon and found artificial objects there (or we knew there were artificial objects there all along and went to the Moon simply to bring some of those artificial objects back to Earth). The official account of the Moon landing AND the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory are BOTH FALSE. NASA itself is covertly promoting the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory. (end of part 1)
(start of part 2) Earth is hollow with polar openings that lead into its hollow interior. Outer Earth governments know about this, but are not telling the masses.
Daily reminder that there was supposed to be a voyage to the North Pole in 2007 to find out if there's an opening at the North Pole that leads into the Inner Earth World (and thus prove once and for all that Earth is hollow). The leader of the expedition was Steve Currey and he suddenly died from a brain tumour shortly before the expedition began so all of the money they got from people who were going to join the expedition was refunded. The new leader of the expedition was Brooks Agnew and the new expedition was meant to be in 2013, but shortly after THAT expedition was about to begin, his film crew suddenly vanished without a trace so THAT expedition was cancelled too (and, once again, the money they got from people who wanted to join their expedition was refunded). The expedition was/is known as the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition'. Here's a link to the official North Pole Inner Earth Expedition page:
Also, Terry Smith was an Alaskan bush pilot associated with this expedition who agreed to fly directly over the North Pole to see if there was an opening there but he suddenly died in a plane crash on August 9 2010 before he could make that flight. NONE of these incidents are (((coincidences))). There is a world inside our world. (end)
Higgs field -> Higgs boson
And the vacuum fluctuation is just a party of the higgs field.
Theory /= Hypothesis
And also, you are just saying "lulz garvity doesn't real" so prove you point.
And for the image you put there, there is a subtle curve in the top one, and for the bottom ones, the curve is so subtle that it cant be observed. But you can observe the other dimension of the curve that cause the horizon. Checkmate.
I can't tell if you are kidding or not, however how can someone do something so that they can sin, if they don't believe in the concept of sin?
nah mate, the sudden popularity of the Flat Earth theory two years ago is due to a load of stoner celebrities getting on twitter and finding links to conspiracy sites
Flat earthers are bigger retards. Creationist are usually brainwashed from an early age, whereas flatniggers teach themselves the Jedi level autism needed to believe such retardation.
16.7 degree monopoly lad. WEW
pretty sure the people that unironically think niggers are humans, capable of doing all that non-niggers can do and that a "woman" can have a penis because feelings and 50 genders are more retarded
Im a flat earther and creationist and I have an IQ of 160 so I kind of prove you wrong here, globehead evolunatic.
First, an IQ test isnt a website that gives you a random number.
Secondly, if (with the extremely small chance of it being real) you have this IQ, its a ShitScale called Cattel, created to get higher IQ.
In your shitscale, i have 180 IQ, fyi.
And thirdly, stop lying about you mere 70 IQ and your brainwashed life.
If I draw a picture with a pencil it'd be considered 50,000 years old, due to the graphite being that old
Flat earthers are more retarded from experience. Some of the supposed "evidence" for the earth being flat that they post here on Sup Forums can be refuted with physics knowledge I learned at school.
Creationists aren't retarded per se since they accept that their belief is a religious one and not a scientific one.
>mom cooks spaghetti for dinner
>1st child: Wow, mom made spaghetti for us
>2nd child: Wrong. The pasta was boiling in hot water for ten minutes, that's how this dinner was created. There is no proof mom exists
This is what you sound like
Linked to wrong post, or mind explaining?
>online testing
Sciencists can point to evidence that the Big bang did in fact happen, equating it with the creation of the universe, but they cannot disprove that God herself caused the Big bang
Then your argument is that you have no argument.
What exactly does the government have to gain from pretending the Earth is flat?
Absolutely nothing, its just retard not wanting to admit truth (that they can verify themselves)
fuck off sphereists
like think about it mang... if there's more land out there, why should we stay here and keep working n shiieet. they wanna control us mang, keep us here thinking we're on a ball! WAKE UP! if we're like on a ball, it makes people think they're insignificant and we're just part of the universe - not the centre of the universe like the bible tells us :)
But wouldn't it be easier to say "The land ends here" rather than constantly faking several images and scientific experiments?
me and my friend were talking about this once. If god really did existed, there would be an all powerful god creator of all gods.