>National (((Socialism)))
National (((Socialism)))
ancapism is just as cancerous, there needs to be a minarchist government to stop anarcho-feudalism from developing
Just been Truth Bombed
What's wrong with feudalism?
Anyone else think being NatSoc was one of the important steps towards enlightenment?
daily reminder that almost every ancap """"""""""intellectual""""""""" is a kike
daily reminder that ancapism is a scheme to prevent intelligent rightleaning goyim from collectivizing
>I want there to be nothing in between Jewish run megabanks and my family, property, and soul.
It's not rape if the child consents.
Hans gets it , any ideology that is collectivist will always crash the fertility rate of smart people to give free money to retards.
Had hitler not view people as collective and not individuals he would not have pursued jews , moscow would be nuclear ruins right now and we would be speaking german.
I mean fucking edward teller wanted to nuke the commies with passion.
Collectivism is a mistake it is Cultural entropy
>capitalism lead to prosperity
>prosperity leads to less infant deaths and easy life
> this leads to the welfare state or social democracy as others would call it
> this leads to more problems which are solver by more state
>eventually the smart are being taxed to provide to the retards that dont stop having kids
>as smart people are taxed to death like in venezuela ,argentina ,brasil or the european union the population becomes more retarded and the few kids that are being born are the result of high testosterone retards that fuck without giving a shit in the consequences
>country goes full idiocracy
>you end up like venezuela
>civil war
>high testosterone retards killed
>low testosterone smart people escape war or are given good and important jobs at militaries in research
>when the war end you end up with smart people with new talents and dead retards
this cycle cant be stoped evolve or die
Your helicopter hero is a kike/(((CIA))) puppet.
Ancap is my favorite meme.
No. It's what gave Europe the coup de grace.
Good , israel is a great country , a western beacon of light and progress in a ocean of islamic darkness.
On the other side your fascist heroes fucked european fertility last century and are still doing it.
I mean i supported trump but fucking le pen? She wanted more state , when its the statism(and high taxes to pay the state) in france what has fucked the frogs fertility and made them import kebabs in the first place .
The libertarian redpill is the harder to swallow because it gives you the last truth , evolution is demanded by the universe , if you let your future in the hands of politicians you are going to tie your future to retards and will pay for that with hunger ,sadness and death.
Also israel is a great example of the cycle that i spoke about , in 30 years they developened nuclear weapons and space capabilities without resources simply because retarded jews stayed in europe and the smart and confident ones get the fuck out.
So israel is a country with a great pool of smart and confident people , basically the only good result of nazi eugenics.
>Good , israel is a great country , a western beacon of light and progress in a ocean of islamic darkness.
Stopped reading there. It's clear you're a kike shill like most anclaps.
this meme has no sense whatsoever
in a sense that it's not standing with what anarchists have to say about economics
ohh right..
Hitler was a muslim lover , luther wanted the ottomans to invade europe succesfully.
Take the final redpill , stop putting your future with that of retards , be an individual , rise above others ,and if possible bring others up too.
Ancap is the zenith of nu-Sup Forums.
>Kikes involved
>Civic nationalism
>dictatorship of the (((high finance)))
>Idol is a CIA-backed meme dictator that loved the Jews and removed like 3 commies in total.
Collectivism is a mistake.
Economy booms after ((((Pinochet)))) gives up most of his power in 1990.
Fuck this nu-Sup Forums subhuman.
and 900 % inflation rate before he got in, i hate those retards dictators, but what made pinochet different was that after he could not fix the economy he leave it to the market and everything magically started working.
Bitcoin 1600 dollars>in 10 years it will be 7600> buy now hans , thanks me latter.
>he leave it to the market and everything magically started working.
Shitty stuff like no minimum wages, pollution, the EU and mass immigration of unskilled workers are a direct result of capitalist systems working on normal.
It needs restriction to prevent ""Ancap"" == dictatorship of the high finance and industrial ownership.
> europoors actually believe this
Throw communists out of helicopters.
Throw capitalists off of rooftops.
Fuck the individual, man against time 1945.
Wrong , yes there are libertarian retards who want open borders , but any smart individual would realize that in a libertarian society there would not be unions(mafias) , so in order to prevent the wages to fall you need a controlled border.
And the minimum wage is not bad as long as its not forced to states with different labor supply.
Regarding pollution , the soviet union contaminated more than the us , and the us had more cards than people , while nearly no soviet citzen had car.
On reality capitalism and free market reduces resource consuption to its minimum ,things like tesla could not happen even in the eu.
You simply cant innovate with strong unions and high taxes , so pollution has been reduced because free merket has free press and people are informed about the shit industry is doing.
To this day russia has foreigners banned from cities like Norilsk so no one can see the damage that a planed economy does to the enviroment , not to mention the aral sea.