Can this be done?
Can this be done?
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it's impossible if we have to follow the last line
The end point shouldn't be to align her views with ours but to make her realise some of our views have merit, much like some of her views have merit. I don't know about you guys but I don't consider myself a bigot.
OP here
The only reason I say that is we don't want to scare her off...we want her to willingly take it.
What would be a better troll?
Trolling laci green, which everyone does.
Or trolling the entire SJW communities by converting one of their main faces into an R.R.
Just my opinion.
Op here
Being a realist about the races makes you a bigot?
You have an ID, fag.
You don't have to announce yourself every time you make a post
Laci Green already took the "white pill"
This is literally my first time posting, do you think I care?
Sam Harris talked to the guy who popularized the IQ Bell Curve.
Im a Liberal/Progressive Lefty Green Party voter in New Jersey, I can now easily accept there is a difference of IQ and that it affects a persons outcome, and the average outcome of a society.
Am i a race realist?
acknowledging there is a difference doesnt affect how I treat people because there is no way to tell where each individual is on the bell curve without testing them. And even if they are stupid, i wouldnt treat them any worse, likely just change how i present information.
that's not really her is it?
First one could be her, second one is very unlikely
not your personal army etc etc
gas yourself normie cuck
post butthole
She's a known drug addict, she probably does this to get her cocaine/heroin on a weekly ore monthly basis.
>Stupid leftist whore realizes she is on the losing side
>Switches sides
>People are accepting her with open arms
People who are even paying any attention to this stupid whore are cucks.
More or less. It's the healthy perspective.
>some of her views have merit
Something about her smirk is so fucking hot.
stop shilling this dumb kike whore
No, but thinking her view is wrong and yours is right is. Sometimes it seams like Sup Forums represent everything it claims to hate, and yes I am aware Sup Forums isn't one person
Lurk more
here is his talk with Charles Murray.
Honestly we shouldn't give our attention to people who were not just openly opposing us, but in fact leading the opposition. Women are attention whores. She is only doing this because she knows she will get attention from thirsty betas.
>Being a realist
Racism is the understanding that there is differences among the races. Yeah, it is racism, but they don't mean it's not the truth.
Laci Green is still a Feminist. She's trying to co-opt the Mangina's in the Red Pill movement and split it to destroy it.
Don't fall for this harpy.
It's like when a woman puts a restraining order on her ex-husband, then lures him to the park to see their kids pretending she's reconciling. Then she screams "rape" and calls the cops, sending you to jail for decades. When do this shit all the time.
Is there anyone on earth with a more punchable face?
Well some are bull shit like 'we live in a patriarchal society' or 'we should flood the USA with immigrants' but others such as not blaming the victim do have merit
Sage, she's a ad revenue eceleb that relies on click baiting for views.
>And even if they are stupid, i wouldnt treat them any worse, likely just change how i present information.
Right, and that makes sense. But would you let them vote?
She was raised in a conservative Mormon family and then got brainwashed at college like that Antifa girl with the dreadlocks. She'll either grow up, get married and realise that feminism is bullshit and feminists are a bunch of spoiled brats or she'll become a fat, childless spinster, get a job in (((academia))) and become a miserable, bitter radical feminist
what if the victim deserved it?
Yes, you have big tits. Good for you. Kat Dennings does the same without a being totally fucking annoying waste of an attractive Aryan-Jewess body riddled with venereal disease and a degeneration of the mind.
>For kek of course. XD
>Make her become a "race realest" by convincing her that feminism is cancer (???)
was this made by a 14yo?
She's a d-list e-celeb leftist. Her opinions count for nothing and her fans doubly so.
You can play with her tits if you want but only after she's been hung.
You do realise that telling girls "it's totally never even slightly your fault if you get drunk and get raped at a party, it's also totally empowering to walk around late at night dressed like a slut" Is terrible advice that actually increases the chance that some naive girl will get taken advantage of. Honestly I swear radical feminists secretly hope that more girls get raped so that they become man-hating feminists too
It probably is, she used to get nude on some cam site before she got e-famous.
No it was made by laci green.
>be laci green
>see alt right
>thousands of thirsty NEET men
>very few alt right Waifus and Stacies
>notice how many orbiters you could get
>start trying to get Sup Forums to "redpill" you
>pretend to become redpilled after getting Sup Forums to troll you
>get thousands of beta orbiters throwing you money
Good luck, she's Jewish
>turn her into a race realist
>by convincing her feminism is cancer
How are those two related?
I think what she needs is a good old fashioned orgy to turn her into a cock worshiping slut.
im good at explaining things simply.
instead of making a grand argument with a global scale, i would make it about them. Things they would lose or gain, appeal to emotion. works with youtube comments. Go into a "debate" assuming the person is a Genius, then simplify it until you conclude you're talking to a wall.
altho even if i cant convince them i dont mind them voting on their own. If their IQ is vastly lower and society stratifies further, what matters to both of us might be completely different. Removing their political power might remove a crucial counter balance. we would be left with a segment of society that is very smart and wealthy completely walled off from the poor less intelligent working class. its likely they would be neglected and taken advantage of more than they already are.
One avenue of persuasion that hits her on her feminist side is to cite crime statistics for rape.
Blacks rape disproportionately compared to their demographic size. Especially how they rape white women and whites don't rape black women. Also how blacks are less likely to stay as fathers and leave the white women they knock up. Etc.
Dear Leaf,
1. I love you for understanding (((the problem))). You are a credit to your foliage.
2. Anglo Pride Worldwide.
3. Laci started this thread. She's been shitposting in Sup Forums for far longer than I have been channing. She is doing this to get clicks and shekels and probably also because she finds the idea of NEETs wanking to her sexually gratifying. OP is literally Laci and just doing this for attention.
>implying she isn't already having weekly orgies getting pounded by natsocs
user please.
OP you dumb fucking faggot - the red pill is a cascade event, she's already opened her eyes a little, the rest will happen without our help.
Check'em trips
What's wrong with getting blind drunk? It certainly doesn't justify getting raped
Trying to turn her into a realist is retarded.
Respect free speech you kike faggot
Are you aware that the continuation of civilized society is not guaranteed? That it takes constant work to maintain? Allowing unintelligent people to direct the fate of the country puts everyone's life at risk. The supposed benefit of reduced social stratification is meaningless if there is no longer a society to begin with.
No. I'd rather meme her into losing some weight and doing some BBC porn to prove her commitment to anti-racism and freedom of sexuality.
Objective 1: Spell "race realist" correctly
that bell curve guy when talking to Harris explained that the Average IQ of humanity is going UP. we can either split into two different species, one smart, one money OR we can advance together.
might take longer, but consider it Character Development for Humanity. And we wont have a race of lesser humans at the end.
>one money
What I'm saying is that if we let the idiots steer the ship we could all die. Starvation can happen quickly, and within the past hundred years there are plenty of examples of that happening when a country is mismanaged. Zimbabwe is the most recent example that comes to mind. If they were still Rhodesia, this would not be happening.
Boo this man!
A woman getting raped while drunk/walking around late at night dressed like a slut is no different to a man getting robbed/mugged/beaten while drunk/walking around late at night, bad people will always prey on the stupid and the naive.
There's a reason the term "white girl wasted" exists, only white women in feminist Western countries are stupid enough to think that they can do things like get blind drunk without their being any consequences for their actions. Even women in extremely safe countries like Japan aren't stupid enough to get blind drunk, especially in public.
she has herpes and HIV, right?