Been on Sup Forums for 8 years, on Sup Forums about half a year now. Been half a year of about 15 hours a day, every day in a week. Fully redpilled on everything.
Problem is that I feel like I have learned a lot, and and there is not much to learn anymore except stack up more JPG's of examples and inforgraphs to confirm what I already know, and Sup Forums to me is getting repetitive to the point where it makes me constantly agitated and sometimes even hostile in real life where I can't even stand my family members and sperg out on small pet peeve behaviors like a recovering drug addict. I can fully see it's me who is too short-fused and they are just like they have always been, so I need to change myself.
Now I have always been somewhat impatient, so there is also fact that reading Sup Forums takes up simply too much of my time, I read it from work, from home, when I go outside I think about stuff I saw from Sup Forums. I can't really afford to get stuck like this, and need to focus more on developing useful career-related skills so I can advance to a higher-paying job and focus on stuff like getting a gf, making new friends, getting /fit/, maybe even stopping smoking etc.
Some user on Sup Forums gave a brilliant suggestion - go on a Sup Forums detox for few weeks. My question is that has anybody attempted this before, and has simple advice before I attempt the same. And if yes, how did this detox affect you?
>inb4 you're here forever No shit, I am not saying I am gonna leave forever, just want to get my browsing habits in control and not spend so much fucking time here (for example I see a thread about Richard Spencer with more than 100 replies and I can already predict the talking points I am gonna read with precision of a german autist). If I am serious about nationalism, I need to become much more in touch with the world around me.
go for it. and learn meditation, it's time you really drink in the knowledge you've gained.
Blake Wilson
>Been half a year of about 15 hours a day
Benjamin Brooks
At first I thought this was fresh pasta but then I saw the flag. You're pathetic.
Charles Davis
just set in stone browsing times
stick to it,that way you can improve your life and shitpost
Austin Parker
Start a revolution. Change the world so we're the new normalfags.
Ayden Parker
This is an anonymous turkenistani yurta-building workshop, if I wanted to b8 I would have found a less personal topic to push, and be more dramatic or something.
What types of meditation would you suggest?
Gavin Reyes
Sup Forums is a place of entropy and pointing out everything wrong with the world and how assholes are encouraging it.
So go build something. You can even start small with minecraft or an RPG if that's your thing but the real world is better. Build yourself in the gym, build something in your room. Build a better relationship with your RL friends or mom. Build a gallows for a commie leftist.
Parker Brown
>half a year
You get used to it. Eventually. I've been here same time as you, 8 years, but Sup Forums for 6 of those. There really is no going back, no normie pill, no retaking the blue pill.
Easton Bailey
I live in a small meme country that exists at the mercy of US military might, can't start any revolutions from here I'm afraid.
Good one, also a chance to practice some self-dicipline. 1-2 hours before bedtime sounds doable for the near future.
Jace Watson
>spends 15 hours a day on the computer >"redpilled" stop lying to yourself, you're the worst kind of degenerate there is. Have some self respect you fucking mong.
Hudson Scott
i'm literally in the same situation user, best thing I've found that helps is to quit or slow down any bad habits you've already developed.
I'm trying to slow down on smoking, started eating healthier, fapping less, getting fit isn't bad either, you'll never unlearn what you've learned here, but that doesn't have to hinder you socially.
As for dealing with other people idk I just find I really have to force myself to not care about other people's problems, i have a similar short fuse and tend to sperg out too but I try and stay reserved even among peers and family.
Evan Evans
Creating something good is how you move on from this place. Either create a family, or work on a personal project, or invent something that's needed.
There is no cure, only medicine.
Landon Lopez
You can't. There's no going back. No one can lie to themself that hard.
Leo Jackson
Only one way to swallow the blue pill now.
Hunter Morris
I am not gonna go back to being libtard again, but since you're longer been redpilled than me, you out of all people should know that sucessfully hiding the power level and being subtle in occasional redpilling is just as important as spending time to find out truth in this world.
Thanks user, I will.
Adam Mitchell
you're ready for self actualization through occult litarature and meditation.
you're still gonna make it, remember womens opinions re not to be considered unless in matters of spirituality and decour. nothing dealing with objective morality.
Brayden Ramirez
Good luck, we're all gonna make it brah.
Aaron Richardson
Elijah Barnes
Elijah Perez
You peered behind the veil You found the cracks in the facade You opened the box
you don't just unsee or unlearn that shit
Those who learn the real truth of this world have a duty to help others learn how bad things really are
only when enough people see the real world behind the curtain for the first time and find it wanting will change be possible
Joshua Thompson
Get some sun and some exercise.
Quit Sup Forums completely for a couple weeks.
Start something. Even if it's just a new video game you've been wanting to try out - anything that can give you a sense of accomplishment.
Chill with people more. Hit up old friends and go bowling or some shit.
You'll be ok user. Too much of anything isn't healthy, especially internet usage.
Oliver Murphy
you read my mind when I typed
>you still gonna make it
Chase Powell
I remember when I felt that way, sure.
I don't hide much of my power level anymore. Of course I don't go around 1488 sieg heiling everywhere, but I talk about race and gender. At some point, you'll realize that nothing will change if we keep hiding our power level.
I don't want to sound too harsh or superior though, I remember those dark days, the first year or so, when it all just feels hopeless and like you are wasting your life away on here. My suggestion there is to find a couple of self-improvement hobbies. Find some gym buddies, if you're religious, get involved in the church, write, draw, something helps you, and something that helps the cause. It's the best way to get out of that pit.
Beyond that, just learn the red pill, live it. The side effects are harsh, but they don't last very long.
Ayden Gray
If it were me I'd create a family, and spend my free time working on a project. I'd like to learn the violin, and how to make my own clothes for instance.
Kayden Russell
>occult literature fugg I am an agnostic, but that stuff sounds creepy. When I read LeVey's satanic bible it was purely dedicated to praising animalistic impulses in human beings, couldn't stand to read beyond few dozen pages.
Jace Williams
>8 years
ultra newfag
Daniel Gonzalez
>Those who learn the real truth of this world have a duty to help others learn how bad things really are
is it really our duty?
I 'd like a confirmation on that, because right now it seems its an state of mind that will lead me to living under a rock
Camden Allen
>advice before I attempt
Stay one day but not before cutting your own face off. It'll go like this:
>"user? It's time for dinner."
>*opens door*
>user turns with skull face, > "I feast upon the souls of the week"
>*committed for x years*
That way you can take a forced longer-than-you'd-want detox and you'll come back ready for more.
Camden Murphy
How the hell is that supposed to work when you can just remove the addon?
Christopher Diaz
Forgot to mention - cooking is a really fun and rewarding hobby to get into. Everybody likes food. Find some Estonian recipes you like, or find some Burger online cookbooks. American cooking is always fun and delicious.
Luke Rodriguez
Ever thought of getting yourself banned?
Connor Edwards
oh its all intro to babylonian mystery religion, but the information is mixed with half truths and lies. To learn to determine the true from false hood is where the secret lies.
It took me a while, but the redpills after are worth it.
Owen Johnson
please get sober user
Aaron Flores
You aren't addicted to Sup Forums, you have a void you are trying to fill within yourself. All this is just a lot of yammering and will have no impact after your dead. You can try replacing this addiction with another and weening yourself off that way.
Kevin Barnes
You gots to sort yourself out bucko.
Xavier Parker
I guess you're right. I will definitely find a way to incorporate the redpill in my real life. I've been thinking about joining the my country's (Anti-EU, Anti-Immigration, Ethnic Nationalist, Pro-Christian Values) nationalist conservative party's youth wing soon when I move to a bigger city within my country. Lifestyle changes also seem essential.
Sounds good, especially with the warm summer weather coming up.
I will try one of those extensions only as last measure.
Christopher Russell
>Fully redpilled on everything. Research Nazi Germany economics, Soviet vs. Nazi conflict casualties, American vs. Nazi conflict casualties and Hitler's heritage. Research the total number of white causalities during World War 2.
Lincoln Butler
sometimes I question whether taking the redpill was the right choice.
Charles Williams
+1 to build something
also, only half a year?
git gud newfag
Jordan Brooks
When you make the leap from Sup Forums shitposter to actual activist, life gets easier to tolerate.
Kayden Sanders
Heres you a (you)
Ethan Morgan
right is subjective
Matthew Murphy
DESU it's thanks to Sup Forums that I ended up improving my life in such dramatic way You faggot have done a lot for me
William Edwards
It's always been the duty of the enlightened to pass their knowledge along to those who have not seen 'the light', whatever that may be
The reason normies keep falling for the same tricks and keep finding themselves stuck in the same waking nightmare day after day without a clue is because they just don't know any better. They, through willfull ignorance or otherwise, don't see the class, race, culture war being waged on them, they don't see the tactics used to divide and conquer them, they don't see the maneuverings, the lies, the fabrications, the hidden hands behind the madness. They cannot or will not accept that something is dreadfully wrong. That naivete and ignorance keeps them from tearing all of that down and making a better life for them and their peers.
Knowledge is the most powerful weapon, stronger than any bomb or missile. And the masses, the normies, are more or less disarmed.They need to be armed with knowledge, they need to know who the enemy who opposes them is. They need to know where he hides, what tactics he uses, and most importantly, how to be rid of him once and for all.
People who know this need to pass it on, and keep passing it on so that it's never lost. The enemy knows knowledge is their silver bullet, that's why the internet is being reined in. Information control will be the final shackle and once they've slapped that particular iron on the people, it's over, there will be no fighting back.
You have a gift, don't squander it. Pass that knowledge on and ensure it will always be on someone's mind. Don't let people forget.
Ryder Perez
Same for me you shitty kangeroo nigger.
Asher Reyes
>fully redpilled on everything you don't know anything
Parker Butler
Have you ever tried thinking? It doesn't take a genius to debunk most of the garbage infographics spammed in this shithole.
Jace Cruz
You will never go back to full normie, unfortunately it's simply impossible. The only way to get close is to find a girl you are totally in love with and learn to be happy. Even then the stuff you have learned here will still haunt you occasionally.
Daniel Morales
>mfw on Sup Forums since 2013 >mfw I was right wing free market nut before and now I feel more socialist and less right wing
The ultimate red pill is no one knows anything, and nothing on Sup Forums really matters
Go live your life
Angel Lee
start by locking down the mindfulness of breathing. work up to 15 minutes a day.
then do some more research into it. Meditation is very flexible exercise, you can teach yourself to visualise and re-visit past events and locations in full hd with the power of your mind in a meditative state. there's no limit to the potential you have within your mind.
you've filled your sub conscious with information that is giving you cognitive dissonance in your daily life. attacking your family and driving them away is obviously not what you want, but you cannot ignore it when they fall for social manipulation. It is a tough state to live with and you're not alone.
only by observing the way your mind reacts to your thoughts will you be able to break the cycle of input - reaction.
also a well managed sleep pattern will vastly improve your memory.
Lucas Lee
this man is smart accept his wisdom
Just live your life. Some things you cannot control. Focus on the things you can.
Spend ten minutes a day looking up smoking facts, associating smoking with the harmful effects on your health, the cost, etc. Look at pictures of lungs, teeth, esophageal cancer, etc. Remind yourself that your body can heal all the damage from smoking in about 7 years, so start asap. Also, get yourself a reward every day you go without smoking. Could be something sweet, buy yourself a new skin in an online game, whatever you like. About the price of cigarettes, and something you'll enjoy.
Cameron Cruz
Interesting site. Will examine tomorrow
Ryder James
read a fucking book
Henry Torres
>tfw 4th year on Sup Forums and still learning and improving
Get some motivation m8, Sup Forums changed me, considerably, and I haven't ever looked back.
Daniel Kelly
good. I'm guessing you're young. I dwelled in existentialism for a long time and wasted the opportunites youth brings. Please read and understand the difference between existential and politcal nihilism.
Charles Cooper
Will do. Browsed quickly for tonight but this really spoke to me
"The nihilistic vision is a positive result extracted from a negative event. This vision is very much an apocalypse but only for those that have had their chance and ruined it for everyone, the failing, ruling-elite. People fear the consequences but the shrewd revel in the bountiful opportunities bestowed by the aftermath for the best time to rebuild is after the storm."
Bentley Young
The last redpill is realising that there will always be room for more redpills.
Enlightenment can never end, you can always learn new things, there is an infinite series facts in this universe.
What I've concluded about life is that it is simply an experience, it's our job to assign any meaning and to make it the best experience possible. It's all just one big game user and self improvement is the best path to take.
Start working out, meditation, plant-based diet, no fluoride, no soft/heavy metals in your body, cold showers, try to be mindful of yourself all of the time and work on who you are. You need to love yourself before you can love anything else, then you can be naturally happy with everything in life.
I don't remember the last time I was down at all.
Carter Baker
I smile everytime nihilism is mentioned disparagingly on here, if only they knew the true depth of it all.