Kekistan rises at local Socialist breeding university. Flinders University of South Australia. I'll keep you updated

Kekistan rises at local Socialist breeding university. Flinders University of South Australia. I'll keep you updated.

This "kekistan" shit is gay as fuck mate. Please don't keep us updated.

Eh, if it enrages leftytards, it's all good.


I miss when newfags and underage were shamed and hated. I'm getting to old for this inane bullshit.

There is better ways to piss them off. Argue facts until the cunt get a headache, not with this childish kek thing. It's just as bad as the whole "Anti Fascist" movement.

kek has spoken?

>wtf we didn't actually want to win the culture war and effect normies
>t. Sup Forums

Normies will always be cringy fucks but I thought the goal was to influence them

>culture war

underage infowars fans please leave

>there is no culture XD
Whatever the fuck you are, pls leave

Nice strawman you fucking mongolian.

It was funny for maybe the first few days, but there comes a point where something becomes too forced and crosses into cringe territory. Kekistan has long since passed that point. It's adoption by r*ddit isn't helping, either.

>there is no culture war XD
Only possible if there is no culture, so where is the strawman?

Because it got widely adopted. Or what would you have reddit adopt that wouldn't turn cringy?

Friendly reminder that all we need to do to derail this Sargon of Acuck co-opt is push the CORRECT version of the flag.

If meme'd enough, ANTIFA/Media will confront the IRL larpers about the use of this. Let's force the Alt-Lite to defend it.
>see if MUH FREE SPEECH really matters

There is obviously a clash of cultures in most Western countries now, but you sound like a twelve year old when talking about

>winning le culture war

Wtf haha

Fibro is right. Being edgy for the sake of being edgy rather than being satisfied when the desired change has occurred is what is gay as fuck.

Jesus fuck
>there is no culture war!!
>o-ok there is, but if you say so I'll say there isn't
>because internet cred
>on an anonymous Mongolian fishing board

You are the cringiest thing in this thread by far.

yes and kek has decided that with these digits, everyone who reads this posts mom will die in their sleep tonight unless they can come up with higher digits.

I feel like there's two levels of cringe: stuff that we cringe at, and stuff that normalfags cringe at. We may see dumbass redditor memes and think they're awful, while tons of normies think the opposite. The thing is, stuff like OP's pic has made it to the "normie cringe" territory. I guarantee you that every regular person who sees posters like that will think it's retarded.

kek confirms

this. rarely see this version posted

kekistan needs a good genocide

So again, what would you have them adopt that wouldn't turn cringy?

The kekistan thing makes the left mad so I don't really mind.

Its a lot more harmless than posting smuggies.

>Mike yalololpolfaggot annoys leftists so I don't mind that he's gay a kike and a cock gobbler.

Shadilay kekurons have shown an increased fluctuation in brain cortex and thus increase kekquotient.
Side effects: might gas the Jews.

This, and any time you try calling this cringy shit out they spam d&c shill. The redditors push civic nationalism and that obviously never works which is evident considering the race relations all around the world are terrible.

>he thinks leftists will respond to logic, facts and reasoning

Gonna go to Flinders and fucking piss on your signs after my exams are done

Stupid cringey cunt

Pretty cool stuff. Keep us updated.

We have to push this onto reddit so they go there instead of to us.

Both altright and altlite is cringe in their own way. The main problem with the "kekistani" people is they don't worship kek properly. It's not about "praising" him it's about allowing kek the ability to bestow upon you the gift of digits. Has anyone seen a "kekistani" actually check digits?

fuck off with this kekistani bullshit

it's so fucking normie its disgusting

it's reddit shit, even sargon and his fans are using it and they've definitely do not browse Sup Forums

there is no goal

That's the point, they won't because they can't. This will make them rage even More once they realize their ideology is not based on facts


what a waste of a HECS loan

I know people are getting tired of the Kekistan meme, but not me
The main point of it is to trigger lefties that just don't understand what it is, and to joke others into seeing how ridiculous the left is being
And it's still working, isn't it?
I don't see why you people have to be so bitter about everything. To me it doesn't matter one bit that Leddit has taken it, all i care about is triggering twats, and for as long as it's working, i will enjoy it.

And civic nationalism is to blame?

From my vantage point, shitty d&c identity politics are to blame.

This is a 18+ website faggot. Read the rules.

This is our chance to get rid of the leddit audience.
call it their movement and shill it hard.

>he sees things differently from me
>That means he's not 18 yet
Perfect logic.

But please, explain to me, why is it so important to disassociate with redditards that you don't even want to mock lefties the way they do?
Aren't you basically saying that reddit is worse than lefties?

They are.
And what's so good about mocking lefties? They're stupid but we have better shit to do sonny.

>Supporting increased HECs fees.

Off yourself nigger.

>intentionally trying to weaken groups that are supporting the same side as you
exactly why?

Okay, better shit like what?
And it's not the act of mocking the lefties that's good, it's showing people how stupid they are when they get triggered by a made-up ethnicity, which will make people question them, and the lefties lose their foothold in politics

it is. we're fine, this is how it's always been. some will feel the need to cry. it's never easy saving Western civilization.

>I would rather be outnumbered when fighting an enemy because those who share my enemies aren't exactly like me
How fast you can go from zero to fash is not a question of physical possibility, it's whether or not the movement will survive how fast you try to push it. Did an emu peck out your brain or does being upside down all the time fuck with your head?

>what's good about mocking lefties?
>ignore them, focus on the people who support the right
fuck off /r/marchforprogress

This is cringy but the
>are you stupid
>yes you are
Got me

>I'll keep you updated.
please don't

fucking kill yourself this shit is pathetic

I donno, until now the right didnt really have a cultural identity to help identify kindred spirits, no easily recognizable traits or symbols. It might be stupid but then again so are college kids, if this allows right leaning students to feel they aren't alone they will be more prepared to actually stand up for themselves.
Nobody wants to be alone in fighting the group, nobody wants to be a pariah. Ideally this'll give them the confidence to start arguing with lefties and actually provide some kind of opposition to them.

Bachelor in arts can earn you a lot of money if you are really good or study something like 3D computer modelling(high demand for this shit). If you are not you are going to work at McDonald's.

Or he can work with me at walmart!!!

muh wave of racist incidents

Retard. Proving once again that Australians are the leaves of the southern hemisphere.

Civic nationalism is avoiding the main issue for the sake of not offending anyone.

Stop trying to be a fucking Sup Forums personality you faggot. Nobody cares about the inside of a shitty store

>he's still stuck in the secret clubhouse mentality

If you've honestly been here for a decade you should be at least 25 years old now. Time to grow up.

Well the digits don't lie. But you have to be really fucking good and not be an autistic special snowflake (those don't get hired anymore).

But just doing a bachelor in arts to feel like you're not wasting daddy's money is never going to fucking work.

Shitty picture of the first poster that went up. There's a couple of these around campus, I think a few of them have already been torn down/replaced