Guess who is the new Miss USA

Guess who is the new Miss USA

The nigger.

I am Greek if dub digits.

if dubbs macedonians will invade greece

the trap on the left

I'll be honest, the black girl is better looking than the girl on the right when it comes to facial structures (except nose). It's rare that I think this but in this case I think it's true.


If the choice is just between those two girls. The black girl is better looking.
What did the other contestants look like?


>girl on left with pounds of make up likely put on by a professional
>girl on right with hardly any
>fair comparison

girl on right looks like a cute, chill surfer girl. girl on left looks like a high maintenance prima donna.

The black girl said, on live tv, in front of millions (1,000,000+), "i am not a feminist, im an equalist" and "healthcare is a privilege, not a right" and won.

Go check Twitter, liberals are raging.

>high maintenance prima donna
W-what if that's what I'm into?

Black trumps white. Welcome to ((TV land)). It's not about beauty it's about $elling a product to normies.

The white girl obviously has some Bogdanoff genes.

based black girl

does she have a patreon or gofundme that i can donate money to?

she should team up with lauren southern and brittany venti to drop epic redpills to the normies

who's with me pedes? Let's show the SJWs that they are the real racists!


ayy lmao on the left

oh shit really?

> let's fight with someone who said things we like otherwise we're from reddit

Sometimes it's hard to decid who the biggest spergs are

i can't think of a single person who actually likes that

The black chick is actually hotter than the blonde in this instance.

Nuclear scientist
Anti feminist

Fuck I don't even give a shit about her being black she legit earned the title no affirmative action needed

Left is better

based black conservative girl

>leftists BTFO yet again

The black girl actually looks lik a girl. The other one looks like a tranny. with that jaw.

What the fuck are you doing here? There is no amount of make up on the world to make anything beautiful out of the turds that are niggers. That creature is hideous. That necrotic skin is so fucking disgusting.

no it isn't you disgusting coalburner racetraitor
that blonde is a qtpa2t

she actually does look better
of course the ton of makup all these models put on turns them basically moving dolls completely estanging their humanity

based black girls are a turn on. they are the antinigger of society

Neither of these ugly cunts I hope

Based hot black girl!

Based black, am I right? You have to go back.


Jesus Christ that nigger is ugly. Someone just kill us already.

Black girl is way hotter. White girl looks manly/trollish.
And don't come here talking about white ffs you're Spanish

I mean

That' not even a black girl that's attractive.

She outright is ugly. And the white girl is gorgeous.

At last OP's case isn't like that.

the 60% white one


The pretty one on the left?

haha cry harder

>girl on right with hardly any
Shows how much you know about make-up.

Looks more like it's comparing someone with makeup to someone with out to me.

I'd post a genghis khan meme but then again you guys got way more mongol since then you inbreds

Agreed. Would breed.

> An American thinks that the chick on the left's face is normal, if not attractive

Le 56% man strikes again

USA is officially a nigger country. Nigger presidents, nigger soldiers, nigger pop-stars, nigger porn actors, nigger athletes, and nigger beauty winners.


The black girl is objectively more attractive

Ayy lmao

I pit you, boy. german

I am thoroughly disgusted. You did it, reddit!

ayyyy lmao


Jee Bill?
How come you are 1st and 4th place as well?


Sure, if you're attracted to monkeys.


WHY IS MAKE-UP ALLOWED IN COMPETITION FOR MISS? Why not just allow cyborgs and anime dolls too? They speak as much sense.

and I'm not going anywhere either

Deal with it, Mongol

The more attractive and intelligent woman on the left, of course

>How can whitegrrls ever compete?

Chick on right looks like a jew with mongoloid skull. Left has better genetics aesthetically. You cant win that argument.

looked it up, damn she sounds based as fuck

>Miss District of Columbia replied that she likes to “transpose” the word feminism to “equalism.”

>“I don’t want to call myself a feminist,” McCullough said. “Women, we are just as equal as men, especially in the workplace.”

id suck the ink out them nigger titties

>a black women with no curves
why bother

Look at this 56% nigger lover

Apparently you can't read because I didn't say any of that bullshit. I don't find black girls attractive in general but I know makeup can work wonders for most women.

hurr muh vpn

checked famalamarino

Checked. Her features are amazing. Skin color is not everything.

No curves, no wide birthing hips, black, 0/10


unrelated but can some tell me the MB limit for webms? i know its like around 4 on wsg so is it the same for Sup Forums?

and no im not a new fag, ive been surfing the chan for 9 months

>9 months

lurk more, young padawan



>and no im not a new fag, ive been surfing the chan for 9 months
wew lad

I dont get the fuss. Makes perfect sense for a country of nogs to choose one.

dang flabbit, do i just upload the webm straight to pol or do i have to link it from wsg

also does it allow audio? i got the audio working in wsg but is Sup Forums different

also im not a newfag, ive been browsing since trump won the election

It's time to redefine what it means to be American.

It's the same, max duration 300s.

>donating to a hot bitch that can get all the money she wants from a bunch of orbiters

Are you out of your god damn mind?

I think the girl on the right is prettier but the girl on the left is still gorgeous. If she had come 4th (assuming the other girls were hotter) then I don't think anyone would have said a word.

Whites are a minority in America, it's only fair that a non-white should represent the nation.

Nah, he's right. You guys should leave with your civnat alt-lite faggotry.

To be fair, most models these days have that weird triangular alien face. They're ugly for the most part.
The gays and women that run the fashion industry are trying to change our sexual preference to weird alien bitches.

No audio, just upload the webm like you would an image, or paste a link to the cdn. They have audio in /wsg/?

The better looking one, so the one on the left,

Does anyone seriously care who's Miss USA?

mob rule is tyranny breh

She looks like a starving Ethiopian. Black women are garbage tier as fuck.

user you might want to look up what satire is or just have your browser redirect you to reddit whenever you click on Sup Forums.

yeah i uploaded a webm there and it worked with audio so i was wondering if audio worked for other boards

i dont wanna upload the webm here to test if it has audio because its for specific threads

she should team up with lauren southern and brittany venti for some spicy girl on girl porn

the nigress, because she looks more american

I don't browse shitholes like Sup Forums and reddit enough to keep up with your faggy ass memes

get a job commie

Cheater was using performance enhancing supplements

I disagree, the black one has at least 3kg of makeup on her, and the face is way too round.

>9 months

you're like a baby

ayyyy lmao

guess who cares

I have no idea, I know that 2mb uploads without any problems. You will lose sound though.
He asked a question, and you project instead of giving an answer.
t. Been here for 3 years.