Modern US family!
It looks like they bought some slaves.
See how the kids aren't as black. This is just slowly breeding the black out of america.
Okay that's great son now go find a real wife
>See how the kids aren't as black.
But they are even less white.
They look French-Canadian to me.
They are hostages.
Got to say the son and his family look genuinely happy...
A white father and black mother is 1000x better than a black father and white mother.
Usually the later is merely a fetish or a way to get back at daddy. You can also bet that those girls will be raised better with a white father.
Those little mulatto girls are cute.
Can you autistic nigger loving shills go back to /r9k/? Or even better kill yourselves
*checks flag*
Every time Amurica the land of mongrels niggers and fags
They actually look more like the dad than the mom, just a little browner.
Not a nigger lover faggot, just stating the truth.
Never said it was acceptable, just that it was better than the later.
yeah, it really does the trick
I fucking hate mixers in general, Ruining your bloodlines over fetishes.
Does anyone have that picture with that grandpa and two niglets?
his oldest looks surprisingly like him, the others look like test tube anomalies
Idk what hurts more them being half nigger or that there is no male heir
That image does not conform to the actual source data. I'm not really sure why. The source data is still shit on the original bullshit study sample. Please use pic related one in the future.
I'm not sharing an opinion, I'm just showing you that said image you posted was altered by the photographer to appear bizarre for an unknown reason.
>Every time
Its usually a bong that is really some kind of slime that's everytime. Be honest. most of the anti miscegenation posts on Sup Forums have the good old stars and stripes next to them.
Modern Romanian family.
That face just screams, "JUST".
To be honest it's kinda true. When I go grocery shopping and see a mix family with the grandparents they always look miserable or disappointed. All races though even blacks just look defeated when they look at their grandkids.
Nice photoshop. Kek....Greece getting uppity. I think we covered your culture in a chapter when i was 10? Oh 300 was good. I love Spartacus.
Black Robert De Niro would be able to make so much money in nu-Hollywood if he can act
Just remake all his father's classics but with diversity!
They think that the fact hardened criminals in prison separate by race, that the rest of the public will as well. Except they won't.
Why are Asian men such alphas despite having the smallest penors?
That's mean, the kid in the back looks well dressed and happy.
I don't know. Maybe they are compensating for something?
You hardly ever see white guys with black women here, my gypsy friend.
Damn granny has a suicidal smile
of course
who wants to man up and burn their fingers off and sue shuttershock for those pics?
That body language is even funnier than the facial expressions.
>feet want to go left, social justice kikery propagandized mind leans the body in right anyway.
>hands carefully not touching any black person is the compromise the subconscious demands for proximity
>Just remake all his father's classics but with diversity!
I want off this ride.
>one drop rule
>This couldve been a white goddess
They look like perfectly lovely people. Everything about this picture screams well-adjusted middle class suburban life.
>all girls
>they will never get a white bf
>and they will probably become whores