The Bogs have briefed the new french president
Other urls found in this thread:
new romantic comedy: the bogs and the bugman
Could it be that even when joking about the bogs
Sup Forums was right again ?
>the bogs and the grave chaser
Who is this man?
Does anyone have a quick rundown?
They told him about the moon people and to start the funds for Bogdagrad on Mars
The Bogs Behind the Cogs
They must have giving him the quick rundown.
The Bogdanoffs expressed their support for powerful as Sup Forums's magic is, you can't really beat the descendants of the ancient kings.
Bog rising...
>Macron bows to the Rothschilds
>Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
Was this even a question? Everyone with a brain knew Macron was a Bogdanoff candidate.
We have the Pleiadians in our blood.
Your move.
They're so grotesque. What do French people actually think of these guys?
They're our direct contact with ancient aliens
Can I get a non meme answer?
Yes, but he can't talk to them directly. Only through the Rothschilds.
They're psychic. Obviously, they can manipulate the entire population into liking them.
they can't keep getting away with this...
They're the shadowy rulers of France. They rule France with iron, but fair fists.
the most powerfal man on the plenat
Sup Forums was actually right omfg
Bognadoffs will turn the EU into the fourth reich
I saw the video, but did not understand his french. I can tell from his facial expression that he excited about Macroni presidenti. That is a good sign for the stars.
Wtf...I love Macron now.
Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>Rothschild monkey
The BOG (bogdanoff organized government) Machine rules the world.
They ordered him to take agent Smith as prime minister
All hail to our overlords.
The multiverse gods will show is the path to transcendence.
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>Macron worked for Rothschilds
>Macron bows to Bogdanoffs
What the fuck? I just looked up that name and I never actually knew that the bogdanoffs weren't just a photoshop thing what the fuck have you done what timeline is this anyway?
Just take the bogpill you faggot.
fucking lurk more
>newfag who hasn't taken bogpill
Wasted trips kys faggot
I wish they would talk to Jerry brown and set his ass straight.
Tripz nyeahhhguh
what the fuck is going on here
is this thread blessed by the Bogs?
Yes it was made by them
I try to tell these people to meme wisely. You fuckers better hope that the next time we swap timelines we don't end up in the one where the universe actually is just a simulation of one of the bogdanoffs thoughts
Here's Barron mind controlling the president
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Some translation about what he says in the video:
"It was a Platonician meeting. It was a unification of beauty, good and truth, the aesthetic feeling, the ethical feeling and the metaphysical feeling"
"Igor and me [...] we felt at home, even if I was alone." (they were probably in they fused form during the meeting)
"Some speech can dissolve the borders between beings (he says "beings", not 'humans") and in his case (Macron) it's a unifying speech."
We're going to have an official contact very soon.
Watch this video and tell me it isn't redpilled
No wonder Le Pen lost. She tried to fight against the might of the Bogdanoffs.
No one can't stop the will of gods
>he hasn't been Bogpilled yet
pretty sure something was just encoded into my brain watching that, not sure what though
You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now.
Pretty much this
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they have their hands in other places as well...
I hope you're not imblyign that's a bad thing
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The French should just make them joint rulers for life, and fire all the dickhead politicians. They could rule by decree from the top of the Eiffel Tower.
They keep getting weirder...
Merkel has ruled Germany for longer than Hitler.
The Bogs ruled France before Hitler was born.
They are our next kings.