Why is Jordan Peterson such a shill for women...

Why is Jordan Peterson such a shill for women? He genuinely thinks that women these days are suffering because not all men are charismatic alpha dudebros that ask women out and all have the traits of perfect idealistic alpha men mixed with compassion and grace. Is this guy a total fucking retard, or is he being told to shill like this?

Other urls found in this thread:


you shills are trying so hard to undermine him but all your attempts come off as either awkward and autistic or total try-hard because this man is impeccable. Hes never even hinted at a fucking thing youve said, yet you make a thread trying to demonize the man for whatever reason. Fuck off our board, shill.

its funny how far you clowns are stretching to try to demonize the man. It just comes off as weak and pathetic on your end. Get a fucking job, virgin loser.

Obviously women still get treated badly in this society. Have you ever fucking heard of porn you loon?

Just because there are movements that exist to make sure women are even better off than men, doesn't mean that they are all treated right. In fact, new wave feminism has actually disadvantaged the modern women.

Most men in this society hate themselves one way or another and this manifests greatly in the mistreatment of women.

The guy complains about how "rough" women have it because young men are not adhering to their traditional gender roles 100 percent. He's a retard, trying to make women eternal victims like everyone else does to women.

Porn is degenerate, but a lot of women go in it willingly and many watch it too. I'm not even sure what you are trying to say here. Why does Jordan Peterson think women are suffering because young men won't date them? He's a fucking idiot.

source, faggot. he says no such thing. He calls to men because men need all the help they can get right now. hes in no way shilling for women though. Who the fuck are you? Why would you bash this man? Youre either fresh from reddit or youre a shill.

He said in a long university lecture Q&A that women "have it rough" because young men don't adhere to their gender roles, and so women find themselves hitting the wall with no man. Also look up that MGTOW video where he calls them "pathetic weasels" for not associating with women. He is a shill for the vaginal jew.

Because young men are supposed to date them in accordance with nature and evolution, just because we didn't live in the past doesn't mean our bodies won't get confused when it lacks something it once always had.

Thanks to the porn industry and other influences, the connection between man and women has been severed and neither sex is getting what they need on average. It's both genders that are suffering but it's mostly mens fault for falling into the porn trap.

>He said in a long university lecture Q&A that women "have it rough" because young men don't adhere to their gender roles, and so women find themselves hitting the wall with no man
that is true though. women need men to be men and if men aren't being men, then women will believe what they are told by the media and the state.
fix the boys, fix the world.

So you admit that you agree with him that women are suffering because men won't date women? That sounds extremely pathetic and desperate. Porn is degenerate but it's not the only issue.

But why should men be men, but women can do whatever they want? If men should adhere to their gender roles then so should women. This western society idea of forcing men into their roles while women can do whatever they want has ended up a disaster.

Being a beta hurts society as a whole, women included. Especially your mother.

Sort yourself out! He says women have it rough because society tells them to be both workers and have a family. He never said anything about men being at fault.

Won't defend what he said about mgtow though, one of the few times I feel he was off base

No its a factor in a many number of issues that society has.

Are you seriously gonna tell me that you think porn has had no influence in this context? You really don't believe that women feel less wanted because men care less about them now?

He apologized recently for his MGTOW statements. He thought he was wrong to say MGTOW men are "pathetic weasels".

But the internet and western society has tried to shame the masses of beta men for a while now, it hasn't worked. Most men are beta, the worst are the ones that know how things are yet flip it to satisfy their hedonistic narcissistic desires. Many young western men are like that but women find a way to deal with it.

So why din't women either choose between one or the other?

Porn is degenerate and I will never defend it. But many women go into porn and many watch it. Porn is the final stage of slut culture and I'm still not sure why you keep talking about it. It's ludicrous to assert that women are oppressed because men won't date them.

>He said in a long university lecture Q&A that women "have it rough" because young men don't adhere to their gender roles, and so women find themselves hitting the wall with no man. Also look up that MGTOW video where he calls them "pathetic weasels" for not associating with women. He is a shill for the vaginal jew.
He took that back. However, if you want men to do better, what you need to do is convince women that men's wellbeing is in their interests.

No one cares about men, and the best men can do is act in our own interests. But if women start to care, there is a possible deal between men and women.

You're not following what I'm saying, probably because you don't want to bend from your opinion at all.

Have fun not being able to properly argue with people.

This is either an alpha who never had to struggle with being male in modern society or a complete beta who is still in denial.

>what you need to do is convince women that men's wellbeing is in their interests.

Sigh, fucking white people.

Have you ever heard of Briffault's Law? Nothing at this point can incentivize women women to give a shit about men's wellbeing - nothing other than forcing them to submit.

Do you really think you can compete against the state for m'ladies?

>t. pathetic weasel

>girls, do what you want!
>boys, do what girls want!

Yeah. Really activates my almonds.

We are having a discussion, I am inclined to defend my position, I just can't understand yours. Try to phrase it differently, I just don't see your point m8.

Jordan Peterson seems like a shill at this point.

A certain amount of women do care about men, it's just that western society is set up so men are not cared about and are ostracized. Jordan Peterson knows this, he just decides to throw gasoline on the fire and shame young men into opting back into a system and society that never did them any favors. It's not about "women", it's about the culture and society. He knows how things are yet he sides with the degenerates.

>A certain amount of women do care about men, it's just that western society is set up so men are not cared about and are ostracized. Jordan Peterson knows this, he just decides to throw gasoline on the fire and shame young men into opting back into a system and society that never did them any favors. It's not about "women", it's about the culture and society. He knows how things are yet he sides with the degenerates.
Most women care about men, but don't really understand men's incentives. Feminists hate men, but like 80% of women are not feminists, and half don't like feminists.

If women understand where men are coming from and that they can't shame men into submission anymore, they can act in a way that can be mutually beneficial.

No women care about men. Not about the men being raped in their jail cells, not about the homeless men.

Some women advocate for popular men's issues for attention. Nobody cares, tho. Not the men, not the women. Nobody.

I am saying that porn is a FACTOR among many that is increasing how much women suffer today.

I mentioned evolution and how women have became used to being flirted with and have men take an interest in them because genetically, women still expect that and when they don't get it, it will affect how they feel, in a bad way.

Porn has influenced men greatly to constantly seek other women and not give them the same attention they used to receive in the past.

For this reason - obviously there are more - men are making suffer more by being addicted to porn.


What is up with these albinoids and their delusions about women?

He is right. Look at these gen z girls begging for millennial cock cuz the fuckbois their age can't do the job

Pussywhiped betas. This whole thread is Sup Forums trying to use weaponized autism to rationalize women as worthwhile human beings, instead of the worthless cumdumpsters they are.

If women didn't have pussies, they'd be hunted for sport.

>muh MGTOW were shit on

No argument from me there, my good man. You're on point.

Turns out if you want to enslave a race all you need to do is free it's women.

It's safe to say women can't shame men into submission anymore. Since all points on the internet spectrum shame men in some way, but men don't seem to have budged at all. But I disagree that "most women" care about men. A good amount do, but a lot also do not.

You don't need to tell me twice that western society doesn't care about men.

So your argument boils down to, women get their fee fees hurt and all of a sudden that is "oppression"? Not only is that pathetic, but I don't even think women care as much as the internet ideologues say they do.

Gen Z males and millennial males both overwhelmingly still want to fuck women, I see no proof otherwise.

He also says women are only truly satisfied if they bear children. So a lot of people say he is sexist against women. Either way I like him because he speaks truth to trannies. I'm sick of those freaks getting their way from society.

I don't think you encompass the ability to decipher an argument and understand what it means.

I don't think I could have made it clearer for you. Have fun in your own personal echo chamber.

Yeah but if you aren't dating and fucking women, do you really think you are being treated unjustly by being called a weasel? I'll call you a faggot.

>it's not my fault I'm a beta faggot

yeah it is. stop being a faggot.

>insanely good post
Oh wow, spot on insight. You are right; I will not like him anymore. Hail the DNC!

Men aren't being men because they are being told by society to be beta pussies. He is saying you CAN be yourself (a man). He's giving you permission not forcing you.

complaining about women is about as big of a pussy thing you can do. grow up and get off pol. youre embarrassing

You said women are oppressed because guys won't flirt with them. I disagreed.

So you think women are oppressed too because guys won't date them?

Nothing to do with American politics.

But he talks all the time about the greater dynamic of men and women. This goes beyond individuals. What defines a "man" exactly? Internet shaming has proven not to work.

I'm not complaining about women, I'm complaining about Jordan Peterson and how he shills for women.

>stop losing hope in things or it will fuel your pessimism
>children must go through the process of losing hope in their parents to transfer into adulthood
>admits pessimism is a better structure for life

Peterson is interesting. But, that's as far as it goes.

Peterson doesn't say what he really thinks, he says what he thinks will benefit the world.

Why do you think I wrote factor in all capitals?

This is what I mean. I mentioned specially that I think it's a factor like 2/3 times now and you're not listening.

>encompass the ability

What did he mean by this?

m8, you've been going off the entire thread about how women are victims because men either won't date them or won't flirt with them, whatever the case. I just don't see how that makes them victims. Only Sup Forums and reddit and a few bitchy fem blogs seem to agree with you. Porn is degenerate and a factor in society's degradation but women are not blameless victims and porn is not the only issue.

Have the ability within oneself

In order for me to reply to this id actually have to repeat myself for the 3rd time.

Do you even understand what it is I'm trying to put across to you?

Maybe it is true that leafs simply blow in the wind and do nothing else.

he's constantly telling women to get married, have kids and be housewives, and men to grow some balls and act masculine
what's the problem?

He's advocating gender roles, that's all. Calm down op.

He'd probably also say women should be homemakers, kids should be raised by 2 STRAIGHT parents, and the wife should suck her husband off on command.

He'd be right.

rite m8, no need for hostilities. I disagree with your premise. It's ridiculous.

In all the videos I've seen him talk, he never says women should adhere to their gender roles, only that men should adhere to ours, and that men these days are so awful for not letting women have it all and pick and choose. It would be great if he also said women should be housewives, but I've never heard him say that. He also seems blind to the fact that western society has done everything it can to abolish the "traditional" way of doing things. Then he gets mad at young men who weren't even born when tradition was shit on.


his message is clear to women; "if you want to find happiness or meaning in life, don't look for it in a job".

His message in this videos is always the same - women are suffering because they are women, and then it stems from there. Men won't ask them out, men aren't being men anymore so women can't have it all, so on and so forth. And then he circlejerks with his retarded students about how hard women have it, and they all blame it on young men. Why? It's not their fault. This guy has to be a shill because nobody could be this retarded.


Well, if that's the case leaf then he's a scumbag, but I guess it's understandable. He's an ivory-tower wimpy professor who has been sheltered from the real world his whole life and should shut up on these issues and teach whichever (I'm assuming non-STEM) subject he bilks students out of money for.

>He's an ivory-tower wimpy professor who has been sheltered from the real world
He is a practising psychologist, you can be sure he's seen some shit, my dude.

All of this is about that pathetic weasel comment he made on the Dave Rubin show. Since then he apologized and corrected himself, even admitting that MGTOW has a point.
His point about sorting yourself out and stop being resentful and nihilistic still stands, SO THERE IS THAT.

>women are suffering because the are women
yep, we're a lot more biologically determined than we'd prefer
suffering is the universal all religions are trying to address.

>men won't ask them out, men arn't being men anymore
yep, that's why they need to be told how to be men, be given good examples.
A lot of absent fathers around when it's more important than ever to raise kids right.

>so women can't have it all
yep, and that needs to be hammered home from day one.

being truly happy is pretty damn easy, you just have to live like the human creature you are.
hard part is knowing what the hell humans actually are like, and that's what Jordan's appeal is; he lays it out perfectly.

so, gonna sort yourself out?

How bout you stop being a beta bitch and get some fucking game. Women are meant to be played, stop being an observer and become a player you fucking cuck.

>yep, we're a lot more biologically determined than we'd prefer

Who is "we"? Women are not suffering because they are woman. That is victimizing bullshit peddled by all sides of the political spectrum.

>yep, that's why they need to be told how to be men, be given good examples

What exactly does it mean to "be men"? All I've gotten when I ask that on the internet is people sperging out at me. And many people now know that western society stops men from being men.

>yep, and that needs to be hammered home from day one

So you agree with me that if men have to "be men", that means that women have to be women too?

>so, gonna sort yourself out?

All that seems to mean at this point is "haha bro go ask women out because some angry internet people told you so haha". Guys ask women out all the time. My room is spotless too.

>Implying psychologist is more than just sitting a comfy room and talking to someone

Sounds pretty sheltered to me. Send him to work as a logger or on an oil rig for 3 months and see if his opinion changes

No. It's amazing how many people in this thread actually think women are oppressed in western society because not enough guys ask them out. Is Sup Forums this retarded?

>He genuinely thinks that women these days are suffering because not all men are charismatic alpha dudebros that ask women out and all have the traits of perfect idealistic alpha men mixed with compassion and grace.
Seriously? Because that's EXACTLY what I believe, and I've never even heard of this guy until just a couple hours ago. Sounds pretty based to me.

Game is just a crutch for ugly or short guys. If you got looks you don't need game. And being good at game just involves being a fucking clown to entertain girls. Take the redpill boys.

>Teehee girl I show that I want you but now I playfully dismiss you a moment later
>wow man u get dat pussaY slaYYY^

You just have no clue, don't you?
Part of being a psychologist's job is to listen to every kind of human trauma, anyiety, mysery, pain, , suffering, anger and sorrow. He has probably seen pretty much everything, but definately more shit that you will ever experience.

Why do you believe that? Women in western society have it so good that people think they are oppressed if not all men are alphas that ask them out. The west has fallen in such a retarded way I can't even fathom it.


He apologized for his weasel comment

And as far as i know he's a believer in that the 'battles between sexes' are very detrimental to a society and should be worked towards a correction and future cooperation, regardless whose suffering more or less than the others. Which is possibly why he made the comments in the first place.

I am now convinced that shills are being rallied against Peterson. Over the past week or so, there has been a huge influx of posts attacking Peterson. Who, though? Just take a look at what he stands for, and then consider (((who))) would this harm:

>Free speech
>Coherently pointing out that (((Communism, Marxism, Socialism))) are all PURE FUCKING EVIL every time he speaks
>Staunchly advocating for traditional families
>Making the most iron-clad arguments for and promotion of Western values
>Single-handedly taking on the task of building an army of Nietche's Ubermenschen out of directionless, emasculated Western men
>Laying out the tools to become a self actualized, effective, DANGEROUSLY EFFECTIVE archetypal man
>Destroying (((cultural marxists, collectivists, and moral relativists)))
>The last defense against the complete leftist takeover of our education system

Mankind's values and morality are on the brink of death. This is the defining moment in a massive conflict over the soul of the West. That's what's happening. We will either emerge a strong, self actualized, conscious people, or not at all.

The demoralization that Yuri Bezmenov spoke of has come to a head.

We're are locked in a battle to the death over our culture and values. It's us versus the globalist zionist jews. And Jordan Peterson is our one-man cavalry unit.

>mfw he does it for free


>asking women out.
It's about perfecting yourself and being strong in your convictions and beliefs and traditions, being capable of carrying the emotional weight of the relationship to keep your family secure and on the right path.

Stupid ctrl-enter force posted in mid edit.

>Women in western society have it so good that people think they are oppressed if not all men are alphas that ask them out.
I don't even get what you're trying to imply here, women in western societies have a lot of problems these days and part of it is due to the men in their lives not being emotionally strong enough to carry the family and be the decider, it sounds like you're trying to be a beta apologist?

>>mfw he does it for free
The task he has taken on is far beyond mere paper tokens now.

>Who is "we"?
we HUMANS, unless you're an alien you're the product of millions of years of evolution and that determines your life.
women are suffering because they're women and are told to life as a man by seeking meaning in a job.
Whenever someone says "women should earn the same as men", what they're saying is "women should be men", which will make them miserable.

>What exactly does it mean to "be men"?
climb the dominance hierarchy, if you can't do that either be a cuck or create a new dominance hierarchy and climb that.
get a wife, protect her and provide for her so she can raise your kids.

>women have to be women too?
obviously by this point.

is this system fair? no
is it equitable? no
did anyone ask you if it should be this way? who the fuck would.
if you succeed, will it make you happy and give you meaning in life? it's the only thing that will until the day you die.
You can party, have a good job, travel the world, try every drug known to man, but only your family will be there on your death bed.
but that all assumes you value dying with good company, if not then best of luck.

He hesitantly apologized, but he still obviously believes that men should be forced into our traditional gender roles while women can stay "liberated".

Peterson is trying to revive a dead body. I don't know much about him aside from my OP issue, but all he seems to do is shame young men over and over again. He deserves to be called out on this and resisted for this, and the fact that he apologized for calling MGTOW what he did is proof that he is sensitive to internet criticism.

You greentexted what I said in the OP. How are women oppressed because not all men are alpha dudebros that ask them out? This entire thread people have confirmed they think that yet nobody can justify such a retarded point of view.

Women suffer when men aren't men because they have no agency of their own. Women can't into dragon slaying, despite what (((Hollywood))) might have you believe.

>t. Nutjob who sees a psychologist

also checked


Just admit it, OP, you're a homosexual.

Being an alpha male doesn't mean getting people to do what you want "because I say so", it means being so clearly superior and attractive (intellectually, emotionally, morally, and if possible, physically) that people WANT to follow you and feel ashamed of their own transgressions for not living up to the ideal you represent.

>How are women oppressed because not all men are alpha dudebros that ask them out?
Who is making that assertion?

>he never says women should adhere to their gender roles

In his latest Rogan podcast he said most women are happier raising a child than working and that the women who find joy out of a career are outliers. Rogan actually got a bit combative with him on this point. Joe Rogan is more of a shill for women than he is at least.

>Dr. Jordan B Peterson has been a dishwasher, gas jockey, bartender, short-order cook, beekeeper, oil derrick bit re-tipper, plywood mill labourer and railway line worker.

>I don't know much about him aside from my OP issue

That much is eminently clear. Listen to his lecture series "2017 maps of meaning." If you are able to think, this will change you for the better. Another good place to start would be his video on tragedy vs evil.

>women are suffering because they're women and are told to life as a man by seeking meaning in a job.

Then why don't western women stop trying to be men, and just accept being women? They have it amazingly easy in life yet people think they are oppressed for many autistic reasons that aren't even true. Women shouldn't be hated for being women and we shouldn't constantly make them into victims either.

>climb the dominance hierarchy
>or create a new dominance hierarchy and climb that
>get a wife, protect her and provide for her so she can raise your kids

Things change, plenty of guys fail at the established hierarchy so they create their own. And getting a family and living in the "traditional" way is not possible if women get to to whatever they want while men are held down to our roles. Both have to be held down to their respective roles or none.

>You can party, have a good job, travel the world, try every drug known to man, but only your family will be there on your death bed.
but that all assumes you value dying with good company, if not then best of luck.

Oh yes, the deathbed thing. A classic Sup Forums shaming tactic. I'm not against family values, Peterson and Sup Forums just seem quite retarded when it comes to why young men are not doing what is expected of them.

>complain about women all the time
>"men have it hard too!"
>eventually realize a man is supposed to struggle
>whining about your problems is what women do
>slowly sort myself out

>What exactly does it mean to "be men"?
He says part of being a man is to take up responsibility, that is, be responsible for yourself in the first place and you had better find a place for yourself in the dominance hierarchy too because you don't want to be pushed around by everyone, so you have some self-worth and self-respect, which is not a bad thing because otherwise you might become miserable.

At the end of the day you might want a bearable life and suffer the least amount possible. You do not want to get depressed, so you need a routine, you need to be physically healthy/be in a good shape, so do some sports, you need a job to be able to take care of yourself, even better if you have a career, and you might need some hobbies/interests you pursue in your freetime, you need an ok relationship at least with your family, you also need some friends and you might want a romantic relationship too.

>Then why don't western women stop trying to be men, and just accept being women?
Because modern men are too weak to be the men they need, and so they create substitutes.

>They have it amazingly easy in life yet people think they are oppressed for many autistic reasons that aren't even true.
Case in point, look at yourself. Here you are whining and complaining women instead of looking at your own problems. You ARE part of the problem that created what you resent.

You greentexted what I said in the OP and then said you EXACTLY think that way. Go look at your other post.

Joe Rogan is more of a centrist/leftist guy. Peterson will only be redpilled when he holds women to the same standards he holds men - that is, holding both to their gender roles.

But this topic is about this specific issue. I don't really want to listen to some guy tell me what to do just because I'm a young male and therefore his target audience. I clean my room daily.

It's late so I'mma go, but I do hope you look into Peterson's actual lectures vs taking our word for it. Ultimately we're just anonymous retards on a Malaysian macrame group text.

'night Sup Forums, I love you. Sleep comfy.

damn, Jordan Peterson really gets under some (((people's))) skin. really wonder why

autism thread

If everything is ok with your life, why are you spending your time attacking a psychology professor on a Transylvanian pickpocketing forum?

>t. Guy who REALLY wants to blow Jordan Peterson

>Because modern men are too weak to be the men they need, and so they create substitutes.

Modern men are a certain way and women adapt to it. So that connects to the other part...

>Case in point, look at yourself. Here you are whining and complaining women instead of looking at your own problems. You ARE part of the problem that created what you resent.

I made a thread challenging an e-celeb on what he thinks about women, men and society. Do you think social shaming is still going to work? Anybody can post a topic like this on Sup Forums. I look at my own problems every day, doesn't change the fact that women are not oppressed because guys won't ask them out.

>You greentexted what I said in the OP and then said you EXACTLY think that way. Go look at your other post.

What I greentexted:
>He genuinely thinks that women these days are suffering because not all men are charismatic alpha dudebros that ask women out and all have the traits of perfect idealistic alpha men mixed with compassion and grace.

Your reply:
>How are women oppressed because not all men are alpha dudebros that ask them out?

These are not equivalent statements. The word "oppressed" does not appear in the OP. Oppression and suffering are two distinct concepts. Women ARE suffering greatly in the modern age, but it is not from oppression. If you're unable to untangle that basic concept I'm not sure how much further we're going to get in this discussion.

Who the heck is Jordan Peterson?

Everybody knows Jared Taylor is /ourguy/.

>Do you think social shaming is still going to work?
It's called calling it like I see it. If you act like a beta faggot, I may call you a beta faggot. This is secondary to the actual topic and if you don't like it you're welcome to pack up your shit and take it to reddit instead.

Just watching the pinned video I never knew how redpilled Pinocchio was.

why are leftist memes always shit


I for one went through my childhood having bought into this idea of 'egalitarianism' but then quickly realised that if we were to have 'equality between the sexes' then there would have to be a lot of caveats and exceptions.

Then it became fucking obvious that the difference between the sexes is self-defining and self-reinforcing:

From boyhood to manhood, males are expected to overcome their own problems. This is a universal expectation placed upon men so all they can do is attempt to meet this expectation.

From girlhood to womanhood, females are (mostly) respected and treated with care. When problems arise at the first instant, they could do as men do and attempt to overcome them, however there are enough men who, having overcome their own problems and having become proficient at doing so, step in to help out of duty - the duty that society informs the male of. The female realises this is her mechanism, and simply goes no further. A woman therefore spends her life worrying about whether her male partner will have the faculties to overcome most of her problems.

It is clichéd, but that whole 'Man up' thing is true - we simply don't say self-determinist things like this to women, so they never develop the ability to be self-sufficient in this way, just as an ant sees no need to learn to act as an individual when it can just fall back on the ant army.

>Then why don't western women stop trying to be men, and just accept being women?
because feminism, were you born yesterday? this is why we need Peterson because he ruins modern -isms.

>things change...
people don't fundamentally, we can change "things" if we take ownership of our lives and sort ourselves out.
Sorting out means figuring out exactly what you believe and want in life. That's the point of his self authoring suite.

>Oh yes, the deathbed thing. A classic Sup Forums shaming tactic. I'm not against family values, Peterson and Sup Forums just seem quite retarded when it comes to why young men are not doing what is expected of them.
this is a shaming tactic; you're a pathetic retard.
the deathbed thing is neutral, for you to dread or not.
you get stuck in the idea of "expectation", it's not about that, nobody cares enough to expect something from you directly, not counting your dad.
It's about; do you, personally and honestly, want to be happy? well, here's what you need to do.
the world is falling apart because we have a disaster of to many unhappy people.

You greentexted this:

>>He genuinely thinks that women these days are suffering because not all men are charismatic alpha dudebros that ask women out and all have the traits of perfect idealistic alpha men mixed with compassion and grace.

Then you said,

>Seriously? Because that's EXACTLY what I believe, and I've never even heard of this guy until just a couple hours ago. Sounds pretty based to me.

How exactly am I not supposed to believe that you agree with him that women are oppressed because not all guys are alphas that will ask women out? Suffering, oppressed, they are interchangeable semantics. How are women suffering? They are to a large degree seen as sex objects and their femininity is repressed, but to say they have it hard because guys won't adhere to their gender roles has no basis.

You seem salty. You took a huge leap there, when this thread is about challenging an e-celeb and challenging assertions that women are oppressed (or whatever you want to call it) because men won't adhere to their gender roles. Give me something besides failed social shaming attempts, I know you can do better than this.

You're just wrong! I mean, Peterson, well he looks at things in high resolution! And Chomsky will tell you about language but he doesn't talk about the damn logos! It's like, well what the hell are you gonna do with language if you don't have a moral center?

and the bloody post-modernists always think they can just do away with pesky religion and just fall back on their marxist ideals, it's like, no way. They try to tell you that their communist utopia can exist but it depends on what you mean by "exist"! Then they might say that by exist they mean make it the primary economic system of an entire country but then it's like, well what the hell do you mean by "country"?

You know, these types of things aren't obvious, and marxism is just a low resolution representation of a very old, ancient, ancient idea. Marxism is the snake in the garden of eden, and you'd bloody well better be careful when you're dealing with this sort of thing!