Stop forcing your non-culture into my culture north americans please

Stop forcing your non-culture into my culture north americans please

What does Spain have besides running against a bull like a cuck?

that thing with the tomatoes

the KKK

Halloween is fun and spooky though. It's a good thing

Halloween actually originates from Germany.

no, it´s from All Saints' Day and Samhain

>doesn't like halloween
>has an orange and black ID

>getting gangraped by niggers
>being a caliphate
>creating beaners
You disgust me, shitskin.


Why did you describe America?

nah, we're not a caliphate... yet

your mcCastle is based on our actual castle from the 12th century

>no culture

Shut up goy, and go buy more shitty decorations and candy to give out to children who bought their costumes to celebrate this wholesome holiday based around eating sugary trash and buying ugly useless shit!


This might have more weight if you weren't saying it on an English-speaking American-made image board, filthy gaijin.

Yeah, even Obama couldn't cuck us hard enough to make us a caliphate. Normies just hate muslims way too much here after 9/11.

I'm sure it's based around the original McCastle of Neuschwanstein, which was again based on real castles

neuschwanstein was based on the alcazar too, it's where the pointy meme towers come from

For you Euroniggers to hate us so much, you sure are gobbling down the Big Macs at a pretty piggish pace.


that would be surprising were it not for the fact that andorra has 70k inhabitants and 1 mickey dees

We have to feed american tourists

Yeah, what I was implying was that
Alcazar -> Neuschwanstein -> McCastle
Gotta feed all those Amerigan dorists

>leaving the country
Who even does that except leftists who love smelling foreigner farts?

Thats not the Reformation Day as I remember it...

Just admit that Europeans love McDonalds, the first step to recovery is admission you have a problem.

>8,4 McDonalds per million inhabitants
>one McDonald per 120000 inhabitants
wtf I love American food now


>europeans love McDonald's


I'm kinda surprised about france desu, I would expect it to be more like Italy and Spain, that prefer to eat local

halloween is of Celtic origin

I unironically think it's because of tourism from America and Asia. Even here, McDonalds are usually clustered around big cities and touristic hotspots, because tourists like to play safe and go for food that is pretty much the same anywhere in the world

>Even here, McDonalds are usually clustered around big cities and touristic hotspots

you're right, my city is full of mickey dees because it is very touristic, but less popular cities might only have a couple, still, I think spain and Italy get almost as much tourism as france, but less than half the mcdonalds

maybe it's the algerians and the niggs

Near my home there is a mcdonald's, a lot of nig come here for the nuggets and because it must be hallal too.

Halloween is terrible where I live(assuming everywhere else too). It's just a night for kids to tear your shit up. Eggs on your fucking house, toilet paper everywhere, spray paint, peaches in my dog's fur. The entire "fun" concept is gome.

Someone should beat these children.