These are the "people" replying to your posts
These are the "people" replying to your posts
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice divide and conquer technique Moshe
hi andrew mccutchen
I miss old Sup Forums
>you guys are BTFO because you aren't (((cute)))
spot the girl.
Both groups look comfy, I see no cringe in this binge ya boner babies
Ew gross. Now i know why you faggots are pissy all day
> eyepatch
> got hit in the face by a rogue shill post back in '15
>these are the 'people' that create OP style threads
Nah those guys look cool
It's more likely you are replying to a kike shill.
(((Now I know)))
The one with the MAGA shield looks like Pvt. Pyle from FMJ
You do realise the average person isn't all chiseled jaws right? You've been watching too much media.
Seems like a good set of blokes.
These are the "people" replying to your posts
Fuggg I'm out
Pol is still the same, only you fags got older and developed feelings.
Jesus is my waifu.
They look like they have weaponised autism at their disposal, and overall nice people. No wonder jews are triggered.
whatcha doin' there, shlomo? what's your angle?
>They're still better than nig...
Haha haha. Wow. People better think twice before roasting other Sup Forumsacks.
I found ol boomer and based black and deplorable. And the spastic. And Mister Noseberg...
HOLY FUCK ITs the MAGApedes!!!
They memed themselves into our timeline those cheeky cunts.
That old guy on the right, the guy with the eyepatch (which is most likely a real needed eyepatch) and the two old guys standing on the left seem like people I would have a beer with. Hell, even the black guy in the back right.
The others don't seem like people I would tolerate.
Those one at the front on the right is pretty cute desu
What is your point?
This is OP's main man in ANTIFA
(& OP loves Chippendale cock I do suspect.)
Over half of them are oath keepers faggot.
Reminder that these "people" stand for absolutely nothing. So anyone that defends them by saying "at least they're out there spreading the message; more than you'll ever do", please understand that these guys have no beliefs. They don't have any concrete world views or principles. These groups are made up of children and adult loners who couldn't let go of the election cycle. It was the first time of their lives that they ever felt a sense of purpose or belonging, and now they're desperate to hold on to that feeling even as it becomes more apparent that the political figure they're rallying around doesn't really seem to have any hard-set principles either. If you asked these guys why they're out in public parks shouting memes at dog walkers, they'd give you a vague and rambling reply about free speech. These groups are no different to the student union communists or anarchists who don't have a fucking clue what their "cause" is either. Consider the regalia that they take with them to these events - shields, armour, banners. The kind of iconography that's associated with medieval knights. Consciously or unconsciously, that is what these guys fancy themselves to be. Noble warriors, not middle class kids from the suburbs.
What is this thread supposed to achieve? I can't think of any other goal except dividing...
Oh wait a minute. You silly Jew, we see you.
divide and conquer shill. fuck off. those are clearly redditors too.
Do you think Soros cares that the commies/anarchists/black people doing his dirty work are worthless loser morons?
You should take some lessons from old George.
They look like nice, decent people.
Compare them to the /fa/ meetup for instance.
No. THESE are the people replying to MY posts.
>Trigger/cringe warning
Could be worse..
Pic is from a reddit meetup in Baltimore
Posting in a buttblasted sageblue thread.
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
You're just cherrypicking the cringiest pictures by the way.
This pic from Gavin's meetup is full of normal looking people
Be a good goy and don't take your political movement mainstream. Look how cringy you are. Much better to stay inside by you computers. Yes yes. Maybe get some sleep too. I'm feeling pretty sleepy...
They look average m8
Are trump supporters supposed to all look like Capitan america?
If they're not 6'4 10/10 ultra Chad's they can't defend America?
Get out of the basement and stop watching movies so much and see what normal people looks like.
>based black guys
that's what i like to see
Could be worse.
We could have leftist dorks, instead of rightist dorks.
>These are the people starting Drumpff BTFO and kekistan cringe slide threads
Wow they've got their own BASED BLACK MAN.
>There are niggers that lurk Sup Forums so much that they actually showed up to a meet up
I'm calling bullshit on this one
The demographics in that picture are still more white than what the US was in 1950.
blump btfo!!!
Nerds, old rednecks and some uncle Tom's
>they're not white nationalists
Yes we know that already, do you have anything of actual value to add?
Αναρωτιέμαι εάν υπάρχουν Έλληνες Redditors, μέχρι τώρα δεν έχω δει έλληνα πόστερ να kάνει redditπόστινγk εδώ.
That one black haired guy in the blue and white shirt is probably alright.
All the best niggers IE the ones who actually have jobs are already on our side and always have been. They don't like paying tax either.
Oath to multikulti ZOG. These are the same people who do violence on the behalf of a Anti-White, jew controlled government at your expense
those are militia. they agreed to provide "security" or some shit. the polcucks are the 3 in front, and MAGAfag in the back.
Shouldn't you be posting from Brussels? Get out from under MY flag.
you uh, don't see any cringe going on there? I'd also like to point out that the people who showed up in boston expected to fucking throw down against Antifa. Gavin's meet up is a bunch of drinking buddy bullshit.
I see about as much cringe there as I would see if some normie sports club gathered around for a picture.
the oath keepers actually look like solid good guys desu
right, its a bunch of frat faggots, which is the backbone of pol. but real Sup Forums is who showed up to that rally. That is the real face of Sup Forums. Guy on the left has 3TB of CP. Middle guy hates jews becase his mom married one after the divorce and tells him what to do. One on the right will be in politics 10 years from now. I don't know about magafag in the back. He'll probably drink himself to death in his 40's.
Thats not what Hitler wanted
Been here since /new/ and this is fucking rage inducing, we must help the corrupt media and paint these assholes as dangerous nazis
Do people ITT that criticise others for pointing out how embarrassing these groups are really think that this is some grandiose raid? Do you really think that no one could genuinely think that these guys are just awkward spergs? Or is it just a meme?
>People you mean americans
If these are the type of people on this board I need to leave
another shit thread from Shariablue, ky.
So a bunch of old veterans, niggers (possibly also vets), a fatty, a neckbeard fatty and two regular white guys? Eh I'm okay with that
If your point is that the more hours you spend on Sup Forums per day the more likely you are to be a social misfit, then sure there's a correlation there.
I still don't see the point of this thread apart from trying to sow useless discord.
And i would have their back any day of the week over our politicians, media or the average clueless person
I agree, looks like kind people wanting change.
>These are the "people" replying to your posts
Which one of these are you?
Considering this exact same image has been in the Sup Forums catalog at all times for 3 days?
I think that since November Sup Forumss user base has multiplied and is now filled with a mixture of asshurt liberals, hyperactive autistic trolls, one post by this bots, subversive kikes, and gated liberal community "commies".
There are people who literally spend all day, their entire fucking day, trying to change Sup Forums becuase they are still so devastatingly ravaged that despite the entire fucking media empire of the west shilling for them the American people told them to take their already "chosen" unbeatable cunt and throw her off a bridge.
no wonder now that plebbit invaded this site...
/r/The_Donald team in one pic
Can someone explain why Americans wear shorts below their knees?
Nigger culture made long shorts cool and women followed by faggots started wearing capris.
why make fun of unfortunate people that did nothing wrong?
man you try so hard. do you like need some conspiracy? I never head over here, I just chill on Sup Forums jerking it to traps and shit. But the last year? It's just been polcuck after polcuck shitting the place up. I just wanted to return the favor a bit. As I said in the thread I started.. I can post my timestamped uncut cock - something I'm sure your jew doctor took from you.
really needs a conspiracy in their life. can't ever accept responsibility for their own choices. Typical rightwing poorfag. "I'd be a millionaire if it weren't for them jews and dykes and librals"
skateboard fashion from the late 80s. before that we wore tight fucking Corderoy Ocean Pacific shorts.
sorry, but no.
I dunno, you guys do it to Hitler all the time.
God how cringey. I need to fuck right off of this site
So you're butthurt about board culture crossing into yours? Who goes to Sup Forums on purpose these days? lol
I just don't get what they get out of LARPing as white nationalists. Don't they realize they're filthy shitskins? Look at how smug that nigger/spic in the blue is, it's like he's thinking " Haha yeah I'm a badass nazi now". Or the Asians holding milk as a symbol of white pride, when there is a 90% chance that they're Lactose Intolerant. T
It must be mental illness. "It's just memes" doesn't explain the psychology behind this.
>tfw you're a top sweetie sitting in class all day deconstructing classical literature to show racism or sexism or whatever useful ism that didn't even exist at the time of the writing for your kike masters.
>tfw all these custom crafted narratives you regurgitate are only designed to implicate and aggravate a sense of rage, separatism, and victimology while assigning all blame to literally the only culture that's ever classically worked to eradicate the injustices you bitch about.
>tfw you're literally that much of a stupid tool
>LARPing as white nationalists
But that's not what they're doing. They're civic nationalists. The alt-lite side of this paradigm is still way more popular than the white nationalist side, although the white nationalist side has also grown.
Just like this entir eboard cherry picks bad black and jews and paint the whole society of both as that?
get fucked you autistic cunt.
>conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy!!!!
>go back to plebbit!
That's what LAPD looks like? lmfao do they not have fitness standards? Holy fuck
All this talk about "shills" yet Sup Forums doesn't see how it's being co-opted from the center right.
In two years time this board will be unrecognizable. It will be 100% "principled conservatives" who "don't see race" with a calculated Anthony Cumia/Gavin McInnes style edge to it. Its main talking points will be "Democrats are the *real* racists" and other talk radio zingers.
Can't wait!
thats some Sup Forums fag idiot
>Cherry picks the bad black and jews
>50% of niggers have an IQ 85 or lower
>cherry picking
>Jewish elite open admit to trying to fundamentally change white societies
>cherry picking
Just stop you imbecilic brainlet
>t. butthurt LAPD officer
I see a lot of people with brown eyes and even brown skin. That's not normal and they need to get it checked out.
>These are the Amerisharts replying to your posts.
Who put sand in your vagina? When the non-retarded people argue against blacks they're more likely to approach it from a race realism/historical/statistical perspective rather than pointing to single crimes committed by blacks. When they argue against Jews they're more likely to point towards Jewish overrepresentation in power and what powerful Jews have actually stated rather than a single Jew (apart from Soros, but that is totally warranted)
He grew up as a degenerate communist jew wanting to be a nigger so he's qualified to tell us when to have white guilt. Problematic getting renewed for a second season will be our canary in the cole mine. ((They)) will be comfodtable enough around the goyim to subconsciously ring the alarm that tells us to finally abandon this multi-cultural hell.
>Cherry picking intensifies
Civic Nationalists don't throw up Nazi Salutes. Civic Nationalists are your basic Republicans (i.e We don't care about immigration, just do it legally!") These kids aren't that. They're definitely caught up in the White Nationalist imagery, it just doesn't make any sense.