Swedish women in tears as Afghan 'boys' are deported
What is wrong with you Sweden?
Swedish women in tears as Afghan 'boys' are deported
What is wrong with you Sweden?
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its because their maternal instincts gets triggered
Single white women without kids and on the pill are a recipe for disaster.
Exactly like her nipples getting hard for that pajeet cock
that trotsky nigger really did know how to keep citizens retarded and compliant.
We wuz swedes
Its not fair. Swedish women BELONG to Afghan men
>What is wrong with you Sweden?
Wouldn't you cry if the only good pusy you got is being deported?
Same with the swedesl00ts. they just want to keep the afghan-D because the swede-D isn't stuffing them good enough.
It's hard to find a good rapist in Sweden these days since they are as many as there are sand grains on the whole planet. They suddenly find one and POOF, they are deported.
More proof that Hitler was right.
His policies in regards to women were spot on: Children, Kitchen and Church.
>Middle aged Swedish women weep and protest
dried up cunts who missed their shot
>tfw Genesis was telling the truth about women and their nature
Translation please, I can't read arabic
Swedish women really do belong to Brown men now. ..
Old hags want company, not the first and not the last.
>you will never live with your three best m8s in eternal comfy NEEThood
They're projecting their biological nurturing instincts onto the whole world because they haven't got a tight knit nuclear family to care for.
That single factor is the difference between a nation builder and a nation wrecker.
Thats an Albanian right
The pill was a mistake.
How old was he in sweden standard? 12?
t h i s
The pill was invented by jewish scientists to neuter the white race.
10 year old girl I'd guess
sigurisht qe afghani u kan tue ndreq mir
>vikings used to rape and pillage europe
>now the refugees do the raping and pillaging
what happened?
Why is the woman's skin so much lighter? Do they really have to push their agenda everywhere? Why does the elite promote this?
Sweden actually deporting people? Really?
>This is another article from the same website
Hahahahahaha, wow!
You faggots sure don't mind that fake news when it supports your narrative eh? Fucking losers XD
How did she know they were going to be deported? Do they have calendars with deportation times in Sweden? If not, probably paid actors by international companies who import those.
He looks aight with and without the beanie , I don't see a problem with that. Hats embolden people without hair.
Give them more confidence, if he likes it fair play to him.
TotalBiscuit is practically the same.
they are the only men willing to "date" their single mom asses
This nigga is at least 27
women are incapable of real emotion; those are crocodile tears
More like 37
they don't see ethnicity as something that makes two humans separate groups
pakis have small cocks for anyone thatd doesn't know
These women not top notch 10/10 foxy ladys. Only desperate swedish men touch them - When they are piss drunk.
The coal burning women use the rapefugees to get long time awaited dickings and get emotionally involved unfortunately. Like getting in love with a hooker.
Hahahaha sorry, Euro women don't want limp wristed, noodled armed, videogame playing, anime watching shut ins.
they want the strong cock right.
sikh gains xd
>Dna-analysis says that the first immigrants to Scandinavia were dark skinned and had blue eyes, a look that is very rare today. The second wave (of immigration) came from Russia, and is believed to have had light skin, to easier create D-vitamins during times of low amounts of snow. The picture is our own interpretation of the scientists results. (First paragraph)
"The result was Europes most mixed Stone age population." (Last sentence)
WTF is happening here xDDD
Though it might be simply related to your browsing hsistory.
>sikh gains xd
That's pretty good
Sweden is jealous of Brazil diversity , poverty and high homicide rate. They want to be cool like us.
yes, they are not black enough
dübs confirms it's subliminal programming
>maternal instincts
kek, having achmed beat them,rob them and cock them up is not quite an appeal to the maternal archetype