Why do you hate Jews?

Why do you hate the Jews so much?
I know the majority of you are memeing as per normal, but there's obviously distinct hatred from many posters that also mirrors the same hatred held by many people over thousands of years
I've never seen a solid reason as to why they hate Jews
t. some australian that just finished schindler's list

Other urls found in this thread:


It's obviously jealousy, anyone should be able to see that. There's a race of people who are smarter, wealthier, and far more influential than whites (the majority of Sup Forums posters), and they get to play the minority/victim card on top of that. They have everything going for them.

The fact that they conflict with Sup Forums ideologically is just the cherry on top.

t. Jew

Pretty spot on cobba, seems to be the gist of it

I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with.. etc. etc.

Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

They want everyone to hate them, so I give them what they want.

/thread, I spose

It's less about power and more what they do to us, especially the targeting of our children with drug/tranny/fag/degenerate propaganda 24/7, after we treated them as brothers and let them into our nations with open arms in most cases only a few generations ago. Essentially if I wanted to bribe people to destroy Canada from within it wouldn't be hard to do rather the opposite, but why would I destroy my own country?

This act of destruction surely wouldn't make me exceptionally powerful or intelligent.

No. We are just getting started.


See something in common? What about with the three people held chiefly responsible for this?


NKVD head (((Gengrikh Yagoda))), Stalins right hand (((Lazar Kaganovich))), and Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, yeah that molotov, who wasn't Jewish but sure enough was married to a very prominent kike. I can thank the ukes out west for making our teachers teach us this shit.

Because they hate me


The Jewish Problem - Dr. Joseph Goebbels

You know when people say not all muslims? Well everytime its another muslim until you say enough muslims i want this to stop.

Jews are the same. Every single time someones fucking shit up its another jew and in the end you just want it to stop

Every single time. This argument is the greatest example of kike sociopathy

>Yale University’s Stanton Wheeler published “White-Collar Crimes and Criminals” for the Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository. Among Wheeler’s findings were that while Protestants and Catholics were under-represented among white-collar criminals relative to their share of the population, Jews were over-represented to a very large degree (2% of the population, 15.2% of white-collar convictions).

Why did Israel attack the USS Liberty when they knew it was an American ship?

Why did they shoot all the life rafts?

Muslims.. Jews.. same shit different pile. No?

Reminds me of this classic

everything that has sprung from that shit has been a disaster

Nothing good ever comes out of that part of the world. No sandniggers of any kind please

Well, believe it or not, I don't hate the Jews at all. I believe that peace is achievable in Palestine-Israel, but the Palestinian militias need to be disbanded and the highest Israeli government officials (especially that swine Netanyahu) need to be arrested and judged in Geneva for their crimes against humanity.

Too bad Trump is busy riding Netanyahu's dick while sucking Putin's cock.

I'm the opposite. Send all the Jews to Israel and cut them off completely from the west. Everyone will be better off if they just go to their ethnostate.

I also didn't understand why some people hate Jews.

However, there were a number of things I disliked in society. Extreme-radical-ultra-man-hating-feminism. Mass immigration of Muslims. In broad terms dishonesty and word games. Journalists that appeared like guerilla fighters instead of fact presenters. Basically a wide range of things.

And by random chance, as I looked into the people behind these things, I kept noticing that they were Jewish. I wondered "Who the fuck is behind this shit?" and checked out the person on Wikipedia or whatnot, and there was a notice the person is Jewish.

Then I experienced this a great many times.

That's why some people hate Jews.

Rachel Bloom just performed "My Sex Junk", which you have probably seen. Guess what, she is Jewish.

Amy Schumer? Oh, Jewish.

Chuck Schumer of the Democrats? Jewish.

Lena Dunham? Jewish.

Radical feminists of the man-hating type? Most of them Jewish.

After this, how can I not be somewhat skeptical of Jews? The process above was unbiased, in every case I disliked them BEFORE I found out they were Jewish.

The more important question is why don't you hate the jews?

>Radical feminists of the man-hating type? Most of them Jewish.
It's worse than that. Organized feminism is almost entirely Jewish from top to bottom.




>memeing as per normal

You fell for the satire meme.


calm down finkelstein

This is why simply pointing out Jews is rather useless. I could point out how Marx the founder of communism was a kike, Lenin the founder of the soviet union was a kike, and Lenins chosen successor Trotsky was a kike for example but it's better to simply teach people how to spot the Jew and let it ruin them day by day.

Most people assume Jews are just ugly/inbred self hating whites. When Europeans catch on their get removed every single time.


Jews in Israel tend to be national conservative and not leftist, and they cannot really infiltrate/network like they can in the West. I'm happy with jews in Israel. But pretty much all the national conservative ones went there already.


Jews operate under an ethnocentric morality while living inside a host culture that has a universal morality

They use tribal nepotism to advance the position of their people and tear down competition

Red "The Culture of Critique"

The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




who do i contact in canada to report stormfags to

Same. If all Jews go to Israel then maybe in a few generations we can give them another chance on our terms. If not oh well, they already have an ethnostate.

>more anecdotal examples




>Endgame - White Genocide
>Rabbi tells truth about Jewry in Europe
>Dr. William L. Pierce - Conditioning for Death
>Dr. William L. Pierce - The Jews are our Misfortune
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism
>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Jews pushing immigration for white nations
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation
>The Jewish Problem - Joseph Goebbels
>Jew tells truth about cultural marxism


it's very simple, just pay attention to who does what, who's behind what, pay attention to their names and whether they have ANY Jewish ancestry. You'll soon see some disturbing patterns emerge.

Oh my whos the cutie in the middle with the penis shaped hair?


>Mom why do the other kids hate me in school?
>You know Shlomo they're just jealous. Now how much money did you scam from them?

It's illegal to promote genocide and i've never done that nor would I ever wish to do that.

There was a section 13 of the human rights code for internet """""hate speech""""" but we got rid of that a few years ago. Otherwise all other speech in Canada has an exception for truth, and i've never said anything untruthful. Canadian jews have an overwhelmingly negative impact but it's absolutely nothing compared to Americas jewish ruling class. They are really the only ones I truly have a problem with as they are actively destroying Europeans. I've never been to the USA and never will go to the USA. I'm all truth no action I guess.

Likely we can even get the zionists to cooperate with us on this like they did with the Nazis. I feel like this is happening with what little support we are getting with israel


Gas yourself kike

i'll just go through canadian government websites until i find the one with a star of david

Why is this thread posted 10 times a day? Use the fucking archive.

I believe we could have an agreement that Israelis and the white man could agree on without threats or anything like that. I imagine something like this on a massive scale. Everyone wins.


how's south ossetia this time of year

The peace tower has one inlayed on 12 sided and I think it's on the main page. Checkmate I guess.

it's a stormfrag recruitment drive

I just got into an argument with a really good and old friend because I absolutely could not hide my power level any more. I tried to support my Jewish criticism and he wouldn't even accept the premise that the Jews own the media or that they authored Communism. Smugly told me off because I couldn't support my crazy conspiracy theory even though Jewish ownership of the media is so obviously true and verifiable it should be considered a truism by now.

Is this the rejection of legitimate articles of proof that Yuri predicted?

>islamic 55
of course
>atheist 47
I guess I should take the plunge and finally larp as a christian
suprisingly most of these are mormon for some reason


Stop chimping out that bad you cringy inbred kike abomination

Sup Forums did not make me hate jews, but it did make me jew-wise. I don't use Sup Forums as a primary news source, but when you're jew-wise you start to noticing how anti-white jews are while pretending to be white. You start noticing that those working hardest to make whites acknowledge "white privielge" are jews themselves. These jews identify as both white and non-white whenever it's most convenient to them. Seeing this masquerade in action is what makes me hate jews.

I like to use Jewish sources when dealing with Jews. Really gets them going.

"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"

"Rabbi tells the truth why Hitler hated the Jews"

I'm American, schlomo

That wouldn't have flown. Guy was pulling the high school teacher in 2005 bullshit of "you can't cite Wikipedia" (even though Wikipedia has its own goddamned exhaustive citations). He was still fighting me and being a smug cunt over the Jewish ownership of the media even after fucking PBS and Forbes links.

did they let you out of the madhouse so soon joshua

most media companies are owned by mutual funds

because the single handidly destroyed this planet for their own personal gain. If it wasnt for them we would be far ahead as a species.They willingly hold back advancements in technology so they can earn more money.

This is flawed only by the fact that you can hold both the first and last belief simultaneously.

>Why do you hate the Jews so much?

Personally I don´t.
But it is increasingly obvious that at the very least a selected few of them take the rest practically hostage for their own personal gains.
The former head of the jewish community basically sold out his community to the socialists apparently in return for a special building permit that greatly increased the value of his loft. Also, now they press for increased islamic immigration despite the known rabid antisemitism; this is then blamed on the ebil nazis and rights by leftist politicans and of course the poor jews get personal protection.
Some media control exists but it is not as torough as apparently in other countries.

But really the worst of all jews is Soros.
If there is one person that is singlehandedly responsible for the increase of antisemitism even among average person, it is this piece of shit.

That said, I still believe most people (kids, really) here "hate" jews because its the cool thing to do.
Not many things left to "rebel" against anymore so here we are.

The shorter list would be why I shouldn't hate jews, and the only thing I can thing of is that deep down there people just like me.

But their behavior in general is reprehensible in terms of sneakiness, nepotism, greed, refusal to fully assimilate, etc.

Holy fuck is this for real? jesus christ.




Wouldn't it be easier for the Syrians to move to Israel since it's so close?

Holy fuck this thread is stilll going hahaha


Islam is the biggest crime agaisnt humanity and anyone supporting it needs to be purged

>Long ago in a distant land, I, a jew, the shapeshifting Merchant of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil!


>implying Jews are literally innocent and we choose to hate them
>implying our hatred of Jewry isn't a response to said Jewry trying to genocide us

FFS can the shills make new threads?
Every damn day