Catholics I'm gonna need an explanation here, just the basic gestalt.
This is odd
Other urls found in this thread:
Because Jews are an alien race subverting humanity. They say this themselves:
The telescope is looking for the craft that brought them here. Not too hard to figure out
>Catholics I'm gonna need an explanation here, just the basic gestalt.
There is a passage in the Bible that refers to Jesus as Lucifer. It's an epithet that translates to "Light Carrier."
The pope came out and said he was down with ayylmaos.
Double also
What would you call your telescope faggot
Pretty sure that if you strictly follow scripture, Lucifer is not the same entity as the devil.
There is strong suggestion in the scripture that lucifer will come down from the heavens in a craft. He will then fool the majority of the world to support him and his ideals for a one world religion and the globe will unify under him and praise him as the leader of earth.
gets even more troubling if you watch this
Its because "Lucifer" means "Morning Star." Of course, if you were Catholic, you would name your telescope "Morning Star."
stupid excuses, when bible clearly says who Lucifer is.
Lucifer, the devil is also know to be the light bringer or the morning star as you say with satanists
The Vatican is shaped like a snake. The path on the left is its forked tongue. Our civilization is painted on. Scratch it, and you soon find occult weirdness and evil.
Thats true with everyone, dumbass, not just satanists. Everyone believes that Lucifer translates to Morning Star, because that's how language works, the word "Lucifer" was used to refer to other things before the bible was written.
Might be the kike conditioning but all I'm seeing is a sideways dick desu senpai.
the morning star, or Lucifer is a reference to the devil though
Almost, how thou art fallen, oh Lucifer, son of the morning.
Lucifer is the devil retards. If you believe otherwise you are not reading your bibles.
Isaiah 14
and to other things that are not the devil, as the word was used before christianity
The Catholic Church was alright up until Vatican II. If there is anything to the satanic cult stuff then it began there.
>and to other things that are not the devil, as the word was used before christianity
the Catholics aren't saying Lucifer casually about other things. Lucifer, the devil, the morning star, the light bringer etc, just many names for the same entity, the devil.
They even go against the most basic things the bible say:
>you cannot worship without the church
>you get to paradise through the pope
>etc etc
The Vatican is a blasphemous group of satanists, and it's quite widely known
The Vatican doesn't have a telescope called Lucifer.
Check sources before posting.
Fucking retards
Lucifer is a bad translation of the name Helel and he is a babylonian king
The enemy in the Bible is called Satan or Beelzebub (Baal)
Also, Jesus is called Morning Star or Lucifer many times
Muh sola scriptura and you don't even read your shit
Also, Lucifer as books and film portray him nowadays is Hamilton fanfiction
>There is a passage in the Bible that refers to Jesus as Lucifer. It's an epithet that translates to "Light Carrier."
Stop reading your NWO kike Bible and pick up a KJV, dummy.
>How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
Isaiah 14 KJV
>How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
to the depths of the pit.
Isaiah 14 NIV
The name Lucifer is mentioned once.
The NWO Bible deletes Lucifer and replaces it with "morning star", "day star", or "son of the morning", which is one of the many titles of Jesus... which the devil steals in your cucked Bible version.
not really true OP
"Lucifer is part of the Large Binocular Telescope, which happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson. That's right, the Vatican has an observatory in Arizona, manned by Jesuit astronomers. Now its next-door neighbor is named for the Devil."
Daniel Stolte, a spokesman for the University of Arizona. Stolte -- who is German -- explained that the team was tossing around names, looking for an acronym that would fit all the technical terms.
"In Germany, they wouldn't have the same hesitation that Americans would have, since it's a very secular country," he said. "I may be completely off, but that's just my hunch -- for us Germans, Lucifer just sounds cool. It's more historical than emotional."
Hello satanist
The pope doesn't refer to Christ as Lucifer.
The pope say that you have to go trough him and the church to get to kingdom of heaven
the pope says that you cannot worship god without the church
Enough evidence for me
Are we going to have a thread for every picture on the internet with some bullshit on it?
>Also, Jesus is called Lucifer many times
You disgust me, Mario. Are you stupid, or just a liar?
Lucifer means light bearer, not morning star.
Catholics need to remain silent in Christian threads, because youre not Christian. You're idiots.
Mandela Effect: The bible now indeed names Jesus Lucifer instead of the devil. Those of you remembering otherwise, you're mandela affected. The world is changing.
Pretend that God and Satan and the Bible are all real.
Now ask yourself, in the last 2,000 years, what do you imagine would be a higher priority for Satan than infiltrating and subverting the Catholic Church?
Did you know, for instance, that in order to become a High Priest in the church of Satan, you must first go to Seminary school and become a real priest? Even including leading a congregation in Mass every day?
Now think about the pedophile scandals that rocked the Catholic Church these last two decades.
Isn't child abuse a major sacrament to Satanists? Isn't the sexual abuse of a child an ingredient in their spells and rituals?
Think of all of this.
really makes me think
>Stop reading your NWO kike Bible and pick up a KJV, dummy.
King James was a semi-heretical crazy person, and his translators got a lot of things wrong.
Another note:
Lucifer = Satan
However the Horned red goatlegged depiction in various media was always wrong. Lucifer was the most beautiful Angel in Heaven. He was also the most arrogant. He wanted to become God and because of that he was thrown out of heaven. He became the fallen Angel.
That's the gist of it. So, Satan is ugly in his deeds but his apperance is beautiful. Just saying.
They're watching for Lucifer to fly back from the moon.
isn't that thing in the united states?
Uhmm so lucifer is george soros?
If not Soros himself, whoever controls him. He does not have to be a literal fallen angel.
Pic related clearly shows telescope in the woods
Vatican is a country inside a city, good luck trying to find that forrest in middle of the Rome.
Fool by the devil
The telescope is in the US. They are mixing it up with another telescope owned by the Vatican who is called VTT. They are both in Arizona, but hundreds of kilometers away from eachother. L.U.C.I.F.E.R. is not owned by the Vatican.
Protestant rednecks are morons. Even if the Pope worships Satan, it does not mean that the average Catholic Pole or Hungarian or Italian is a Satanist.
>King James was a semi-heretical crazy person, and his translators got a lot of things wrong.
Post proofs, or stop talking out of tour prolapsed anus.
Fact of the matter is, the most brilliant men in the world translated the KJV. Men who were vastly more intelligent than any modern (((intellectual))).
The fact that you think modern (((scholars))) are more intelligent than the King's translators shows how blue pilled you are.
Reminder that Francis is the False Prophet. Reminder that you will be welcomed to and embraced within Christ's own Church should you turn your back on Evil.
>Calls others idiots.
>Belives internet memes
I think you're just jelly bro.
The Vatican doesn't own the telescope. The Vatican observatory shares space with other groups.
The Max Planck institute for extraterrestrial physics. They were the ones that gave it the nickname "lucifer"
Forgetting that they were literally just talking about a shitty king in this passage and not at all the fucking devil.
lucifer is not same thing as devil.
Luficer is just some prideful faggot.
Devil comes from dyavol, aka chernobog.
Lucifer is the morning star, you heathen. Literally, the Morning Star. Like that really bright thing that people now call a planet, that people now call Venus. That's Lucifer. That's what they used to call it. And the Pope isn't looking for Aliens, that's /x/ tier retardation. AWAY WITH YOU!
Catholic church loves that nigger. Here they are singing about him
afaik lucifer is a specific angel, the devil is more like a profession
>Light Bringer
>It's a Telescope
lucifer literally means light bringer in latin
>lucifer literally means light bringer in latin
guess what more is known as light bringer?
The planet Venus a.k.a. the Morning Star
That shouldn't really concern you much since the devil doesn't exist and you would be retarded to care about some name.
What SHOULD freak you out is that for the past 2 decades the Vatican has been snatching up the smartest astrologers and experts on space the planet has to offer and then they don't fucking leave.
>"Light Carrier."
a steksken = a match
in propre flemmish and dutch we call a match "een lucifer"
you stroke this genie once and it brings you light
I actually thought about this the time I got really high. I told myself that jews are reptilians/aliens and they've been hiding their origins from us the whole time. That's why they're so disgusting.
Christ calls himself the morning star in revelations.
He brought the light of God to the world.
The blessed virgin Mary brought the Son into the world, thus she also is a light bringer.
Lucifer merely means light bringer.
It is a Latin word as well as a title. In this context, it does not refer to Satan.
Because IF it finds life, it will be the Catholic Church that kills Christianity, in their eyes being the penultimate way the Devil would destroy it. Its strangely fitting and actually gives insight into just how topsy turvy the Vatican sees its power.
Why do you think this current Pope has been talking about how finding alien life wouldn't be at odds with Christianity (beside being a fucking idiot)? They know their time uncontested by man thru faith can't hold water to aliens that might not even understand the concept.
>Church that kills Christianity
Wait, so five hundred years of Protestantism which gave us thousands of autonomous sects believing differently yet claiming to be of the same religion and belief is... Good?
You mean the Catholic Church which built western civilization after the fall of the western Roman empire... bad?
This pope is more protestant than Catholic. He enshrined a statue of Fr. Luther In the Vatican for God's sake. A good Catholic knows he's a heretic.
Besides, if you knew history, you'd know crises like the current aren't unprecedented. Take the 4th century crisis of arianism, for example. 95% of the clergy became Arian. The heresy wad eventually squashed and the church grew stronger than ever.
We are witnessing something similar to the great fourth crisis of the church.
No I mean that all those "threats" to Christianity are moot as they are all earthly in design. According to Christianity they can't be right, ergo aren't right. Aliens, who arguably wouldn't share an Earth religion, would be above the mental gymnastics required to automatically disregard them and their stance.
The current sitting Pope is the least Christian Pope I have lived to see. He openly disregards doctrine or hazards to change its intended meaning because he is the Pope, thinking that gives him the right. If he is the Vicar of the Lord, the Lord has gone insane.
If this whole thread was a Protestant/Catholic hate divide and conquer thread you should have said so from the beginning you snake in the grass.
>proddie brainlets think Lucifer=devil
Why even call yourselves Christian if you can't even grasp the simple elements of Christianity?
And many Catholics would agree with you that he is probably the worst pope in the church's history.
We'd much prefer a sexually degenerate rather than a Marxist who dares to touch the faith.
He is not living up to the standards of his office, which is to teach, reprove, and hand down what was given him. Basically, he's the natural result of the path taken after the second Vatican council.
I do not think there is anything conspiratorial with the astronomy, as the church has a long history of studying the stars. Hell, even the big bang was a theory developed by a priest. If they're looking for anything, it's must likely heavenly bodies; not aliens, as even SETI has said, it would be like looking for a needle in a billion haystacks. It makes more sense to use other means of communication to find potential extraterrestrial life.
But, people are going to speculate anyway.
>Book literally written to legitimize the adultery, pride, and greed if the commisioner.
>Purposefully written using more archaic English to present itself as more legitimate.
>Laughably inaccurate translations
Yeah I'd rather read something closer to the source material instead of shitty fan fiction.
>Retranslation of the Catholic Douay- Rheims
Because it's looking out for falling angels coming from the heavens, you fucking retard.
It's metaphorical.
Besides, even if they are looking for alien life, the church is a big place. There's room for scientific speculation.
It was Fr. Luther that rejected reason and faith; while the church maintained that logic is a gift from God to be used in conjunction with faith.
>except for the whole old testament
>and the stuff we added ourselves to (((clear up))) ambiguities
>not to mention the mishmash of other english language sources pasted in when most convenient, such as the bishops bible, geneva, and Tyndale and Coverdale.
>Catholics I'm gonna need an explanation here, just the basic gestalt.
Its a infrared telescope the Vatican built so they could keep track of Nibiru.
>and changed the meaning of Greek word metanoia from penance to merely repent because... too Catholic
It had over twenty eight thousand translation errors on it's first translation. Current version still retains thousands.
But, the Shakespearean language gives it an air of legitimacy... even though king James was literally called queen James in his court for being a notorious sodomite.
>Lucifer is the devil
Protestants, as usual, displaying their complete lack of theological knowledge or subtlety. Trot along to your McChurch and hear about how the earth is 6000 years old and the entire fossil record is designed to test your faith.
Lucifer isn't even named in the bible but a single time in a poetic verse. So tired of ignorant fucks calling Lucifer, Satan.
The image is fake news.
The LUCIFER telescope (now called LUCI presumably not trigger the kind of retards who believe image macros like that) isn't owned by the Vatican, it's owned by a bunch of different universities around the world, and it's not to look for "alien spacecraft" it's for imaging entire other galaxies, so it'd have to be a big ass ayy lmao ship to be seen by it.
This is a common thought to have while tripping of very high, I've found. When on LSD last week I closed my eyes and thought of every new I've seen. They hall had this look on their face, as if they were trying to see if I knew about THEM. I realized Jews don't even have the same mannerisms as the human race, and they directly, purposefully, and nefariously seconds themselves and rule the goy from the shadows
This is Tom Horn and Steve Quayle tier stuff, the guys who say the Vatican is going to reveal an alien antichrist to be worshipped.
Bringer of Light seems like a good name for a telescope to me...
Accept Luxferre into your heart and all manner of things will become clear.
Lucifer is the same angel as Satan. However, we use Lucifer often to talk about Satan before he fell, that is, when he was still good. It also means the morning star, hence it's use as a telescope.
Interior of the Vatican City Papal Audience Hall. I'm sure the snake thing is a coincidence.
But whats that thing on the stage I hear you ask?
Wait for it...
Oh it's just the Statue of "The Resurrection"
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Isa 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
Isa 14:16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
Isa 14:17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
Isa 14:18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.
Isa 14:19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.
Isa 14:20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.
Isa 14:21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.
Isa 14:22 For I will rise up against them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD.
Isa 14:23 I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the LORD of hosts.
This might be closer to the truth than you think
christianity is like a joke that went too far.