Do Germans really think their ancestors were super evil...

Do Germans really think their ancestors were super evil? All they have to do is look up Stalin and Churchill on Wikipedia and be like how is this any different. Both Churchill and Stalin targeted people for their ethnicity. Churchill openly hated Africans and Indians. Stalin openly hated non-Russian minorities in Russia. So why do German feel ashamed? Mao Zedong led an entire cultural revolution. As for Eisenhower, well look up pilgrim American history. Are Germans really that naive? The Turks they live with commited the Arminian genocide but they are free and nationalistc. What has enslaved the German mind that they cannot Google Churchill and Stalin and Zedong and Washington and Congo and South America and ivory coast and Turkey?

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I hope they don't. Germany has done amazing things for humanity

Hitler exposed it but he wasn't ruthless enough to defeat them. Now they've poisoned the well and use Hitler to silence any kind of opposition.

We feel ashamed because they keep reminding us every day. Not a single day goes by without us seeing hitlers face.

>Churchill openly hated Africans and Indians
With good fucking reason. There's a difference however between disliking muds and machine gunning them into a gas chamber or whatever.
The Turks and former Soviets still mostly deny they did anything wrong, this is important at the end of this thought, nevermind Africans and other filth.
The thing is though, there's nothing inherently wrong with any of it. Ethnicities and cultures have been raping and genociding their way to supremacy as long as those boundaries have existed, the modern world has largely been shaped by such actions. This is considered abject mostly on grounds of perceived fairness to the individual, a fairly recent concept.
When a society accepts such a handicap when others do not, it consigns itself to the scrap heap.

Your enemies will never forget or forgive.

>it's alright because other people do it too
What are you, eight?
>inb4 a rant about how it's the "rules of nature" or "survival of the fitness"

Guess it's time to answer the Führer's call

>mud asian butthurt his civilization is about to be crushed under china's fat dick
Blame contrarian, egalitarian mind poison, it won't change the outcome unless you change your outlook.

Watch this OP.

We Dreamed Of Something Marvellous - Léon Degrelle

You can't blame Hitler leaf. He warned us nearly a century ago. Well before they took over our nations.

Psychological terrorism on the innocent.

Jews will Jew, until they are stopped.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

agree. more people see more his face in a day then the own faces

I have family roots in Germany and it's very likely that I have relatives who were in the war during WWII on Germany's side, and perhaps even in the more higher exclusive positions of the wehrmacht. Nobody in my family talks about them. They do talk about the ancestors of pre-WWII era, but nothing after that.

I find it kinda retarded because if it wasn't for the nazis helping finland, we would be part of russia now. People in finland get all squirmy and and awkward when talking about nazis even though commies are the ones that should receive those feelings.

>Not a single day goes by without us seeing hitlers face.
That's because you are on Sup Forums everyday.

One of my great grandparents used to be a member of the British Union of Fascists. He's literally never discussed. He fought in WW2 and got PTSD yet we're supposed to be embarrassed that he ever existed because he had 'in-proper ideas'.

Seeing his face, but not allowing you to read his words.
Who is the tyrant now?

It's only to keep fascism at bay and to submit the nationalistic fervor itch turning it into shame.

From the Romans until Bismarck, we know it's going to happen if the Germans are left unchecked. Hitler was just a manifestation out of a thousandfold if you check history on the far scope of time.

Mein Kampf is in German bookstores again. Just saying.

Yeah only since like last year however

Outside of Sup Forums, where the fuck do you see His face?

Isn't it illegal or something? Idgi, can I get some context, please?

You don't get it it's not about logic or reality. It is about belief and faith and Hitler is the devil of a new religion.
People don't look at the facts because the world like this just makes sense to them. Fear, sorrow, anger, all these negatibe emotions they feel inside of their heart is because hitler did it. It's the devil's fault.
>phew, well that explains everything. i can go back to my distractions.

Funny story that. It was never banned by law, the free state of Bavaria held the copyright until it ran out last year.

I like Mosley but he was really just a Hitler LARPer.

He could held his views privately and tried to become PM, which was very likely considering most colleagues thought he was a future PM.
Then he could have incorporated his ideas as PM and actually achieved something

Instead he sperged out and tried to be Hitler 2.0 despite him knowing he could never achieve power as democracy in England was too entrenched.

At any point of the day there are nazi documentaries on TV.

Hits me in the feels every time.

Not at all, we were in the right, and this fucked up world we have now is because the allies sided with the jew.

We were literally the good guys.

Does anybody sell the pure version that is not (((commented))) though?

Every year global Jewery becomes more apparent, the more people wish the Nazis had conquered Europe.

No. I doubt the text is edited though.
Would be exposed too easily.

Not edited but commented. Which means the book has thrice the pages as the original.
(((Historians))) tell you what to think in that Mein Kampf that was released last year.

That means the book is like you read a page of the original and then historians explain how Hitler was a liar, a vile human being and how that very sentence led to the 600 gorillion.

>Do Germans really think their ancestors were super evil?
Even coming to Sup Forums an ostensibly white nationalist board the first thing I see is German hate threads. like Can you really blame us for ending it all?

I really wished Hitler cleansed Europe too

Sure but you could ignore those passages or read it online.

>All they have to do is look up Stalin and Churchill on Wikipedia and be like how is this any different.

It doesn't make fascism any better

You can watch a 2 hour documentation about muhh 6 gorillion and le ebil nazi german

As someone with polish roots and who lost family in auschwitz i don't giva fuck and praise hitler

Nah... even budhist monks know.

i'm watching this now, got the link from another tread
funny thing is, this "archeologist" digging around only proved that jaws was swimming around in poland when it was an ocean... that face when they found a shark's tooth... i would be exited if i would've found this!
also the reason why they find ass remains is because they spread out the remains of "survivors" on the spots described as massgraves.... by polish law an illigal act, it's forbidden to spread out asses in whole poland.

anyway.. enjoy:
if this is unwatchable in your country, try this tool
*smiling at you german flags :)