Anyone download it?
Doesn't sound like she will be putting it up again.
Anyone download it?
Doesn't sound like she will be putting it up again.
Other urls found in this thread:
Stupid fucking mongrel, so she's not even going to upload to or somthing.
looks like a young female peter hitchens
>Tara McCarthy's interview with Reactionary >Jew taken down due to Jewish threats
i listened to it also the same on red ice tv,
it was a good interview, Tara gets alot of shit from lefty shills pretending to be 1488 maaan
they were really hammering her they do it coz shes a quite somewhat timid looking women and its just that shes a woman and will fold to threats easily from shills and just nut cases on the left who want the world to burn in comments sections
what's reactionary jew's response to this?
that jew and his fellow freinds need to start a youtube channel ive said it before ill say it again tv is dead now is a good time to make a youtube channel to get your message out if your jewish and pro white
im finding it hard to tell if there are many jews who dont hate us
something really bad is coming if they are not all really in on it they need to make their voice heard
its looking really bad for them this kind of shit a jewish organization shutting her down i mean alot of these fronts i think are just tools that hide behind claims of anti semitism to shut down anything that even stops conversations not in favor of globalism
im starting to think that a good extent of jews have been exploited in the way there brains function they are exactly the same as a leftist that shouts bigot and racist they shout antisemit a good portion of them seem to be mobilized to ka vetch at people, but for gods sake they are the ones doing these nazi hate crimes and hoaxes for sympathy money themselves
and have historically led neo nazi organizations
these behaviors and mentality is going to backfire
is it a thing now that jewish organizations are going to shut down discussions
seriously think about it these groups are not about free speech
this wasn't even activism this was a conversation........
and it was done in the name of jews
who was the organization?
are jews going to attack themselves for once?
here is the guys take on how basically nearly every french jew voted against le pen
bump i wanna see it
We need to rally and push back on this bullying hard, but realizing that theirs is a parallel and separate movement and that our interests will probably diverge or clash in the future.
he seems alright and i've followed him for a while and if there is going to be any jew who's opinion or take on jew stuff is it will be him
soon this thread will be filled with lefty agitators muh palestine or muh kikes muh 1488
what the jidf what side do they take in this thread ? lol
>is it a thing now that jewish organizations are going to shut down discussions
there is zero reason why they shouldn't be helping us, they get nothing from it if we turn hard right or islamic unless there is a movement of their own who wish our destruction which is possible
but we should help the jews who like white people and support us having a homeland and want jews to go back to israel
i wonder how much of it is they are true believers in their leftism cause and that it comes first and there fore are lost just like many white leftists
there is just something else to this other than muh kikes its the reactions and commentary i see them give or the ones of their tribe given a platform seem to be some of the most low IQ shit dribbling thoughts on the net
it seems since they are actually behind the original push of communism and alot of degenerate leftist shit in culture well combine that with the fact they dont seem to attack themselves for the shit they do and well they have done some really bad stuff in the past and if they started going at each other all that would come up aswell =
oy vey we cant do that it'll make nazis
vs not addressing their own actions =
people turn into nazis
meanwhile asians around the world plus the arab populations just circle white countries.....
im talking about talks involving jews and whites having common ground and supporting each others nationalism
not the religion known as the holocaust
but yeah i understand why you posted that link
but im not about to have a wank over that subject
He'd deluded to believe that about Soros tbqh. The only reason Femen crashed with no survivors was because they were plotting demonstrations in Israel. Then he gutted their funding.
No - it was IRL threats to her guest, Reactionary Jew. So putting it up /anywhere/ would be a danger.
She's part Indian ('Asian' I guess, in the UK). She's pretty, but does seem phlegmatic, and, imo, dumb.
Anybody got a reup of the video?
Here's the Red Ice TV interview with him:
Reactionary Jew says the threats were directed at him, not Tara
>No, they were directed at me personally, and they are not limited to using the legal system against me. I don't want to get into it.
those are the same type of comments in her youtube channels pages long full of abuse at her at her intelligence and what ever part of her wasn't *white* enough
she is doing a perfectly fine job and taking risks she looks white to me not that i have ever thought in my life what is white enough
really makes me think when the differences between shills posing as 1488 types and the actual ones themselves are almost the same
your apart of the problem you didn't leave anything insightful just lashing out at the messenger not even addressing the message you added nothing of value with your post
right on time i guess
Hopefully someone downloaded it and can upload it elewhere.
I sometimes do that if I think a video will be taken down or if I want to use a clip from it.
This event has made me want to download more videos on anything controversial.
The agents provocateurs really went mad in the comment section. Nothing but gas chamber references.
i didnt think to download it
must of been serious.....
we gotta find out who it was this will set a precedent for stopping conversation between jews that are pro white and whites
there are many groups that don't want this kind of dialogue to happen
all kinds of leftists organizations
from antifa, blm, la raza, even muslim groups (the biggest threat)
none of these scum bags want white people to survive dialogue with a group of people that are known for being influential and supportive financially can not be allowed to happen if they see our arguments and realize we are a safe bet to back......
Wasn't aware that youtubers said the same thing about her - my level of insight is at least as good as youtube commenters, yay!
I'll tell you why I dig at her Indianness and dumbness - it's because I don't like the idea that a person can be part Indian and it doesn't show much or at all - it shows how much they've infiltrated. That, and I wanted to like her but she really does seem slow, => probably dumb.
And, I have done something to help - here's Reactionary Jew's Red Ice interview:
yeah i think basically apart from some here who get ticked off in a thread with a jew or the young edge lord thinking he is fitting in or being cool speaks like that
basically all those comments are shills all of them they target people that much on social media they flip out at *The Altright* movement and end up having a figure head some what known and respected needed to calm then down and tell them they are being trolled and we are not some caricature movie villain,
these methods of shilling and abuse are not working much longer everyone on the net is brought up in these environments and now its all shit and if you want actual thoughts and ideas you go to the people representative of the movement not take the word of so many of these faceless podcasts or anonymous twitter handles
fuck that got deleted?
I saw it on youtube a day or 2 ago and have been meaning to listen to it. I'm not in the habit of saving 'redpill' videos anymore, unless it's a politician like joe biden, because there's so many of them I didn't think they would be getting scrubbed anymore
fuckin jews
Doesn't look like she wants it out there at all. A shame...
there is Jew and then there is (((((jew))))).
Jew: John the Baptist
(((jew))): Herod
Jew: Jesus
(((jew))): Caiaphas
Jew: Bobby Fisher
(((jew))): jew york slimes
Your not the smartest are you?
I already mentioned the RedIce interview at the top of the thread
muh infiltration
i wanted to listen to you but you really do seem slow probably dumb
This poster here is a good example for newfags to shilling
They want to come across as though they are on your side but they never stop pushing some form of extreme position and LOVE talking about if someone is white enough or if they are some kind of JEWISH PLOT or a Joooo !! plus ther is the wait FOR IT Infiltration dun dun dunnn
or just attack the persons character attack there looks call them mean names but never get into a real discussion about the topic unless its about the baseless accusations they throw around to stink up the thread
itwas pretty boring desu
just two Juden talking about Jews
you're'nt missing much
im uploading it
Dont think she is dumb, she seems to just be pretty uninformed. She is like genuinely autistic though.
she has sooo many layers of makeup
she is pretty, but that makeup hides it
look up her older vids
Can you give us a magnet link?
He's a fucking subversive bike
>"A proud dual citizen of the United States and Israel"
yeah it would seem if they cant threaten white people on the right to shut up they will go for the guests
you see this kind of dialogue with a jew that isn't some annoying kavetching lefty can not be aloud to happen with the right wing the same people who threaten the right with death and violence who are committed who globalist agitators will kill
A young man like this jew that steps outta line of what the perceived stance and positions of jews apparently are well that's a no no how does that help the globalist agenda if white people and jews get along or have talks that can lead to an understanding?
The ones pushing for all this need the weapon of calling someone an antisemit they need it they also need people who apparently are on the right to shout kike alot to play into the constant fear mongering of lets face pretty stupid jews who can not see the bigger picture so they shout Oy Vey
People bring up social engineering over decades and also white guilt propaganda and how effective its been well jews have absorbed all that as well
for example the nazis that are gonna get them in film narrative
many of the ones i see you troll on social media are incredibly stupid you don't think this paranoia hasn't had an effect on alot of them?
A jew conversing with whites about our issues is very important for us and jews on the fence that's why he is being targeted
I wonder what they threatened :)
it says it's already removed :/
its says unavailable to me german bro
nice job faggot
maybe try another platform
but pls upload, this i must listen to it.
so noob
It's funny that (((Peter))) vs. Paul was one of the first conflicts in the early church.
Peter wanted all the Christian goyim to get circumcised and basically become second class Jews, but Paul (himself a Jew) saw this as a "work". Paul understood that if you allow church leaders to just make up arbitrary rules, the power structure of Church would eventually be corrupted by people wanting to use this power. (There's a lot more to this, and it's worth reading about.) People like to misconstrue this as saying "everything is allowed", but this misses the point that faith in the teachings of Christ is the source of works, which are certainly necessary, not made up rules.
Just look at how much (((liberal Christian scholars))) absolutely hate Paul. Even when they accept the gospels, they do everything they can to smear Paul and completely reject his writings.
Today, the dispensationalist evangelicals, (((Scofield))) followers, and prophecy nuts are totally devoted to the idea that Christians are second-class Jews, a position that theologians who love Paul (like Luther) categorically reject.
Can you create a magnet hash and seed it so we can torrent it?
>removed because it is too long
There are 10 hour videos on YouTube. Was this interview some all day marathon what in the actual fuck
just Problems with my account
but now it is available
quickly grab that
the contents were very similar to the interview on RedIce it was a good interview and despite the shills yelling muh subversive kik and muh juden conversing
Tara did a good job and ask alot of questions, i think these starting interviews are a good foundation to just get to know reactionary jew and build up off from there he actually showed up at Amren i think where he meant alot of the AltRight in the first place thats how he got in touch
still not working
now it just says "this video is unavailable"
it should be available now
lel they literally shut it down
Available how? lmao
nope. Upload the file to a dropbox or something.
>available now
Good try
It really puts it into perspective with the shilling in this thread and the jewish organization shutting it down.........
yeah im not buying it with some of these organizations shutting down free speech threatening people
it works well with the lefty shill narrative posing as nazis yelling about kikes and muh subversion
Really makes you think..........
Ah my mistake. I understand now.
I've had a few conversations online with Jewish individuals in which I advised they start speaking up against their own. But from what I understand there are repercussions for doing this beyond legal threats, including but not limited to slanderous accusations of pedophilia and physical assaults. Desu I would be hesitant/scared to speak out as well.
I have noticed an escalation of agent provocateur activity lately, and I agree that it won't end well if continued. I suspect that it will come back to bite them in the ass once the dust settles. But on a positive note I also suspect it will result in a more united goyim.
first time i read the Bible i was butthurt about cain/abel, isaac/esau, and i was very wary of paul. after a few times reading, i came to the realization that i had been lost.
ah, i put that shit on private xD is it working now?
Video works for me.
yes, it works for me
Wonder what happened. Jewish Organizations are more dangerous than cartels. Whatever did happen they probably want the conservation about it to end.
yea it works now
thanks germanon. germans always redpilling us on jews.
JDL probably fucked with them
Need a magnet link. They can't shut down a torrent. A Dropbox or Drive link would also work in the meantime.
The necessity of Paul to Christ's plans is an interesting thing. On one hand it is an admission of failure of sorts: Christ had just incarnated, interacted with men as a man, and built a core movement of people as a man, and then left his ordinary incarnated form and ascended. Yet he needed to appear once more not long after ascension to recruit another man to a dominant role in his Church, Paul on the road to Damascus, to prevent it becoming corrupted by a Jewish overlord class.
Looks good
Make sure it's unlisted
Most likely.
These fucking bibkes are out of control.
Are you from cripplechan? You talk like it
Fucking wew. What a subversive shithead
>openly jewish
I don't think you know what that means.
phone poster
Another mirror:
Nope, I just don't want to say kike a bunch because it feels gross
great link faggot
>being this daft
I bet you believe in "based black men" too, huh?
confirmed, thanks user
Oh look, out come the jew graphs and memes getting posted to the obvious shill i roasted
Doesn't this all seem a little to convenient to you newfag lurkers in the thread?
The jews control everything here is some graphs and little memes with jews on them
white power am i right fellow nazi's?
you see this bullshit they just shout kike post memes with jews on them and don't add anything meaningful they only lash out at people and in the end just post random kids bikes as spam in the thread
now next time your in threads and topics come up and out of nowhere a graph or a meme with a quote and a jew pops up in it i want you to think about it
if you follow Tara or reactionary jew and are somewhat informed with people on the right giving commentary on political and cultural events, it would have been quite easy to call bullshit in this thread
look for the patterns in other threads they follow scripts they post the same memes they have no original thoughts and they do like squealing about kikes and race mixers and muh niggers but never adding anything of value its just mindless abuse and accusations
Paul was the fucking king of made up rules though. Have you even read his letters?
Thomas Sowell's iq is leagues higher than yours
>now next time your in threads and topics come up and out of nowhere a graph or a meme with a quote and a jew pops up in it i want you to think about it
A lot of it is a natural response to a persistent, years long PR psyop. People are getting angry. They don't want feelgood half-truths and censorship. They want honest discussion. Actions from organizations like ADL, and constant jidf aggressions, directly foment a war-like atmosphere. The same questions get asked over and over again and a lot of these people, myself included, are responding in the best ways they know how.
Yeah, your's definitely isn't though.
Oh no you didn't aquafresh!.................. but true.
Pretty sure the low energy is because she's a hardcore vegan.
So you don't buy predestination? The idea that some people have an unfair advantage just because God decided a few of his creations were extra special? Yeah, being saved is totally unearned and up to His whim, having nothing to do with someone's intrinsic merit.
Unfair? Maybe. Those here who reject the idea of Christian predestination are perfectly happy to accept the fact that they're white, and they feel like they deserved to be born white somehow. You feel like it's unfair. You feel like either everyone deserves to be white or no one does. Well, from the perspective of the natural world, everything's even more unfair. What gives the visible universe the right to decide which sentient beings are better off?
A lot of people lose their faith over this, so there's no shame here. Go watch Jordan Peterson's upcoming lectures on the Bible if you feel like easing back into it.
You still don't realise how stupid you are. The jew said he is openly a jew, therefor he is not "subversive".
>he uses Third Reich iconography
>he is dumb stormfag
Why must you disgrace the Germans so much? You don't even know what "subversive" means.
I'm halfway through this and this dude is confirming some Sup Forums memes and dismissing others in a reasonable manner
I can see why some jews would be pissed.
Appreciate it, based German bro.