Help me Redpill my gf

oh Sup Forums i need to redpill my gf big time.
main focus is on jews and the fall of western civilisation (immigration, celebrate diversity, fake news etc etc)
i would be really happy if some of you could provide me with more statics, evidences( f.e. white helmets in syria), pictures and other usefull shit
also she's from russia, if you have anything thats against russia i would suck your dick nohomo

Other urls found in this thread:

Have her to take a look at the current state of Germany


This is meant to teach refugees how to impregnate German girls.

She is corrupt. Dump her ass and find a hot bitch that is already red-pilled.

Don't listen to the silly leafs, even if she's shit it's better to redpill her.

This is about African colonialism, they think they were innocent and only whites were colonisers.

Have her watch Empire of Dust on YouTube


Media lies

Germany is just Sweden 2.0, same logic applies.


Bring her here. Let her walk around alone everyday. Let her try and rapport anything to the police.

this is gold
need more of this
>Have her watch Empire of Dust on YouTube
i will, thank you
meme magic is very welcome
great, she thinks africans couldn't develop because of the missing education

Your gf is going to leave you and one day, she's gonna be at a bar with her friends and some new people and she's gonna joke about how her ex was "really concerned with western civilization and the jews I think?" and everyone's gonna have a laugh at your expensive and one of them is gonna fuck her OP.

Look at this article as well:



The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Holy fuck you cunts are retarded.
Why the fuck are you trying to redpill women with statistics?? Unless you have one of the maybe 5% of women who actually are interested in that (unlikely) you're just gonna make her ignore you.
Start with Islam immigrant rapes. Tell her all about how under Sharia their daughter will get sold to some old goatfucker.
Then when that sinks in you wait for a local news report of a black raping a woman, point it out, and then keep hammering that in as the stories keep cropping up.
The Jew trick is a bit harder. Most important is to show how ugly they are, this will help dehumanise them in her eyes.
Really though once you change her mind on a few things she'll become much more receptive to what you drop on her.


I just saw this a few hours ago... really activated them almonds. Not sure if the same article, but it brought up a great point. What's next families with larger properties being forced to share their homes?


i love you guys

When you are in shock you get an adrenaline rush thus not feeling any pain, I had that a lot I once broke 3 bones in my right hand in a fight and couldn't feel shit, only after a few hours when the rush was calming down I felt pain
That kid clearly is in a stage of shock and fear he doesn't comprehend what's happened nor does he feel the pain when he touches his wounds

This has exceptional triggering potential