>won UEFA euro 2016
>won the eurovision song contest 2017
Based Portugal, the new lighthouse of Europe
Won UEFA euro 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
Italy should have won.
>Stop advertising Portugal
Btw none of those things matter, only retards watch niggerball and "euro"vision
Stop advertisng Portual we don't want a housing bubble you fucking fuck
inb4 they can't pay for next year Eurovision
If Ukraine could do it then anyone can.
I wish they cancelled this garbage but 6ermany will pay for it and you know it.
it's already paid for with 1 day worth of white french tourists throwing their shekelsat us because they miss what france looked like before it got invade by nig nogs and bombermen
Right in the feels user
>Won the Euro thanks to a nigger
>Won the Eurovision thanks to a gypsy
Yeah, so "based"
>pope blessing
>benfica tetrachamp
>literally safest country in europe
>literally country with less arabs
we will truly rise again once we get rid of this corrupt government and these commie fucks.
Meanwhile in France, your niggers and gypsies rape and steal. I know which ones are better to have around.
t. mad ahmed who lost 3 goats and 10 burkas that day
>>pope blessing
>>benfica tetrachamp
Not one of those things is relevant, stop being a faggot
nice ass btw
first you have to remove the fucking gypsies infesting places like Lisbon... I almost got robbed by a group of them.
im just here to point out messi > penaldo
I know what you mean, but at least it's us. WE
The pakis?
hate them too. Can't DEUS VULT soon enough. Theya re part of a human trafficking network
Just show them your bomb vest and they'll leave you alone, Abdul.
>won euro 2004
> won eurovision
> deepest financial depression in history
Kek has spoken.
T. Alberto Barbosa
I-is Salazar watching over us?
>being poor
>calling me shitskin because you dont have any proper answer
Portugal in a nutshell. I bet soon you will call me Hans, right Manoel?
Eurovision is actual degenerate propaganda. Fzck that shit
It was just a joke, Mehmet. Relax, you're posting like an american.
you are late for your 400 EUR/month job.
he calls you a shitskin because thats what your country has become a shitskn country
Sorry Hans your country is a shithole now
>Won both those things
>Everybody else goes back to their respective countries
>You have to go back to Portugal
Remind me who the real winners are again?
Considering those 3 things are ever present in our society, I fail to understand how that is a big of a deal.
I don't have a job, I'll just ask you for another loan when I run out of dosh.
And you are late for your daily prayer Hakim
Great quality of life. Barely no shitskin around where I live. Secure. Clean. Good paid job.
kek Portugal... not even Brazilians want to live in your country anymore... its only "in" because tourists chose some shit to go to spend money to help the poor
>you will never be Messi
I think he was referring to the fact that you have a lot more trash to remove, chill out man. You're absolutely right though those gypsies should be utterly and completely exterminated without a trace, they are even worse than negros.
Once a friend of mine and his gf were assaulted by a group of 15 of them in the middle of Parque das Nações at 18:00. Thankfully they had literally nothing worth stealing and they just left but my friend has a bloodlust for them now.
I bet you are drunk already, because to live in that depressive place called Finland you need to be constantly like this
yes yes please keep calling Portugal a shithole
no housing bubble pls
At least he sang a pretty song right? Now back to getting royally BLACKED.
>the head of UN is portuguese
>pope francis recognized the child shepherds as saints of the catholic church
>Porto recognized as best european destiny
>tsunaldo barbosa well positioned to become best player of the season again
>economy is growing 2.8%
Can anyone stop Portugal?
You ahve accepted millions of refugees
you are fucking doomed germany
all these allalus will be exploding soon
no one is safe
no more chritmas market for you
careful with those trucks hans
Yea. I am just shitposting. Sry
I almost got robbed inside the tram that goes up to the Castelo dos Mouros. The roaches tried to stand nearby us with places to seat and we just protected our stuff. They got angry and said Scheiße to us and left
Why is Belgium so cucked? You're like the 3rd most cucked only behind Sweden and Germany.
I am more safe here than you with your horde of gypsies stabbing and robbing people in every corner. Only places like Cascais are safe from this
I'm not belgian, but I like it here, pretty chill place.
Also that would be France.
U sould have offered them work, they would have run like lightning
shut up about portugal, forget it exists
same with the baltic states, just shut up, they don't exist, don't get them enriched
Of course an arab is safe among arabs.
I found out this morning that there are now black people living in Guarda.
Should I be getting worried lads?
because the flemish master race is constantly being dragged back into the shit by the subhuman walloons
LOTS of moor fucks visit Castelo dos Mouros like "MY ANCESTORS" and then rip our flags off of it because they are mad they got BTFO. It's really disgusting, pic related as an example. I can dig up more.
nah mate, in a white German neighbourhood in a city on the 6th worldwide on quality of life.
A football team having black football players, is that a surprise?
Do people really do that? Jesus Christ, that's some next level disrespect.
arrest them on the spot and make him pay thousands in fine to recover the flag. And ban from EU
Makes my fucking blood boil. Angola é nossa and the niggers should just be sterilised.
there no stabbing and robbing hans, Portugal is top 5 most safe country in the world
why are you lying hans?
whya re your ahmeds pushing women down a staircase? why are they gangraping your women on new year? why are they stabbing people on metro? why are they driving trucks into christians?
why dont you do anything about it?
do you like muslim cock hans? what does it smell like?
>daily prayer
It's 5 prayers per day, you infidel.
Also I find it funny how roaches believe the iberian moors were some sort of ancestors of them. They're much more related to ar*bs than to moors, that were mostly berbers from north Africa.
Right, too bad I'm not the one charge otherwise I'd have them sterilised and enslaved. Frankly democracy is bullshit because if everyone is in charge then no one is in charge, no one takes responsability and no one listens. And if anyone wants to take action we're afraid of the police state. It's really frustrating.
kek, no idea this was going on
> being that offended
> believing in the "rape culture" fake news
> earning in a top job less than a street cleaner in Germany
keep deflecting you enriched cutiepie
spotted the immigrant
Portugal is great. Spent a lot of time in lisbon and evora. Proud to be allies with you for so long.
I hope Brexit comes soon and then we dont have to deal with your white trash destroying Spain and Portugal with their shit bars, karaokes, all inclusive hotels and shit food
The feeling is mutual friend 1890 is long gone we've let bygones be bygones the pros of our alliance far outweigh the cons
The song was shit, I dont really understand how did you managet to win it
Fuck you, Portugal. I wanted that faggot to get a 0
karaokes? never associated brits with them
Do you know that story about a portuguese man working in his own restaurant in Germany and getting harassed by the turk mafia? One day one of them went too far and started harassing his daughter, the portuguese dude had enough and when the turk returned again he grabbed the turk's gun and shot him in the head point-blank. He then hid the body in the pantry kek.
I think he's gonna get fucked by you laws.
>5 (FIVE) points
Can someone give a quick rundown?
Every fucking English pub has these retards singing bad the same fucking songs
The song was great fuck you
mad cuz your song only got 3 points and our great song got like 700+ lmao
I have a question for Portuguese people.
Why does Portugal still have it's like 15th century medieval flag to this day?
Just curious
Pic not related
Should have been a 0. That cunt bought the judges, no one fucking voted him.
Do it for your lover baby.
Btw thanks for giving us the 12 points based Serbia
Fucking polygot gypsies. They are evolving
he should have gotten a medal
No we don't, only the emblem. Pic is our last monarchy flag.
>mfw brexit is a german conspiracy to remove british competition for sun loungers
Hopefully he already killed himself.
Also Evora's crest is based
I was in a poor school in the north and it used to be filled with lower class trash gypsy of the lowest caliber.
My resentment for those subhumans knows no bounds, they are literally worse than niggers cause they have actual illegal firearms and long bladed knives.
I'm mad because you gave us 5 points
Lol he even made a joke about that after winning fact of the matter is the song was great and he sung pretty well dont be so mad cuz you came in last i dont want to roast you i love spain
Cool. Cheers big dog.
i'd give you 12 regardless of the song desu you're our neighbours
We always give some points to France and Spain, even if your songs are shit.
>winning Eurovision is now something to be proud of
dude Putin hates gays, let this ugly drag queen win
dude Putin reclaimed a part of Ukraine, let's make sure Ukraine wins
dude this poor guy has health issues and loves BBC immigrants ;( he must win
winning that contest is like being #1 in the cuck parade
fucking brits go to other countries to eat their food, drink their beer and be among other brits only a in a different weather/location
>British logic
and most of them stay in the same hotel/area for the entire duration of their vactions