Half of our country is occupied by Turkroaches

>Half of our country is occupied by Turkroaches
>No one gives a shit
>Someone get the raid
>I can't stand these turkroaches

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck you we are coming for the other half

no one cares about your shit country

At least they're isolated to one half of the country, and not perfectly spread out everywhere, multiplying endlessly.



Not if we've got anything to do with it, roach.

We still dislike you but you're better than the Turks invading us.

give me the run down on what happened to cyprus

>can't take a small town from isis for 4 months
>Wants to conquer Europe

really makes you think

why don't you just DEUS VULT them off the island?

get a grip!


New Ottoman Empire when?

So this is the power of 'multiculturalism'

I fully expect a Chinese invasion at some point in the future to 'protect' the Chinese populace in Australia

Incase anyone is too dumb to work it out, purple is the Turkroach population before the invasion, yellow is Greek, red is British military bases.



>can't take back your own land for decades

really makes you think

the time will come and I'll be personally bulldozing roach neighborhoods like in old times

shoo shoo, roach

The turks must die

Your best bet is to try and wait for the Turkish economy to collapes and political instability soon following due to Erdogan probably fucking up.

To my knowledge only turkey recognizes Turkish Cyprus so legally invading Turkish Cyprus wous be like attacking no one but Turkey will be very angry if you do that.

>And the other half is being more and more owned by Wargaming, a Russian game company

>become independent
>turkroaches screetch for muh roach cypriot rights (they were a 13% minority but got way more political power)
>roaches start sponsoring roach revolt
>remove political power from roaches
>revolt btfo
>turkroachistan threatens to invade
>greek junta does a coup in cyprus in order to unify greece with it at the least opportune moment
>roaches use it as an excuse to invade
>all roaches go north, all greeks go south
>north becomes shithole
>south becomes economic powerhouse in it's region

No one is going to care because we are submissive faggots. ELAM is our only hope. Too bad no one is going to vote for them because they are nazis.

I dont think you will find the US and Europe to hold their tongue like last time.

>willingly giving away all your overseas holdings

Its only a matter of time, a pause in the storm. No one will save you. Mudslimes will take everything from you.

must be fun sharing an island with roaches

Have we ever had a Turkroach Cypriot poster? I can't recall any (though I guess they'd be under the Cypriot flag)

I wonder how many of us cyprusposters there are here on Sup Forums

I've been to Cyprus multiple times and always found the Turkish Cypriots more welcoming and friendly than the Greek Cypriots. The same is true of the Cypriots I've met who came to the UK to study.

No, they'd be under Turkish flag as their connection is routed from Turkey.

we have a great big wall between us, so we don't really interact
though people sometimes visite the other side

the banana republic in the north is not recognized by anyone except turkroachistan, so they have no flag of their own
they post under our flag

>cant take back your own capital for decades

insallah, brother

That's because you're a fucking Brit
They have every right to hate your ass

Roach flag, eh? I guess those who posted under ours were visitors to the (much more developed and economically prosperous) south

>we have a great big wall
memes are real

This thread is infested...

Fellow meditaranian here , half Cypriot and half Italian . Fuck the Turks for what they do and have done ! Sub humans , troglodyte faggots!! Get the RAID

Insh'allah, brother

maybe its because you cunts keep buying up our land.

I'm half greek cyproit and when i went to cyprus as a child with my family, half of my mothers village was owned by Britbongs as their holiday houses.

xddd cuck


Cyprus is the best example of western double standard. You have my sympathies and i with we could help you remove kebab.

I've been to Cyprus only once and know nearly nothing of politics there but what I didn't get is this:
Why didn't the turk minority fuck off to Turkey if they don't like Cyprus? It's the same shit for Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. If you love Russia so much, fuck off to Russia. If not stay in the Ukraine. Or at least try to act like some sort of mediator or something. If you'd rather live in another country than your own, fuck right off there. And if you don't want to stay put and shut the fuck up.


t. T*rk on a proxy

hey, you must be literally the only cyrpus guy who posts here. hi

Well ain't this a surprise

they just taking back her majesty's property

Yes probably.

You can always remove yourself :^)

Thanks senpai
There's a large Russian community here, half of which are rich oligarchs and the other half poorfags who escaped Yeltsin's Russia in the 90s
They are generally loved here
Also, your navy docks here a lot

Pretty sure this is their flag. You should know, it's on a mountain top facing the south to remind you everyday.

i'm pretty sure they have airbases on cyprus or something, I seem to remember there being one near a waterpark.

cocky cunts
nobody recognises their country except themselves.

You act like only the West has a double standard here. What really happened is that Turkey didn't help the turkish minority in relocating in Turkey but wanted to disrupt the whole country due to an eternal beef with Greece.

Ukraine's borders are what Stalin drew with a crayon on a map and do not take into account the historic populations. It's not that easy, Hans.
You also expect Russia to not react when it's main naval base and it's borders are under threat by NATO?
Also, Turkroachistan was a fraid that Greece would essentially "encircle" it with Cyprus, so they tried to fuck us up as much as they could.
Politics ain't that simple

they still own parts of your island though


Fuck you Turkey you muslim nigger pieces of fucking shit

sup, burgerbro?

> If you love Russia so much, fuck off to Russia. If not stay in the Ukraine

Because when some soviet premier moves an area of land from one soviet republic to another to celebrate an anniversary is totally binding forever but a referendum isnt.

why you little...

Wait I read your post wrong.
The West (or at least parts) were neutral to benevolent towards the real Cyprus and no western country supported Turkey.

jk, I know you're a roach

Reminder to ignore the Perifidious Albion

Greekbro, it's probably roach diaspora
We've had plenty on Syria General

My grandad is from Cyprus and him explaining the whole Turkish invasion thing was one of the things that led me down the path to being redpilled (before Sup Forums existed).
Pic is a map of the density of my surname.

>doesn't look that bad

I fucking hate these goddamn turks.

>m-muh enosis
cry some more

Historic populations my ass, Putin realized it was a good move "liberating" ethical Russians in eastern Ukraine while having an excuse due to NATO interference due to increasingly tense relations between Russia and Ukraine. Europe just didn't think Putin would willingly sacrifice economic relations with Europe/EU to strengthen the nationalistic narrative in his own country.

really tho, how is cyprus as a vacation spot? wanna go there or crete to get the bronze age achient greek experience, which one?

>no one gives a shit

western countries put military embargo including oil on turkey after liberation of cyprus in 1974. read history. our villagers could not even run their tractors for a while. however turkey did not step back.

in that time, turkey did not have landing sea crafts so we used city ferry ships instead to carry our soldiers :).

today any embargo would not effect turkey that much. we have all kinds of weaponary, oil reserves and manpower. also our nation is much more nationalistic than leftist gayreeks. so, if I were you I would keep my mouth shut kek

My mums from the north but I support unification, it's only the older generation that disagree. Turkish Cypriots are native to the island and even they hate roaches coming in.

Doesn't matter
The only good Anglo is the dead Anglo

Looks like a post-apocalyptic setting for a film

moron, this town shut down due to united nations agreement. actually turkey tries to open it again. probably you are a gayreek or armen anyway so keep crying little bi tc h.

turkey just use that side of the country as housing commissions, they put all their poorcunts there, the side of the country is a slum. You roaches would probably destroy it if it was opened.

t. English the Terrible

Learn how to use it friend ---> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_grammar

The whole difference is that the soviet premier had the power to what he wanted while the referendum was not accepted by Ukraine and only enforced because Russian troops were already on ukrainian soil.

Unification is a meme. TCs having their own federal state controlled by Erdogan will bring us back to 1963.

>This Pleb thinks it's about Duh people !!!

No Genius its all about Strategic location, look at Cypriot location right under Turkeys belly, would you want a Greek annexed territory there? Similarly for Crimea would Russia love to loose their access to Black/Med seas by southern fleet overnight?

I don't have inferiority complex against western faggots.

this is perfect english. deal with it or fuck off.

You're just mad you can't open the link

>durrr if some commie dictator arbitrarily decides to move the border around it means the change is final! no referendum of the locals can change it!

spot the retard

How does it feel knowing that you're from a poor man's India? A poor in loo.

>No one gives a shit

I'm not fighting some roaches again over some pointless bit of land. Tried that 100 years ago and failed.



No offense but nobody's going to war over fucking Cyprus

If they try to take the southern half through they'l likely get sanctions


>mfw the pope is shitposting from the Vatican

This is now a sopa thread

Turkey is such a roach-infested shithole that even when refugees who were just gassed by Assad see the shape of your country they risk their lives to swim to Greece.

open this link

communist gayreeks execute two nationalist gayreeks on a main street kek


+also this one: nationalist gayreek who tries to lower the turkish flag was killed by turkish sniper


why everyone is killing nationalist gayreeks :)

You have to be joking you faggot.
Without knowing the exact legislation I can safely say that a communist dictator certainly had more power to decide literally anything (hence the name dictator) than a region making a referendum dragging people to vote with an assault weapon in their backs.

Great On Topic Argument There Poor Mans Albania.

actually thats the rich mans albania kek

its funny how pol turns into a shitpost fest at night when the americans are sleeping because of all the hostility of being in different countires

Post the best Sopas.

>Without knowing the exact legislation

So youre literally admitting you dont know shit what youre talking about.

>that a communist dictator certainly had more power to decide literally anything

So? They had the power to exterminate millions of their own, how does it make it permissible to do so?

You forgot your little belted pals ;)