Sup Forums wtf happened with Laci Green and why is everyone saying she's red pilled now? I know I'm kind of late to the party on this, but can someone just tell me what happened?
Sup Forums wtf happened with Laci Green and why is everyone saying she's red pilled now...
she got BLACKED
sage femishill threads
In a nutshell.
>Attention whore ran out of attention from the left
>Is now looking to farm attention from the right.
Just ignore it.
she got fucked by a Maga hat wearer and liked it
More detail please
>would be better without hot topic glasses
Been trying to work it out myself but she seems to still be exactly the same.
based mick knows what's up
She made a video called "taking the redpill?" Or something like that and everyone thinks she's redpilled now apparently.
I want to see her smug face covered in jizz
She's noticing how much coverage Shoe, Blaire White and Lauren Southern are getting meanwhile her vids are clocking around 400,000 views.
Right wingers also have more money to throw at woman who agree with them on patreon.
She posted a single video about feminists censoring other feminists and now retards think she's "redpilled"
I KNOW we had an user who matched her on Tinder and was going to fuck her again and report back.
Where is that motherfucker?
She is You, two seconds after you started going to this website.
Who the fuck cares? is the only valid post ITT.
She's doing porn now, under the name Riley Reid.
she wants the audience of retards from /r/The_Donald and more money that's all. Fucking plebbitors took the bait and now they going crazy. She is still a radical feminist whore cunt like before.
no one gives a shit about your crack hoe
stop making laci cunt fuck threads you fucking faggots
mods should ban for this shit
She isn't red pilled, the influx of newfags seem to be semi red-pilled. They like people like Sargon, Amazing Atheist, ShoeOnHead, etc.
How much does she charge for an hour? I really want to play with those titties.
Would help if people didn't keep bumping it
why the fuck did she film herself doing this
I fucked up, i forgot to sage
Why are women so addicted to attention?
Ban Laci Posters
Are you underage or actually this retarded?
does anyone else wish we were still merged with /mlp/ so we wouldn't have to put up with these crap threads being shilled anymore?
To feel validated and good about themselves, you dum dum.
Maybe not a full time merge, but it should be a routine thing to be honest.
They need to get provided for, they are fragile
Exactly. Blair, Lauren, Shoe, and whoever else told her that if she pretends to be redpilled she has a ready-made audience of a million neets on 4 chins. All she has to do is shill every day about how redpilled she is and they'll follow.
This x10Fuck this opportunist shill bitch
anyone got the webm? iirc she also filmed herself snorting
Stop paying attention to e-celebs like Spencer, Milo and Lauren Southen who call themselves "alt right". They're just looking for shekels. Speaking of e celebs does anyone know what happened to Ray William Johnson? He was all over the interent 4-5 years ago and no one remembers him anymore.
She isn't red pilled, she just understood that yelling racist/sexist all the time and pushing for censorship doesn't work very well.
He voluntarily left to do other stuff I think.
If you think she's on your side and "red pilled"
Soon it will be, "I'm pro-choice!"
I wanna see moar in the meantime I guess
She will do a facial abuse video
Daddy didn't give them any.
Fucking this.
She didn't even concede anything, she literally just said
>hurr I'm still right but I'm open to debating with right-wingers to prove them wrong eventhough I'm just right anyway.
Absolutely nothing happened except she's trying to get money from a wider audience.
muh insulin
Yeah, it's this, I can't believe Sup Forumstards and the common alt-righter are this stupid to think she's genuine about being "red-pilled".
The definition of a fuckpig.
A better question is can he poo in loo
Found the 12 year old.
I think this is the one, can't see the thumbnail
She bought a MAGA hat and wore it while getting fucked.
stop being fucking stupid... i forgot i'm on Sup Forums... carry on faggots
it's from her anti-drug video.
What a contemptible creature. I would totally smash her face against a wall and then gag her with my cock while the blood from her broken nose trickles down onto it.
Typical female behavior. She's switching sides because SJWs are now uncool.
I'd hate fuck her for sure.
This, kind of. Women really can't into politics. They always vote for the vagina or the hot guy. If they ever come to an informed sounding position they are merely imitating the chad in their life.
So let that be a warning guys. If your bitch doesn't agree with you politically it's because she would rather be fucking somebody else.
Is it bad that I'd like to feed her
isn't this that degenerate slut that burns coal and shoots up heroin on youtube?
Depends. Feed her what ?
Is Sup Forums too stupid to realize these waves of Youtuber threads are organized marketing campaigns by some publicist?
Who am I kidding, of course we are.
We need to find out what company is behind it and dox the hell out of everyone involved.
What a capitalist whore
She's trading with Coulter.
>She's switching sides because SJWs are now uncool
that's good sign for us, stop being pessimistic about everything.
shes not redpilled.
she seeks to get into the right then be like "see you can be feminist and be redpilled." "see you can be anti-rape jokes and be redpilled" "see if anyone disagrees with this stuff they can get the fuck out of the redpill community!!"
infiltration just like they did with atheism and gaming.
also she looks like drew carey i don't know why you fagots say shes good looking.
Fuck Richard Spencer is the others, but Lauren Southern actually proved herself.
She was blocking refugees from coming into Italy. That's 1000x more than those other ball-less scumbags did, or anyone on this board will ever do.
This; If i remember right, he started to do his own production and writing. Dude had a succesful successor (Robb), but the guy was quite good and pursued his own career after few months of being there, after that it kinda died off and nobody gave shit anymore. + this was the time where massive vine compilations and other shits started to come out. Ppl didnt want to waste 6 mins to watch only 3 short clips with commentary
Srsly doe unironically neck urself, k?
>Describes herself as an intersectional feminist
>Is still a braindead social marxist
>Declares herself red pilled
She's about as "red pilled" as any other normie. They're just all starting to figure out that they're normies.
>Lauren Southern
>call themselves "alt right"
Poo goes to loo, Aboo
Nobody likes Laci Green or gives a fuck about her at all. Shut the fuck up about her, seriously. You're a huge faggot for even mentioning her.
How the fuck am I a white knight?
Go catch those kids stealing your lucky charms, Mick.
I wish nobody did, but my college had her come give a talk about rape culture
She's not there yet, working her way to being truly redpilled.
How the fuck do you even dress yourself? Go choke on the throat tumour your """food""" is giving you, Trayshawn.
Western women (and most men) are totally beyond any form of redemption.
>if being red pilled means always seeking the truth, then I've always been redpilled!
Yeah, naw cunt. I imagine all the fair weather libcucks are gonna start spouting that same "I've always been all about the truth and free speech (nevermind the fact that 2 weeks ago I hated you and everything you stand for). Please see the link below to donate to my Patreon" bullshit. Fuck that.
Who fucking cares? Anyone can go talk at a college about anything. Sam Hyde said he was Jennifer Aniston and gave a Ted talk. I have a friend who took a class on Bob Dylan at University of Texas where he was given an A+ for doing virtually nothing. College is a fucking joke. Laci Green is a fake human being. Discussion about this retarded cow has no place on Sup Forums. I can't think of something more retarded than giving attention to the stupidest whore on youtube. Like seriously? She makes a video called "taking the redpill" and these autistic frog posting 14 year olds want to start praising her as le queen of pol xD? This board is such a piece of shit. Don't forget to sage.
>I will not campaign to censor people like the rest of my fellow feminists! AHAH! Certified redpilled!
>btw the right censors people just as much
Oh yeah dude, she's taking le redpill. Praise kek!
Don't be fooled goy, she is still a degenerate faking the "redpill" in order to get more shekels from the newfag redditor leafs.
true tho
Don't be fooled goy, she is still a degenerate faking the "redpill" in order to get more shekels from the newfag redditor leafs
Fuck this bitch,
Fuck E-Celebs
Fuck off Shills , this is PEPE territory
>he doesnt even fucking know how to reply to posts
This is the shit I'm talking about. How long have you been here, ten minutes?
We at the Donald support her.
Blue pill or the red pill the blue pill you stay where you are living in la la Land or you take red pill where you wake up in the real world
is she hot?
>enamored with a fucking intersecional feminist sjw YouTube vblogger
>calls someone else a jew
Forgot to proof read it man.
She is literally my dream girl ...
Can we stop fucking posting this fucking garbage.
I decided to watch a minute of the video that was posted earlier and now I have all these suggestions popping up for these cancerous youtube feminists in my recommended list
Lauren Southern is genuine tho. Based woman she is
Don't be fooled goy it is a poorly executed shekel grab attempted
You just replied to your own post. Not mine. And you don't reply to posts by typing out the post number. Click on the post number of the post you wish to reply to. Are you ok? Are you on something? Maybe you should go play on /r9k/.