56% white

>56% white

More like 20%


why are the miss whatever girls always so bottom fuck tier.

That Minnesota is repulsive

>current year
>still watching tv





I hate this world.

do leftists actually think anybody is falling for this shit? even the most apolitical americans will see straight through this plot. why can't leftist faggots just let us have a good competition now and again? gas. gas is the answer to the progressive problem.

>1 white girl probably had her hair dyed blonde
>1 qt latina
>3 nigras
Top kek, America. There will come a time when this country will be whiter than you.

I don't know about Jersey but the rest are representative of the states they're from; DC, South Carolina and Illinois have large black populations and Miinnesota is primarily Scandinavian people.

>Caring about (((beauty pagents)))
>Any year

For quite a while, these pageants have featured contestants that just plain suck in the looks department.
I meet women all the time in RL that put them to shame.
I cannot understand what this is all about, it makes little sense to me, and it also seems as though they've been weeding out the really good looking women in the primary selections. And this goes beyond race too, they've simply been weeding out the really attractive women.

Anyone have a decent theory?

Why do you cucks care so much about a fucking beauty pageant. I mean holy shit. I'm willing to bet that only niggers and spics watch it anyway.

>Top kek, America. There will come a time when this country will be whiter than you.
Nah, only on TV.

>a castiza of clearly European ancestry

Texas is like half spic? What did you expect? This pic proves that blacks are blatantly overrepresented in the US and spics get fucked over.

according to Sup Forums, America becomes 10% less white every day. We should be at negative white percentage now

>first world

New Jersey is filled with Shitskins

I'll take a guess: if the contestants were too attractive, the female viewership would get insecure.

It represents the death of the peoples of our nations.

Christ. The whitest are on the ends. Don't want to be white washed do we?

Racial quotas.

I think it's just that the average American has shit fucking taste. They like high heels and fake tits.

>Americans think Europe is doomed

There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking chicks in high heels.

wanna see the german contestants?

One thing to take heart about this is that Jews sense the blood in the water for legacy media, they're going all out on their propaganda machine before cord-cutters become the norm.

Curious as to how they'll try to control the internet though, they already demonetized alt-right youtube channels but that certainly wont be enough.

Why do half of them look like Fritzl babies

5(0) shades of USA?

Dunno. Do they rank them by 'objective' aspects? Then it could simply be that with the same set of traits you'll always end up with the same generic women.

Real beauty is hard to describe or quantify. Could be something as simple as that sparkle in her eyes.


>upper row, third from the right
Chinks are everywhere

Excellent theory, very probably true.

I kind of was going with the idea that really attractive women don't need pageants and other forms of validation to know they're attractive, so they don't enter these things...but that doesn't explain why the truly attractive women that do enter them are weeded out.

Your theory makes much more sense, it is probably a marketing thing, to insure the female audience does not feel too threatened by the winners.

It's no secret that viewership on these things has dropped to extremely low levels, anyway...they probably lost the male viewers.

It's pleb tier desu mate. I'm talking like stripper heels.

Cant stop the BLACKENING americuck

i think its a turk

Not bad desu.

Bottom row, fifth from the right, my choice.

>according to Sup Forums, America becomes 10% less white every day.

It's like the holocaust but in reverse

Finland is next, after Sweden.

>miss helsinki


>miss usa


Makes sense.

We need an alternative to Youtube, and we need to make it "all the rage" for users to switch to it.

And we need to make sure that no Jew ever gains control of it.

I had to google our miss.
Who cares about this shit?

And you're the first

Why do we have to pretend black women are attractive? The stats don't lie...no one find them attractive. Barley even black men do.

which one's miss Bayern?

Whatever you say, Finngol.

Muh virtue siiiignalllliiiiing

Yeah, those may be a little much

What was even the purpose of electing Trump? Just for the memes? The USA is fucked. White people living there are fucked. What was the point.

Well, it IS genocide.

Hitler missed one.

Miss _____ are never that good looking

Actual hot women fuck rich dudes

never mind... found it


When Stella Artois is using Matt Damon talking about water conservation to sell fucking beer, your movement has officially jumped the shark.

Miss Minnesota has the typical Swedish slut face

>you will never be a well to do white southern youth taking part in a debutante ball and dancing with well dressed, white, rich super qts

I miss the old south

>All those dark hair/eyes mongrels

It's bad enough it happened here, it's disgusting to see it happening to Europe. At least they still have light skin.

fuck off you mexican gook.

Could happen faster than you think, all it needs is that one spark. Look at MySpace and Skype. They both died insanely fast.

The problem is to somehow create that spark. It's hard to pin down a real reason why it happened when it happened, because the alternatives had already been available for quite a while when they were finally killed off.

She looks like a Turk

>What was even the purpose of electing Trump?
Trumps been in office for 6 months and he hasn't even genocided the niggers yet!!!


He's not going to do anything of the sort. Nothing is going to change regarding the ethnic makeup of this country, it's only going to get worse.

God, they all look so forgetable.
They obviously are pretty and I'd fugg them, but I can take a look at that picture for 10 seconds, then look away and try to picture them and apart from the hair and skin color I couldn't tell you anything.

Lol, what he is doing is listening to his kike daughter and kike son in law.

Maybe there is still hope?

I take sachsen !!

So are most people, even the attractive ones. Ironically the most beastly and ugly people are easily remembered.

no tits but face is 11/10.

Nope, America is fucked. I just hope we serve as a lesson for the world, but it seems like the EU is dead set on taking Europe down the same route, but faster.

why do people care about beauty pageants ...nothing could be more trivial.

Think about how quickly this happened to us. It's only been about 20 years since shit got really bad.

Marketing is why.
When Jewtube came out, the mainstream media pushed it hard, you saw it being mentioned in "news" shows and all over "entertainment media, until the bleating masses all stampeded there to see what the big deal was about.
The same could be done with an online advertising campaign, but it would take all of both Sup Forums's and Sup Forums to spread it all over Plebbit, etc., to make it happen.

It is always a good idea to take something away from the Jews.

if Minnesota doesn't win that lineup then that shit is rigged.

There are definitely also attractive woman you only see for a second while walking by and yet they have one or more features that you could immediately describe.
That's normally what you'd describe as beautiful, an attractive woman which has that one extra aspect that makes her stick out and immediately draws your attention to her.

None of those contestants do.


Sachsen would have been my first choice, too.

>Miss Minnesota being white

Because gorgeous women are nice to look at faggot

Why are miss competitors such overstyled average women? Is being skinny and tall enough these days to be a beauty queen? And why are they all black and half-black? Are you even trying USA? You think this is why you created USA and broken free from British? Is that you final form? It's only going to get worse. This ain't worth to spill your tea cup.

I guess those are just higher tier in America because of the amount of ugly shitskins we have.

America has lost the cities, there are still hordes of whites in suburbia and rural regions that don't mix, and are having scads of children. Only immigration is thinning our numbers, and it needs to end.
White flight changed the demographics of the densely populated areas of the country, and this gives rise to the notion that the entire country has gone brown.
This is not the case.

I'm starting to think America just became a testing ground of sorts for what they have planned for Europe.

None of them are white. The girl on the right looks very mixed and trashy. Also fake blonde.

Lmao. Niggercountry confirmed

The population in the states do not select the winners.
They are selected by judges, made up of politically correct assholes & Jews.

Yeah she totally looks like a pornstar.

>White flight changed the demographics of the densely populated areas of the country, and this gives rise to the notion that the entire country has gone brown.
>This is not the case.

No, whites are definitely being outbred and replaced here at a rapid pace. Whenever you see a non-American posting their >56% memes, they're ultimately rooted in truth.

They want us to worship such women. If i wanted a black woman i rather worship a slave nigress, at least those could cook and didn't need a hour to wash their chemicals from face and didn't parade and probably were virgins too.

Want to see miss England finalists?

So.. about every place is packed with niggers and spics?

I wanted to visit the US, but not anymore. Africatier

No, the demographics of the country did not start to change until Ted Kennedy's immigration reform act of 1965 gave preference in immigration to non-whites from third-world countries.
The demographics could become more healthy (more white) with the elimination of this act, and I think it had better be done while the country is still majority white.
And YES, whites need to be encouraged to have more children, and the way to do that is increase the tax breaks per child, while cutting welfare per child.

Those are relative values though, what about the absolute ones? As far as I know, those are relatively stable for whites, which would mean that user was exactly right - you don't have a problem with whites disappearing, you have a problem with importing so many foreigners that you are turning yourself into a minority despite having a stable population.

It's best that you don't. Just stay in Norway with your own people and try to fight against the population replacement agenda while your country is still as white as it is. My own country has become a breeding ground for degenerate ideas and it's basically already lost.

even minnesomalia is fucked. are nation is fucked