Sup Forums you don't know SHIT about biology
Sup Forums you don't know SHIT about biology
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>There is only two genders XX and XY
Well no one suggests this. There is Male, Female and mutations like hermaphrodites. I once learned that this girl from my high school had XXX chromosomes and she looked like a gypsy. you can also get XXY, XYY, XXYY and i'm sure many other variations. That doesn't mean these are supposed to be normalised.
If all these people are getting chromosome defects we need to understand why this is happening, just like we need to understand why children are becoming autistic or getting neurological disorders.
Anyone who is not XX or XY is like less than 1% of the population, they maybe deserve accomodating treatment but nothing about them should be normalized or considered such.
Also the LGBT / SJW crew corrupted the word "gender" to suit their purposes, before like 2007 gender had for all of history meant the same thing as sex.
>you don't know SHIT about biology
I have a degree in medical science
Developmental disorders don't count as genders
This person requires medical attention
What kind of argument is that supposed to be?
What do genders have to do with biology?
I'm still trying to find where the argument is.
Why do these sicko's glam themselves up in cartoon form and are so hideous irl?
Autistic screeching
He/Her/It/They really told him.
Can't draw for shit
>that reaction image tho
funny how he manages to let you know just how disgusting he looks via his """""art"""""""style"""
They are still male or female.
Essentially, some arguments are so ludicrous that to pay them any more attention that dismissal would be to validate it.
The issue with this kind of relativism is that any chromosomal abberration is pathological. If you said that humans have two lungs, two eyes, two arms, two legs, and two ears, then everyone would agree with you. Yet there are more people who don't fit into that description than there are people who don't fit into the XX/XY dichotomy. We can't base our definition of our species on pathological conditions. It's even worse than this though, because transexuals are in a great majority of cases simply psychologically damaged. They do not have extra sex chromosomes, non-normal sex hormone levels etc. They simply have a psychological condition where they believe they are something they are not. This is a type of schizophrenic behavior, and that's how it ought to be treated.
My gender is XXXXY
It's how those peoples tells you their opinion, if you scream your opinion somebody could even believe you.
No you are incorrect, XXYY and such can be from either gender. Saying these people are of the same gender is wrong and honestly they probably shouldn't breed.
Sup Forums eternally btfo
>you will never be a fertile true hermaphrodite
Ah, so this is that Feminist Biology that started up a few years ago?
I am Napoleon and I exist
I don't know shit about x, but just because I don't doesn't change the truth about it.
In most cases, they can't.
In nearly ALL cases of fucked up sex chromosomes they are rendered completely infertile, and in many cases their genitals don't even work.
>you're wrong
i fucking knew it
This whole gender thing is people being told they are special all their lives realizing that they aren't so they make shit up to make themselves feel special where was all this gender bullshit 5 years ago hell even 2 years ago it wasn't a thing
kek, saved.
>your science doesn't agree with me so it's untrue
I'm literally a biologist. The sad thing is the number of people in my department supporting these politics. It literally breaks my spirit, because I know they must know it's fucking nonsense.
>Start off with a strawman
>Proceed to pwn in one sentence
>Opponent is a debate Obi Wan
Mentally ill tranny argument.
Downs has an extra chromosome on the 23rd pair. Not the sex chromosomes
Can Sup Forums ruin this faggot? Sarah Anderson was single handedly btfo'd by Nazi edits of her manchild comics, I'm sure we can do the same for this nutcase.
That's a girl, right? I don't know anything anymore.
Factually incorrect. Also there is Chimerism, where some cells are XX and some are XY.
Despite them being abnormal, they still demonstrate that sex is not reducible to a binary choice determined by chromosomes.
That just isn't biologically accurate.
The artist is SHIT. The eye's outline is layered above the hair
Why SJW and lefties are always violent and short tempered?
You can see it even in the comics
Stop oppressing me
Why bother? His comics are a hilarious meme and they probably do more to harm to the LGBT movement than Sup Forums ever could.
It's a typical liberal argument. They scream a nonsensical catchphrase ("You're a racist! Smash the fascist! Bazinga!") and never engage in meaningful debate
a big healthy jewish woman
Just look at his page. He's already been raided and is paranoid as fuck
True. However, the eyes/eyebrow lines above the hair are pretty common in anime, but still shit.
>you can also get XXY, XYY, XXYY and i'm sure many other variations.
How many of those are actually fertile?
>That doesn't mean these are supposed to be normalised.
You get people born with no legs, but that doesn't change the basic definition of humans as bipedal.
>Fair enough
What is your sex: [ ]M [ ]F
But those are literally genetic defects being stylized as "more genders". Those people are in need of therapy, and yet these SJW leftists are instead trying to use it for their stupid narrative as an excuse to be sexual deviants. Those people born with genetic aberrations need medical help, and those progretards need a lobotomy with a claymore.
Fixed it
Would you user?
Bad argument. Biology is about classification of organisms. If you're going to make exceptions for every abnormal pathological condition that you find in nature, there will be nothing left at the end. But that's not what you want, is it? You only want to criticize one dichotomy in one species (namely sex in the human species), and ignore all other conditions.
isn't putting mentally ill before tranny redundant?
Get that shit away from me Alberto...
Something wrong, big, strong American?
>Sup Forums doesn't know SHIT about biology
pretty much true tbqh
>Sees a response from this tag
I'm not looking at these my dude.
If you had to draw an average human would you draw three eyes? If not, why? There are clearly humans with three eyes somewhere.
The right one is pretty cute tbqh
t.freshman in high school
Criminally underrated.
Wrong, it demonstrates that sex can be simplified to two NORMAL (see: not abnormal) genders. Anything outside of this classification is a defect, and should be met with appropriate treatment, therapy, and medication
delusion and desperation.
ONLY two genders
BI sexuals= two gender
not more not less
for ever and always without ever changing.
Tansmentalills BTFO for ever.
Be ugly man
Decide to look like even uglier woman
What kind of twisted logic is this
>You don't know shit about biology
>The facts don't align with my feewings so I'm just gonna say you don't know anything xD I'm so clever
one of mentall ill person. they need some electro shock therapy to be fixed before the kill them selfs.
The type that will get them a gut full of semen apparently. Really how is this shit attractive?
Unlike left that parrot repeats one each other, we actually read.
Actually it's not an argument.
"Gender" is not a biological concept. "Sex" is.
I cri evri tiem
There are not two genders, there are NONE. There are two sexes with the occasional birth defect.
Meh, still better than my fat gf that doesn't give pussy too often.
Are there any studies on trannies? Do a significant percentage of them actually have a non-standard sex chromosome arrangement other than XX or XY?
Can someone with art skills show them being beheaded by a muslim or something?
It's supposed to be a surprise for the boy that she's not actually female.
What people with actual diseases say:
>I just wish I was normal and/or that people would never ever be able to notice I'm different
What attention whores transfaggot say:
>I'm normal but I wish I wasn't, I'm special and different, notice me! Everyone should make a lot of efforts to accommodate what I want! Bend to my will, BIGOTS!
The Y chromosome contains the SRY gene that determines the sex. Any number of proper X chromosome combined with at least a single proper Y chromosome results in a male. Of course there are even rarer deformities that can result in the SRY gene being on X, but still, the prevalence of gender dysphoria is way over the prevalence of these kind of birth defects by a long shot.
This comic is like asking someone how many fingers do people have on one hand, and if you say five, then:
About biology
All the world need is more trannies beating women
All this progressive wome will end up looking like the trannies they fight
god i feel bad for parents of these monsters
>state a basic scientific fact
>insane person spends 5 panels screaming
>tfw transgenderism is still under Gender dysphoria in the current DSM
>tfw trannies have to admit that they are fucked in the head just so their hormone therapy can be covered by health insurance.
No wonder their suicide rates are so high
I'm literally a biologist, this irritates me
surprise or lie?
"Wow, what a transphobic thing to ask."
This is exactly the answer you'll get if you ask that in real life.
You know, I'm willing to buy this gender bullshit as long as the trannies/more than one gender people say that transgenderism/etc is a result of extra chromosomes.
In other words, theyre admitting theyre retarded
Fraud is a crime.
liz tess
Except most of them don't even have those disorders. It's all in their head.
>behave like this
>expect to be treated like a sane adult