>The world must unite like a 'flock of geese' against protectioniosm, says China's king Xi Jinping >meanwhile importing cars into China has 100% tax Why are the chinese so hypocritical?
>“Swan geese are able to fly far and safely through winds and storms because they move in flocks and help each other as a team,” the Communist party chief said. “The message is: the best way to meet challenges and achieve better development is through cooperation.” Then why aren't you cooperating, you fag?
China thread. Keep it politic and economics, we've seen the dead dogs already.
Don't worry Trump fixed China already, everything is good now.
Matthew Davis
>“Swan geese are able to fly far and safely through winds and storms because they move in flocks and help each other as a team,” the Communist party chief said And even that doesn't save them from ending up on the Eternal Chinaman's menu.
Matthew Cox
Trump has only ever done one thing about China, and that is sell them cheap coal.
Leo Bell
Cool story King Ping Pong Dao Ma Ling Lang Fong Chan
Put down your bowl of dog meat and gutter oil and import a couple million africans and muslims, let's see how far your fucking geese fly then
Mason Peterson
>China has a 100% import tax Its actually 150% and you have to pay 20% of the original value every year
Benjamin Moore
>NATO reduces Syria to rubble >a bloo bloo why are people fleeing it
Hudson Jones
Syria isn't in the sub Sahara
Andrew Diaz
The problem is that the people bombing it aren't taking in refugees. The people benefiting from the mess aren't helping clean it up, you see?
Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, these small countries didn't bomb Syria, don't benefit from it, have nothing to do with it, but need to take care of the fleeing people (and among them hiding ISIS deserters).
Nolan Lee
>African and Muslim """""refugees""" all come from Syria
Jayden Cruz
No. He also sells him something-something for something-something for his Jewish daughter and his Jewish real American president son in law
There is no NATO operation in Syria. Operation Inherent Resolve IS NOT a NATO operation.
Also if you think the US caused the civil war you know nothing about the middle east.
Colton Carter
Has Napoleon Bonaparte been surpassed as the poster child for nepotism?
Carson Rodriguez
>Australian and American geography and geopolitics The majority of refugees are Syrian. You mean NATO isn't formally involved? I'm referring to the countries involved in the figjt against ISIS >US, Germany, UK, Greece, France, Sweden, Denmark, Italy
Gabriel Wood
>The majority of refugees are Syrian.
No, you are wrong
Juan Watson
Look Luigi for simple geographic reasons most refugees are Syrian. There are thousands of kilometers from the land locked sub saharan nations that are currently in the civil war(Sudan and Central Africa) to the tip of North Africa.
Justin Morris
Mostly African, and mostly women and chil-
Isaiah Walker
Not all migrants are refugees. The majority of these migrants aren't Syrian. There are more migrants from sub Sahara africa than refugees from Syria..
Alexander Powell
>The majority of refugees are Syrian. Not since the balkan route was closed in early 2016. Nowadays they're mostly Africans using the Libya route.
>You mean NATO isn't formally involved? I'm referring to the countries involved in the figjt against ISIS Just because NATO member states are involved doesnt mean its a NATO operation. The iraq war too was lead by a NATO member, but it wasn't a NATO operation.
Justin Perez
>Look Luigi for simple geographic reasons most refugees are Syrian. Again, the easiest route for Syrians is closed now. Most refugees that enter the Schengen aerea are now Aficans.
Luis Allen
You are misinformed. While the countries are landlocked, the borders are rather unprotected and an industry has developed around sheltering and selling goods and water to the streams of people walking northwards as they are profitable to the villages on their way. Furthermore, NGOs ship them over the sea in great numbers while syrians are pretty fucked now that erdogan built a wall with guards who dont hesitate to use lethal ammunition and the waters of syria are around Latakia-controlled by Assad.
Isaac Parker
The Syrians are in Turkey, and there is a few millions of them there. The people moving from Northern Europe to Italy are not Syrians.
Mason Barnes
Also this is a CHINA thread about CHINA. Stop talking about the refugee situation.
Owen Rogers
Anthony Adams
China calling the shots Kikes selling out the US to China China aligning with Russia, India, Pakistan and EU plus the south pacific Never mind US, it will be cosy on your own, buying and selling to your own. With a bit of luck, migrants will leave and you'll have money to spend fixing bridges and roads. Chinese will donate to starving Americans
Adam Smith
Chinese are based because they actually look for their own interests and use whatever means necessary.
If the west had politicians as cunning as China has things would be different.
Jayden Myers
>meanwhile importing cars into China has 100% tax easily avoided, european and american manufacturers buld their cars in China and sell them directly there. You know, thet trick japanese carmakers have used to invade the american market and essentially kill it.
Trouble is, if you wanna operate in China, you need a joint venture company where have of it is owned by local Chinese company. Basically, foreign companies need to give a %50 stake to Chinese before they're allowed access to the Chinese market.
Elijah Martinez
>Americans build cars in China Well yes. 85% of Buick cars sold in the world are sold in China. I have no idea why they like them so much.
Austin Sanders
Because its not Chinese. Only poor Chinese buy Chinese products.
Caleb Nelson
Well sure, that's why foreign brands do so well in China. the real question is "why Buick?" considering they have been pretty bad for twenty years. But eh, it's China, it doesn't have to make sense.
Charles Phillips
Tfw Chyna is the leader of the free world now.
Grompf BTFO'd
Ayden Scott
>Why are the chinese so hypocritical? most countries have severe imports on a few items. What really matters is the overall tax on all items imported.
Michael Gonzalez
mfw chinese communist party is advocating free trade