Why isn't /pol Muslim?

Name another culture that does a better job of putting women in their rightful place, and protecting us men, than Islam?

Protip: you can't.

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Ita probably because of all the pedophilia, camel piss drinking, penis mutilation and no booze. Just a guess

You have to admit most of the annoying female shit that /pol-acks complain about isn't an issue for Arab men.

i don't think goats are sexy at all


>i don't think goats are sexy at all

Rightness of islam on females and usury doesnt stops it from being wrong anywhere else.

My gf is a red pulled Jew so I'm good. Racist muslims would judge based off race which you can't control so they are savages. Inb4 pol does the same thing, we need an IQ Limit to post to bring this board back to its former glory

Spanish inquisition.


Why don't you fuck off

Also, is she old or something?

People are mad at OP, but he's honestly right. Being a muslim man is probably the comfiest lifestyle there is.

well i don't think bags of grease are sexy at all too

>Protecting men
>Allows 80 y/o village Elder to marry every girl on the age of 5 meaning no women for other men
>Boyrape is justified if 'the boy looks like he was into that stuff'
Islam is a blight upon the world, of this was W40K, they would be the Tyranid, aimed to destroy everything not Islam

>UK flag
>Pro islam thread
Nothing new here.
Abdul, rational normal people will never take islam, it's barbaric, unwestern and would betray everything that Europeans have fought against for the past centuries.
I wouldn't like my daughter,wife or mother to be in a veil dressed like a human trashbag because some sandnigger can't keep his dick in his pants, I wouldn't want any woman to be raped and then blamed for getting raped because she was walking alone without an escort.
>You have to admit most of the annoying female shit that /pol-acks complain about isn't an issue for Arab men.
So what? You know what would solve that as well? Killing all the women in the world, you know just in case..
Now leave the UK and go back to your desert pedophilic cult in the desert.

>protecting us men,
You mean apart from getting you bombed, droned, asking you to drive vbieds, otherwise snackbarring, and being so fucking inbred you're all borderline retards?

You have to go back, you fuck

>googles Germany obesity levels

Well the USA has more GDP than if you multiplied Germany by 10 so I see why you can't afford food >;•D

No place for desert cults in the West. Nobody wants to put women in bags either.

t. goldstein

>TFW when agreeing with the shills
WTF I love IDF now

Whats wrong Mohammed, was sweden out of blonde girls?

Well said shlomo

Jews are way better to be around than muslims, Ahmed.

When they can't find a woman because their economy and society is broken they have no outlets. Its a big reason why ISIS and all that won't stop.

>Name another culture that does a better job of putting women in their rightful place, and protecting us men

Western culture prior to the 1960s. Please my fellow western protestants and catholics, don't abandon your culture for orthodox christianity, eastern catholicism or fucking islam but restore what we used to have

Ohhhhh londonistan ;3333333333
Where are the superior burqa women pics???? Dont show non islamic women thats haram.

>camel piss drinking

The fuck

>Name another culture that does a better job of putting women in their rightful place, and protecting us men, than Islam?

National Socialism

go fuck yourself op

This. The main purpose of those ahmeds is to make England a house of Islam.

>brit wants to shag middle-eastern cuties
gee whiz, I wonder why

Because they are the eternal enemy, have destroyed countless cultures and annihilated countless more bloodlines with centuries of incest brought on by religious nofap.

Fascists are envious of the oppression that Islam brings.

They are the #2 enemy behind only our mutual enemy.

Goddamn it
I love and hate ass
>wake drunk
>see girlfriend do nude yoga
>we both partied the nigh before
>I'm still drinking
>dive in nose first
>a slimey sludge of sweat, fecal matter and rehydrated dead skincells go deep into muh nostrils
>mfw I just pour beer on her ass to "sanitize" it
>start munching immediately

you are an idiot.
Islam is all about hypocrisy.

Arab woman practice sodomy and oral to stay "pure" for their marriage,
they cuck their husband and use the veil to sneak more easily.

Same thing in afghanistan where they fuck little boys dressed as grils, but hey it is all good since they do not take the purity away from girls.

Islam is the most hypocritical thing in the wordl;
read what Claude Levi-Strauss had to say about islam in "Triste Tropiques" and kys plz

Reminder that Muslim countries have the most hymen re-constructing hospitals.
For example Turkey:
>Hymenoplasty surgery, also known as hymenorrhaphy or hymen reconstruction surgery is a procedure performed in order to restore the hymen. The hymen is a small membrane positioned close to the entry point of the vagina. It has absolutely no function in the human body. Women usually have an intact hymen before starting their sex life, but there are a few exceptions
>There is a multitude of reasons as to why women choose hymen reconstruction surgery:
>● Cultural or religious requirements – In some cultures the woman is inspected before marriage in order to ensure that she is a virgin. Women can choose hymenoplasty to regain their intact hymen.

Companies that perform virgin-restoration vaginaplasty in Turkey:
>Estethica Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey
>Acibadem Maslak Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
>Florence Nightingale Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
>Medical Park Antalya Hospital, Antalya, Turkey
>Medipol Mega University Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
>Medicana International Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
>NewAge Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey
>Medical Park Goztepe Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
>Kolan International Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
>Medical Park Bahcelievler Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
>Medical Park Ankara Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

You didn't fix women, you only lock them up, but they cheat as always.

I really hope this is true

Fuck me, I knew Bulgaria was a disgrace to Europe, but you have truly gone above and beyond in the metric of faggotry.
I'd recommend suicide, but you seem to be well on the way there already.


Moslem men live off their wife's earnings
Stupid western ZOG pay muslim women to breed
The men do shit except walk around in dresses, twirling beads and growing facial hair
If you've ever heard a muslim wife or girlfriend go off, you'll drop all your pansy boy delusions about 'submissive' moslem women. They would rip your face off and make you eat it

>cut off huge chunk of baby-dickskin for allah
>have hospitals to restore the hymen of sl00ts for allah

>Why isn't /pol Muslim?
Because burning in Hell isnt part of my plan, Rabbi Goldburger.

Read that before looking at the flag. Thought it was going to be straya tbqh

>mfw I just pour beer on her ass to "sanitize" it
that's the most chav thing I've ever read.

That's for vagina, but penises both Jews and Muslims cut, because... um god's creation isn't perfect.

Nobody wants Muslim women, not even Muslim men
They only can do what they are told. Unable to think for themselves. They just never learned it.
In countries without weal fair Muslim men even have to pay their wifes for the housework and cooking. They are spoiled and overprotected. And Muslim men show their frustration and contempt for them by treating them like animals.

Islam is highly disfunctional. No thank you.

Yes. That's why I love & hate ass. I can't mention how many times there has been more negative than postive experiences. I blame seeing my voluptuous aunt showering through the window when I was 9. I have dirty female ass karma.

This kike is alright in /our/ book

Strayans are nasty fucks too?
Ja, das ist fantastisch und nicht scheiße fleisch geschäften

>men who can legally rape if not everything according to Allah correct will produce healthy family
>is legal to marry/buy underage woman
No such thing as healthy Muslim relationships. Rapists can't create healthy families.

It's a death cult you slimy little bastard

>Ja, das ist fantastisch und nicht scheiße fleisch geschäften
no idea what that's supposed to mean.

fuck off shill

>be half paki
>be salty because my dad left my mum due to forced marriage
>live with muslims and most of my friends are
>i love drinking and eating pork
>actually think islam is a good thing but still too salty enough to convert

I couldn't possibly culturally appropriate another religion, that would be very disrespectful.

Allow me to interpret: "yes, it was most efficacious, I didn't get any faeces on my penile member"

I don't want to get stoned to death for drinking a beer.

Because of the implied sandniggery and lack of booze


retarded idiot

what some arab women do has nothing to do with what Islam says. In an islamic state those women who get fucked in the ass would get whipped in public.

kys ignorant fag

I meant
>it was fantastic and not some shitty meat market
Idk tbqh
>off from third shift hourscago and my bac is .14

>Why isn't /pol Muslim?
Because I'm not a filthy Saracen, infidel.

Yeah, but that's in goatfuckistan. I've shagged two hijabis and it's the easiest arsefuck I've ever had. Fucking filthy as bait boxes, the pair of them.

>and protecting us men
*checks flag*
yep it's a brit

Ken, I thought geschaften was cod German "meat shaft"

>Ja, das ist fantastisch und nicht scheiße fleisch geschäften

>Yes, it's fantastic without shit-meat-business
or whatever. no idea, really.

digits confirm
goatfucking is what helps muslims kill women with ease

Redpilled jews kill themselves.

Cuz i can tell sluts what to do any day of the week and theyll do it cuz theyre sluts and im not tryina kiss the fucking dirt 5 times a day

>Read Claude(((Levi-Strauss)))
I don't get tricked that easy

Ja mein neger
>oi chap, iz yoo gonnah eet yah feesh N cheeps mayeet? I iz wawkeen up to me flat! Itz simpol ahk'choolee, laheek a hot naheef throo buh'ah, yoo noh wah' i meen? Hol on mayeet, me slag iz cawleen me on me sat fohn!
"Ello love! No..no.. I just drank a pint! Does it sound like I'm takeen a pissah? Right innit? Ok love, I'll get yoo yah shepahdz pie...bccch! Bye"
>so yeah mayeet, ahh yoo goin to see Burial at forwards on sah'eh'day? Noice... See ya bruv!
Sorry. Im. In.......tox.....i....c...ted

But Islam is feminist.

OP here. Some fine reasoned responses here. I particularly like the way you've worked the Jew into it. Always a winner.

BTW, no other culture actively encourages you to froth and foam about the Jew. Wins all round, then.

>she old

I believe the lady is what you Christian youngsters refer to as someone else's Mother You'd Like to Fuck. But your mileage might vary.

>this b8
>puts little children in 'right place'
>puts goats in 'right place'
>uses trucks of peace to put infidels in 'right place'

I'll bite
>fuck off shitskin

thats a nice argument fellow kike,
but when i look at western women i understand islam is the only way

Penis mutilation??

I'm not your fellow kike, I'm not Jewish. And if that's the way you feel you should kys, Islam is cancer, as much as Orthodox Judaism. By the way why aren't you arguing for Orthodox Judaism for the west? They're basically a different side of the same coin.
>is that you mossad?

I'm not a muslim but I support white sharia

You are a kike, your'e just not Jewish.

because Sup Forums is full of idiots

Because I'm not a kiddy fiddler like half of Muslims are matey.

To be one you must be a nonce. That's why brownies love it so much.

foreskin amputation.

Sup Forums is infested with russian shills, heeb shills, dem operatives during any political push, and now we have got saudi shills. whoopie.

Why you have to get so MohamMAD?

We were here first 2bh. Sup Forums is rightful Jewish clay

The foreskin and frenulum are parts of the penis. Very fun parts at that.

Don't forget the widespread systematic inbreeding.

Muslims are literally the most inbred humans to have ever existed.

All circumcised people should be excecuted.
Prove me wrong

There is so much wrong with this post. Neck yourself.


I raise you.


>protecting men
Nigga they literally come born with self destruct buttons

>needing a boogeyman to keep your girl in check

how beta can you sandniggers get

People who hate Muslims are cucked by the Jews.

Its all a Jew conspiracy and Sup Forums dont see it.

Fuck off imbecile

>By the way why aren't you arguing for Orthodox Judaism for the west? They're basically a different side of the same coin.
Non-jews can't organically become jews because judaism is an old-fashioned tribe-based religion. But if I was jewish, I'd definitively be extremely orthodox.

I like my women in their traditional gender roles, not beaten to a pulp wearing a trash bag and contemplating suicide 24/7


Sup Forums is part of greater israel

>dat trigger discipline though

muh dik

Muslim is a shitskin religion.