The Kalergi plan

It is the Coudenhove Kalergi plan.
It is no coincidence.
The game plan of the elite.
In his book "Praktischer Idealismus", Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with not clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite.
This was written in 1925.
Let me break it down...
Create a fictional bad guy, a boogeyman, Al quaida, taliban, isis, to justify illegal wars not only for monetary control but to destabilise a continent.
Label the aftermath a "refugee" crisis.
Flood white countries with Asian/African immigrants.
Emasculate the native males.
Install multiculturalism, and political correctness to silence those who appose.
Hypersexualise and actively dumb down society through "pop" culture.
Subliminally encourage mixed race relations.
Give it a few generations and bang there you have it...
One world
One race
One religion
One government
Complete control.

NO Democracy,
NO Voting,
NO Freedom of Speech,
NO Gun Ownership,
NO Property Ownership,
NO Farm Ownership,
NO Protest Marches,
NO Privacy,
All wil be SLAVES.

A Talmudic Orwellian New World,


Other urls found in this thread:

Bump, I don't know why this isn't discussed more

>think about the women and chil-


The same thing is happening in America, we only need to look to Brazil to see our future.

Last one before my class starts, good luck with your thread OP. Please keep posting it over the next few days, it's so much better than the shitty e-celeb threads.

>70 year old woman prosecuted for complaining about migrants defecating in the streets
lol, not quite what happened

This actually sounds pretty cool!

This should be on Sup Forums 24/7, stickied forever, with links and videos translated into every European language


did she call them mean names?


I was not ready for this redpill.

He was half Bohemian, half Japanese. Apparently not a jew.


What happened?

he married a jew.

For the same reason Prague Declaration on European Conscience and Communism isn't discussed more.

>called for "Europe-wide condemnation of, and education about, the crimes of communism."

>Since it was signed in 2008, the Prague Declaration has been opposed by various groups. The Economist states: "It has attracted support in bodies such as the European Parliament. But it has infuriated some, if not all, Jewish activists; left-wing politicians (mostly from western Europe); and inevitably, Russia."

Hey guys, I'm sorry to break your disinfo circlejerk, but:

>1) He's not a jew like that pic claims for extra propaganda effect - not a drop of jew in his blood at that
>2) There is no "plan" and the original text doesn't have any "we must" in it - the "plan" and "must" part is added, again, for extra propaganda effect
>3) The original text is a mere statement of his own thoughts about what is most likely to happen, and you don't hear anything like that in the rest of the book

Also google "un population replacement"

She went on a rant where she said immigrants burn down cars and poop on the streets. There was probably more to it than this as well, but it hasn't been released by media yet. Either way, the case is going to be dismissed.



Well they do burn cars. We've seen it
And they do poop in streets
No wonder they dropped it
If they'd taken it to court, they'd simply be advertising the fact they're filling the place with third world shite

so what you be sayin is that it wasn't da jooz?