Here's the ultimate redpill you all refuse to take

Here's the ultimate redpill you all refuse to take.

All this "degeneracy" in today's society you all hate so much is just karma coming back for all the millenia of Christian oppression.

Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: You can't.

So what about nations that never had a significant portion of their society following any Abrahamic religion, let alone specifically Christianity?

What about clearly hedonistic behaviours commonly seen everywhere else in the animal kingdom? I guess they're answering for the "sins of their fathers" too, eh?

Hell, Karma itself is a religious concept.

In the newest Louis CK Netflix special, he makes a good point about how Christians "won" because it is 2017, and we all measure years from Christ's death.
And then he basically came out of the closet.


>All this "degeneracy" in today's society you all hate so much is just karma coming back for all the centuries of protestant oppression of the Catholic faith.

Here I fixed it for you.

Considering how protestant countries are the source of most degeneracy that could be right.


Vikings were Pagans last time I checked.

>Karma for Christianity
That's retarded neither of those things are real.

Double digits of truth.

You must be young. Gain some experience and you'll learn karma is very real.

>measure years from Christ's death
the less you know it the easier it's to believe it?

Confirmation bias.
There is no objective method to measuring karma.

Son... :')
Why they took you from my arms?

So... You use an oriental concept, corrupted and transformed in the west by new age hippies to justify social engineering and destruction of the west. You dumb.

If karma it's real and affects societies, It would result in a shitty society after the death of this one. Our society it's turning to shit and eventually will die.

Karma doesn't exist.

Wrong - it is karma for destruction of 2 temple of Solomon by romans.

Karma?? Mmm no... Just jews


Yes 9 million children who die before the age of 5 every single year all deserved it.
Your wisdom and intelligence are truly unparalleled.

Jews are your karma desu

>be europe
>exploit every other nation for hundreds of years
>drain their resources
>genocide millions of people
>destroy and corrupt their cultures completely
>build their own countries based on this savage imperialism, live in wealth
>form up a monetary system ruled by kikes
>enslave all countries with this control system and be a good goy
>find new technologies and use them to export degeneracy and corruption all over the world
>rewrite history to cover up your horrible deeds
>"europe is best! muh civilization!"

w*st was a mistake

More like karma for Christians not getting together doing their job to the end

consider this: they died as children, which means they got straight into heaven.

the gift of dying that young means you don't have to risk damning yourself through the anti-innocence of adulthood

you're welcome

I would consider this if they were all baptized christians and belied in your heaven, which they don't. And if there was even the slightest shred of proof to support that its true, which there aren't. Or if it would somehow erased all the suffering they went through while they were dying, which it isn't.
And after all that that would still didn't prove karma one bit.

Karma is real huh?


>Here's the ultimate redpill

do you even pill, faggot?

I wish it wasn't so :(
Historians claim without evidence that your troops burned down the church in my town.. But I bet it was those damned proddies.