How do we save Britain?

How do we save Britain?

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We don't

Kill all children

Save them from what?

sell Àngel Di Maria.

>the daily mirror

lol this never happened


Paki twats, some areas in England are full of them

Bringing back the empire would be a good start

Get the Luftwaffe to bomb them again

okay say they declare uk empire tomorrow

what happens


>wanting to save Perfidious Albion

Let them burn. They are reaping the fruits of their Balfour declaration, the best thing for the rest of the world is to let England burn.

Pakis, Afro Americans, Arabs most but not all are slime on earth, treat women like shit on your shoe, Eastern Europeans are not far behind them, Russians too.

But japan has a lower crime rate all together so of course they also have less molestations
Pedo comics still encourage and are cause of pedophilia

That's pretty Orwellian.

They they brought the empire back. All of it.
To britain kek

Labour is one hell of a party

Hmm I don't remember Poland being part of it

Just nuke the north of England that place it a shothole with homeless people drinking buckfast on every street corner and chavs smoking amber leaf outside the job centre

I hate Winston Churchill so much

you bastard

Why save, they are perfectly happy and don't want your help.
When their current population will be replaced (which anyway happens on this island every 1000 years) I hope the new masters will keep a village or two with 'ancient Britons' as a living museum, that will be enough to 'save the heritage'

I trust nip crime statistics too mate

>their Balfour declaration
The Balfour declaration was largely ignored
Zionists hated the British because they were too pro-Arab

>jewish bankers in london create contingency plan for fear of russian jews invading them

i see a solution, and it's a final one

Fret ye not, BREXIT was just the start of us uncucking ourselves.

We can't change owt while in the EU.

We were always controversial members of the EU, its better off without us, and were better off without it.

As for the Muslims rapes?

We have to educate them away from Islam.

>We have to educate them away from Islam.
They need the noose you fucking cuck.

Really?Are we going to do that in the UK lad?

be realistic at least.

General public wants executions to come back. so yeah its a possibility. And hanging is a cheap and effective way at stopping repeat offenders for sure.

1-Cut wellfare. Cut money for imams from saudi arabia.

2- Ban burkas. Actualy punish rapist and thiefs.

3- Go full 14/88 and start race war.

>-Cut wellfare. Cut money for imams from saudi arabia.

Cant do that lad, we have agreements with the house of Saud, they are our greatest stratigic allies in the ME.

We buy their oil and with that money they buy our arms.

All we have to do is never fuck with their Wahhabist religious

and we dont!

Also Paki lads are not arabs

Why did you post the fake version?

ARYANS are the problem here.

>Vote labour
>Let the hordes of shitskins come by the thousands
>Let said shitskins destroy London and the south

It's the only way the Brits and Scots will wake up to whats happening

Don't care about my country. Do whatever.

We do what we always do...we crush the A R Y A N

>Police and government look the other way, when Islamic crime, because they don't want to seem racist.

I trust Japan statistics more than your country. I don't understand your people, you stop Hitler and fight fascism yet you have guilt and still are bad guy? You may as well give up and all kill yourselves if you think it.


Hitler did nothing wrong!

And this reason why UK is fucked.
Your ties with such a scum country like SA will
slowly replace your politics with their agents.
White have to be more asertive in daily lives.

>General public wants executions to come back.
is this true?

>UK/EU tries its hardest to make people not hate muslims via propaganda
>While simultaneously importing millions of them
>Even putting political pressure on each other to take in more
Why? Who in Europe benefits from this?

Tell Britain to stop allowing the Quran, number one pedo encouragement device.

that saudi oil money tho