When will the era of good for nothing leeches on society end?

When will the era of good for nothing leeches on society end?
Twitch is enabling people by allowing them to sit in front of a webcam playing video games or doing literally nothing all day. And for some bizarre reason people are giving these people money.

>Pls let me sit in my room while you sheep give me free money for a $1,500 computer.
Fucking what?!
Humanities future is fucked.

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Well Sup Forums does it with this so called "red pilled" women with Lauren and now laci

why do you care? this is the free market in action. this is literal capitalism. you're just upset that someone gets to have fun for low-effort while getting paid. meanwhile you don't have the charisma or video-editing skills to do it yourself

Twitch isn't the enabler, they are just the platform. The enablers are the lonely people who pay these people to play videogames as a substitute for nurturing real friendships.

Exactly it is the beta-orbiter problem. Wish that female e-celeb worship here was not tolerated

anyone who calls Laci redpilled because she typed the word 'red pill' into her new video description is the epitome of cancer

^copypasta this above line when you encounter Laciposters on Sup Forums [May 2017]

This. And let's be honest here: it's not really their fault beta males are desperate. I would be milking them too if I could.

According to Libertarians, they're not good for nothing leeches because they're making their money voluntarily.

"Capitalism is efficient" my fucking arse.

I wish I could pretend to be a trap. I'd rake in those beta bucks and never mention I'm a dude.

This is no different from a street entertainer who gets a few shekels from a passerby, the only difference is that the internet allows these people to gather an audience of thousands at the same time, thus making it much more lucrative.

I'm not exactly sure what your problem with it is. It's just entertainment of a different form to those people. Maybe because you can't comprehend how it is entertaining is what is fucking with your brain? I'd say I can't comprehend what is entertaining about 90% of TV shows on TV either but I don't go about whining about it.

Its even more cring inducing and SAD than paying fot camwhores (which is already stupid enough, same as paying for strippers).


you can be a trap openly and meme your way to the top if you're hot enough

holy fuck you just made me realize what I can do with my feminine physique and cisgendered penchance for money

White knights have and will always be around.

I wish my dismal Twitch audience would help fund my operation as I stream LoL for six hours a day for over a year now, but then I remembered I have a Y chromosome and so I just went out and bought a $1200 PC with my income tax return.

Way too much facial hair and balding. Five o' clock shadow happens way to fast if I shave. A wig might work for hair, but other features would make it obvious.
Good luck user! Better get to work on your ladyboi voice.

Twitch is basically the only thing I use for background noise any more. Between someone playing video games and anti-white propaganda I'd rather people watched Twitch. Go figure on that one.

also all libertarians in this thread know how retarded it is to criticize camwhores, they are literally self destructing bombs cleansing our society of exactly the sort of people who throw away their money on internet sluts. these people will run out of money faster than people who aren't retarded autists and eventually only pure genes will remain in our gene pool if we can bring down the globalist jews who are forcing centralized keynesian economics down our throats.

>When will the era of good for nothing leeches on society end?
you mean people living of the taxes.not the unemployed.

but civil servants and contractors, such as hero snowden and alike companies. gov sponsored uni courses producing imbeciles with degrees.

hows that super secret shit you do, gentlemen bond oi sai, working for you mr fucking wanna rule the nations and plane, during this past two weeks if true worldwide hacks "world laughs at you dumbfucks" passerby asks? Stupid cunts do stupid shit. Gotta fuck some traps to come down midgetpeens.

Begging has been around since the early days of humanity.

wanna rule the nations and planet* correction

and adding : how people think and live.

go fuck yourself. or maybe no need i say - when their time is out someone on the other worldly side will. just as they done to people and children for many years now.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Its called entertainment. Sure its an easier to make entertainment but entertainment still.
If you argue that people streaming are just leeches then you have to agree that people making non scientific movies are leeches too. Musicians are leeches too. Painters are leeches too.

This is the results of idividualism degeneracy. How can you promote the idea that people should care only about themself and their primal desires and not expecting shit like that happens?

99,99999999% of women doesnt leach, fck off

Well twitch streaming would probably be non-viable in a socialist society.

It is purely capitalist consumerism that has caused this.

At least Twitch promotes widespread "gamer culture" which is still healthy to a point and not segregated into echochambers like politics today

I agree. Let's just ban all sort of sports, cinemas, books and music. Ban alcohol, video games and any sort of hobby. People should only exist to work in factories, how dare they pay for and make money of entertainment?

>i have no idea what individualism is: the post.

Oh no guys, there are people out there making good money in ways that OP doesn't like! It's the end of life in the universe!

>calling leeches the people abusing the autistics and the permavirgins
Serves them right.

>"gamer culture" which is still healthy

It is fucking depressing. I never pay these people shit, but I do watch a few. I had to stop watching Ray Narvaez because he did a 4/20 stream, and made $1000 in 10 mins because retards with too much money would pay literally hundreds of dollars to hear 5 second long weed related soundbites. Fucking depressing watching a man make $1000 dollars in 10mins for doing absolutely nothing when my job prospects right now will be £7 an hour

Some could argue that gamer culture is a waste of time and helps you be un productive and do nothing all day. But that literally doesnt matter.

If you want to state that entertainment is a leech and by that extent that people doing things for others people enjoyment is leeching, then so be it, but then i dont want to see you listen to a song, watch a movie, read a non scientific book, or even live in an apartment thats pleasant to the eyes.
Color in your chair? Waste of coloring of the fabric, sorry mate youre just leeching. Your building is not a commie block? Waste of material, stop leeching.

It just so happens that people wanna spend their money and sacrifice on the physical ( smoke drink spend money ) to help the mentality ( it makes them feel good ).

when people stop paying. So never.
Ever paid for a hooker? You did the same thing.
Ever paid for porn? You did the same thing.
Ever taken a girl out on a date and paid for it? You did the same thing.

This is just an even more pathetic version of all those things. It was a natural progression really, just a matter of time. That said, if you stop watching them, and talking about them, they go away, eventually.

Every person watching someone else play video games on Twitch is another person that isn't watching TV or movies or anything coming out of Hollywood
it's a net positive to society as (((they))) lose their cultural influence
the same goes for everyone watching youtubers

>entertainers filling a need is wrong somehow

they made themselves marketable and you haven't; instead of blaming themselves or the system try making something of yourself instead

>leeches on society
How do they "leech on society"? This is pure capitalism. They offer some service (fun over webcam) and people give them money for it.
If you want to force these people to get a "proper" work, then you're a socialist.
(actually in my country there was a duty to work during the communist regime and if you didn't work, you could have been imprisoned for being, literally as you say, a "leech on society")

>"gamer culture" which is healthy to a point
Don't cut the quote off short
Also you literally cannot say "gamer culture is dead" because the industry is still going strong and people are happy to consume it
There's still fanart, fan videos, jokes, memes, subcultures such as on /vg/ or reddit, and plenty of other cultures centered around gaming
Games are entertainment, entertainment is culture, and culture produces art

Based Serb, entertainment is "degenerate" but it's required for culture to exist

>Well Sup Forums does it
reddit is not Sup Forums

>filling a need
There is so much wrong with this post.

>When will the era of good for nothing leeches on society end?
Only when communism finally kills the toxic american capitalist "individualist" culture, as Max said, from each according to their ability.
Death to america and their social justice warriors. Hail Stalin, destroyer of kulaks.

No, he's right. Don't blame the entertainers farming donations, blame the absolute fucking retards donating

As for those who profit from advertising, well, advertising is modern humanity's cancer and needs to be banned

The need is to create an incentive for productive activity you pinko faggot, get out of my goddamn country. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Entertainment enables peak productivity brit-bong

Who produces more in the course of a month: The worker working 24 hours every single day, or the one working 8-10? Without relaxation you exhaust yourself into diminishing returns

you've probably never worked an hour in your life though, you'll get it one day

When the obesity epidemic ends. Most women are pretty during their youth *if they're thin* - and thin women are in the minority in the West.

You don't see the thirst epidemic in Eastern Europe because it's easy to find a thin qt gf.

I thought you referred to whatever idiots on the mainstream are doing on Twitch and Reddit is gamer culture. That is Sup Forums's definition, anyways.

>Entertainment is not a basic human need
In a society, escapism or entertainment is a need, because you have to have something to keep you happy
Hitler enjoyed watching Charlie Chaplin movies at his retreat in the Alps
Prisoners are given recreation time, because it would kill or drive someone insane to have no reason to continue on

haha whats the name of original video ?

>don't blame the abusive person, blame the people they're abusing!
No. When you have lonely and guillable people with large amounts of money (which likely isn't even theirs), and you sit in front of a camera for hours pretending to be their friend, offering rewards for giving you money, you're a piece of shit. It's taking advantage of vulnerable people.

t. eastern yuropoor who doesn't have to deal with entitled american women

Thats what most people on pol dont understand when they say, this is degenerate that is degenerate. They depend on the same things to live just in a different form.
Unless there is a person arguing against entertainment, that literally participates in no forms of it and doesnt enjoy any aesthetic ill respect his argument, and even then itll still be wrong, but atleast hell be more respectful than you pathetic fucks sitting infront of your computers talking about how entertainment and so on doesnt matter.

If everything in your room is not black and white and you never come to contact with any form of something thats made purely to make you feel something then you can fuck off.

Oh yeah that kind of gamer culture is unironically cancerous to the rest of the actual culture. Mobile games are not gamer culture
But culture has to have shit that is worthless in it to make the good things worth something, so at least that's a thing

Ignoring baseless accusations in attempts to delegitimise me, watching someone play games is not entertainment. As I've said in another post these people deliberately behave friendly to the people watching them and take advantage of tee favt prolonged exposure to someone tends to make you think more positively of them, so they can trick lonely unstable people into giving them large sums of money.

>entertainment is not a valid industry
>this very often documented income is not taxed
It's a real job whether you like it or not and I'm pretty sure you're just butthurt you have to do "real work."

If I thought I could get paid to play video games for several hours a day I would jump on that shit so fucking fast.

Now that I think of it, I would much rather have kids watching streamers/Youtube than the cultural marxist propaganda that is on TV right now. Kikes don't have their grubby fingers in most of the streamers/youtubers so it just depends on the sensibilities of that particular streamer/youtuber.

And from what I've seen a lot of the Twitch audience rejects SJW nonsense outright. The feminist propaganda doesn't infiltrate as well there because the audience decides what kind of content gets to the top instead of some kike producer, generally speaking.

go to 7:09


No one says it is always efficient, and you're trying to use the fact that it is not always efficient to prove that it never is.

But entertainment has value and the betas sending them cash are entertained

>Humanities future is fucked
the english language's PRESENT is fucked

>I decide what is entertainment
>I also decide who has and hasn't got agency, and should be held accountable for their actions.

Christ, you don't think very much of yourself do you?


at least they're not lying for a better living than most get for genuine work

No one says it is always efficient, and you're trying to use the fact that it is not always efficient to prove that it never is.

But entertainment has value and the betas sending them cash are entertained.

can't object if donation is voluntary

I can only say they have shit taste if they're donating to vanilla and not shit like catgirl (male) or facerig 2D girl (male) or mummys cooking

No what the betas thrive off is feeling like they have friends. There's a chat room full of people they feel a connection to, streaming is intended to feel like you're at a friends house watching them play games, streamers have very unprofessional attitudes to viewers and donates treating them like welcome friends, making them feel less lonely. I guarantee if you could access data about who donates on Twitch you'd find 90% of the time they're either teenagers or lonely adult males.

>instead of blaming themselves or the system
the system is dependent on over consumption that will result in global warming and a ecological death sentence for society in the next few decades.
You are fool not to blame it as it will leave your children to starve so that capitalist pigs can sit in their private jets while enjoying champagne and underage hookers.
Only a complete sicko would not try to stop this madness, but you are all to obsessed with video-games and internet titties to see the truth.

t. twitch donater

>I will ignore the reality of how streamers behave and just say that the people being tricked into giving them money have agency so it's fine!

Be honest OP, if you were a qt girl you'd exploit the legions of betafags out there too

What fucking stupid false equivalence is this. Lauren is actively out there spreading nationalist and traditionalism sentiment and actively participating in civil action against NGO 's boating in thousands of africans.

These Twitch faggots are just playing games.

Anyone here who actually economically support degeneracy? How many $ you donate last month?

women are suppose to be cherished. not putting woman on piedestal is meme, they are suppose to be there.

>Every person watching someone else play video games on Twitch is another person that isn't watching TV or movies or anything coming out of Hollywood
This so much. Everything that kills the leftist propaganda machine that the MSM/Hollywood has become is a net positive for humanity. If it wasn't for those guys steering the attention away from the TV to themselves then Hillary would've most likely won with a supermajority of 66%

thnks dude

I have better shit to spend my paper notes on

>Streamers provide a service that is valuable to certain demographics of individuals and are voluntarily compensated.
>I don't like this because i'm so miserably uninspired that the most I can hope ever to earn is minimum wage.

t. female

I've been on YouTube Red for six months, if that counts.

yes so what? without us white race cant continue. women in national socialist germany were cherished.

So this is how young men and womens should behave? And you think this behaviour will not affect the society as a whole at all?
They are fucking parasites who killing their host.

>it's fine to allow people to pretend to be your friend so you eventually feel comfortable giving them hundreds of dollars so they acknowledge your existence
>this is entertainment
>this is inspired

She's a Jew who doesn't believe in white genocide, and she is for (((legal))) immigration.

>without us white race cant continue
lmao no

>women in national socialist germany were cherished
LMAO, no. The females in NatSoc Germany were expelled from every single government position because they were seen as inferior to male leadership

Get on all fours, Jana and cherish your partner's cock.

i do.

wrong. you are clearly underage or uninformed shill


we are not your personal army and we dont care about twitch

get the fuck of here,kike

>wrong. you are clearly underage or uninformed shill
heh, nice attempt at using social ostracization sweetheart, but this is an anonymous imageboard. This shit doesn't work here. Explain in detail how I'm "uninformed" and please give me examples of females in administration

I go to strip clubs and buy alcohol although neither of those is as bad as supporting twitch streamers. I at least get drunk when I drink and get to grope a stripper.

>1 post by this ID
so much rage he killed himself.

>he believes the global warming bullshit

>A fool and his money is soon parted

Gotta learn the old ways the hard ways.

My little bro was going on about some twitch whore and how she was in a real bad place and "wouldn't it be cool to like give her $100 just to help her out".

Told that silly cunt that when he's 18 he can pay that much and a much hotter girl would suck his dick dry. He seemed pleased.

bet you she's been in some amateur porn and feels threatened by this talk - she is czech after all

At least £7 can buy you a couple pints. $7 gets you maybe a can of cheap beer where I live.

The only reason you're upset is because they figured a way to make more money than you do. The fact that you are less talented than these hacks really compounds how much of a miserable wretch you are.

I'll take any odds on that being the case.

Hitler clearly stated that women are too pure to be in parliament rambling and yelling on each other. he said that women are suppose to be cherished. i am against feminists because they are putting women in roles they are not suppose to be, we all have our place in society and saying that some part of it is subhuman only because we dont have same role as men is maximum marxism overdrive

Most of these are bad ones, however there are some truly based ones like DSP out there.



Nice meme dumbass

not watching, if hitler said women are pure then he is wrong

ya got me! I'm incredibly jealous that confidence tricksters have found a legitimate outlet.

and you are a kike