Why are white women like refugees so much?
Why are white women like refugees so much?
Easily indoctrinated/corrupted.
Because it's nice to be nice.
Spoilt rotten by rich parents. Entitled. Know nothing of the real world because they're leeches to parents and have their asses covered no matter what they do wrong.
They're women.
Women are genetically coded to be caring and loving of such things naturally, without thinking much of it.
It's just natural senses, women have done it for billions of years.
Because of dumb moms who haven't been cupped in their mouth by their beta husbands.
Marxist brainwashing and childish naivety.
Rape fantasies
Because its easy to talk without thinking about consequences.
Because women naturally fantasize about being conquered by foreign invaders as a means of proliferating more distant DNA and thus avoiding inbreeding. They are slaves to their instincts.
>If i do this maybe im not the cunt i think/ feel liike i am.
>actions others see define who i am, not the real me that despises everything and takes no joy from life.
pic related.
women are all naive children and if they had their way they would all be raped by shitskins within a decade
Cuz women fuck the invaders.
Virtue signalling.
Sheltered from the reality of the world. Sheltered from violence, not in the sense that it doesn't happen to them but when it does ZOMG A WOMAN HAS BEEN HARMED WHAT A STRONG BRAVE GIRL SHE IS.
They all haven't seen the ghettos and poor shitholes they are advocating for. You can tell they are wealthy just from the way they look and dress. My mum is the same way. Loves muslims and niggers but we live in sheltered white suberbia. It surprises me though, she worked as a nurse for 25+ years she should know better than anyone.
Because you're average female are retarded and only think with their cunt and feels rather than their brain, much like men who think with their dick. The difference between the two though; is that at the end of the day, the guy stuck his dick into crazy and might get stab in the morning, whilst the female caused a domestic and possibly international incident.
theyre probably all childless and have therefore no investment in the future
she'd be perfect with green eyes
You didn't even need to do that much editing
they secretly love rape
>Muslims make America great
I guess if it weren't for 18th century Muslims a-muzzin around Tripoli we wouldn't have the marine corps, and Osama was responsible for probably the last big hurrah of American nationalism. So yeah I guess a burning hatred of Muslims has led to some good. Can't really think of any other benefit they provide other than running convenience stores, or if they're from Pakistan / otherwise are half poo, being doctors.
They never had to deal with them personally. Just through TV, facebook, or movies.
dub dub trip, hallelujah
Because women are inherantly amoral. The reason why all Europeans share each others genes to a large degree is because after the men were conquered by the new stronger group, women willingly would raise their children. Women want to do away with weak betas and import the masculine islamic society.
Digits confirm. Also, saw a good post a while ago about false pregnancies in animals, and how it translates to women. Just look up false pregnancies and youll see the similarity.
Because they haven't met any.
Most women are more attracted to refugees/darker men. The migration in Europe proves this. Most young millennial European women have been with at least one refugee.
I cant tell you why women make bad decision.
But they are just like that. They can lose everythink for virtue signaling and they would still advocate that it was moraly right decision.
They cant understand that not everybody is peacful.
mother instincts
Sex starved girls desu.I can tell by looking at those faces they have not touched a dick for a long time.
Women will always betray their tribe or nation if given the power. They will always choose strange cock over domestic cock. Muh genetic diversity biological imperitive.
They are either lesbians or super feminists who don't need no man or have a cuck orbiter.
> Billions of year
Why do women like 50 shades of gray
true dat
The thrill of possibly being raped is intoxicating to these complete narcissists.
Just think, some sand nigger would be willing to risk decades in prison (or a few weeks of community service if you're sweden) just to fuck you. And all the drama, sympathy and attention you'll get out of it?
i dont know why do women like 50 shades of grey?
Go back to the donald nigger faggot. Why would you feel the need to tell him that a shitty observation is le underrated? Lurk for at least a year before you post.
They're traitors which is why the HM/RF alliance will reign supreme..
When will you do away with the ovarian Jew?
Women can sense when their tribe is in trouble and will jump to another tribe, they're like mercenaries.
Women seem to have a self righting system though: hypergamy. I live in a high immigrant area but also a popular area that is getting an influx of white gentrifying the place. You actually see very little race mixing and those (always) white women that do are usually low IQ and worthless, the gene pool is actually better off without them. Look in restaurants: all white, look at play grounds all white, nigs don't do fun things for their kids. look at street corners all nogs. Women see the reality of race mixing: low income, single mother hood, black eyes they just won't admit it's a problem, but they will overwhelmingly marry a white dude.
Women are naive and think with emotions rather than facts. They're irrational by nature and need strong male leadership to guide them or they'll self destruct.
Women see a drowned refugee
>oh my god we have to let them all in we can't let them die!
Men (real men, not feminized men) see a drowned refugee
>that's fucking hilarious, but we're not going to let any of them in and destabilize our country
Cos the guy is a sexy billionaire?
Why isn't anyone else agreeing with me? Women are sexually attracted more to refugees. It's the main answer.
That's only in a society that leaves them responsible with the repercussions of reckless, anonymous sex. Otherwise they ride the carousel all day and the state picks up the tab.
>Most young millennial European women have been with at least one refugee
if you have to lie, make it more believable you nigger
If Japanese girls were emigrating en masse, you'd see a lot of guys with those signs too
Brown foreign men who beat them, rape them and treat them like shit - the ultimate female fantasy
>Why isn't anyone else agreeing with me?
Because you're wrong, now fuck off faggot.
Lucy Cat (Germany's most famous pornstar) has probably been with at lease a few. I don't know what she's saying in most of the videos but I'm sure she has. Lia Louise as well.
they like them because of virtue signalling,
In the UK you can't really have a life on benefits. The only people who can are immigrants who having a roof over their heads, eating regularly and not being killed by some warlord is living beyond their wildest dreams.
Irrational social climbing is cave woman bitches' survival instinct.
Virtue signalling is instinctive narcissistic self promotion without morals or rationality.
What women's political power caused to happen in Britain's Rotherham is evidence that woman as society's decision maker is an irrational narcissist without morals.
White women like refugees and niggers because they're not afraid to be real men and take control. White men have been cucked and feminized by the (((media))) and society.
>Natural senses
I guess they like getting raped
women are like children and 100% dependent on praise and compliments from friends, family and society and its basically the state that decides what these 3 things like.
Your english is a bit fucked, but that's sadly very funny, I'm sure feminists would happily sign up
Basically Sweden
It's just natural. All women prefer refugees.
women are stupid and impressionable, they follow whatever social norms prevail as exclusion is suicide to them
Don't just say it's fucked. Tell me how to fix it.
I'm not a robot?
This is spot on. Women who had a tough life don't give a fuck about them and even make racist jokes sometimes
Wrong pic.
Cuz after the ppl thinks that they are good girls
To instigate a fight between native males and the invading hordes. After that fight is over, the women will breed with the winners thus securing the "best genes" for their offspring.
I'll trade merkel for trump
So this one.. so this one isn't real right? Like, there's no way this one's real.
Rich alpha that treats women like a piece of meat?
Translated into plain English, what the sign says is something like "Will trade my cultural enemies for bbc", and I doubt any meaningful number of women wouldn't trade their cultural enemies for foreign mystery bbc
they dont
its just virtue signaling
I'm suicidal
Everything good is fascism
Exotic men make them horny. Fifty shades of rape
Because they're all whores and secretly want to be raped.
In general, people who grew up dependent on their parents tend not to grow independent thought.
It's real.
>2 pornstars represent most young millennial European women
>Americancer at its finest
>The refugee rape epidemic has a really simple solution
>European women and children need to give mass consent for themselves and on behalf of all women
>There is no rape in a progressive, consensual society
>Refugees deserve your sacrifice
Didn't need much
White guilt
baizuo or white left
> “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”; they are hypocritical humanitarians who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”; they are “obsessed with political correctness” to the extent that they “tolerate backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism”; they believe in the welfare state that “benefits only the idle and the free riders”; they are the “ignorant and arrogant westerners” who “pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours”.
chinks explain this perfectly. the most popular chinese insult is basically a description of white females.
Who knows? Many men love them too by the looks.
This kind of behavior is almost adorable in kids, but when you're older than 15 and stands with signs like this you look just like what you are - a complete fucking retard.
becuase they've never had to deal with them.
the ones that do end up getting stabbed to death, raped to death, or beaten.
>insert articles of said women here
all women want to be dominated
american men are acting weak and by letting women control us.
it doesnt matter how much a women says she wants a progressive guy, the second he becomes one, she doesnt respect him anymore and begins looking for an alpha
well what happens after 50 years of lying to men and convincing us to be "nice guys?"
not enough alpha men to dominate their little pussies.
stop listening to what women say they want and pay attention to how they act.
Its nice to feel superior to others when you post on instagram pretending to be nice.