types of DMT, this shit that releases in your brain when you die, comes from toads.
colorado river toads.
The drug is known to send you straight into a spiritual experience with god. (5-MeO)
types of DMT, this shit that releases in your brain when you die, comes from toads.
colorado river toads.
The drug is known to send you straight into a spiritual experience with god. (5-MeO)
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remind you of anyone?
Great thread OP, I really like the bit about politics.
So eh? What part of the toad needs to be disected?
this little frog right there got our president elected.
this is significant.
Been looking into buying one. How dope would it be to own a pet that could get you wasted
People actually believe this because they tell each other the same shit without fact checking, there is no proof whatsoever that DMT is released in humans, stopr perpetuating lies like a zombie
what would you name it
I've legitimately never thought of that before.
Licking toads for spiritual experience = kek.
Haha nice /bantz/ user. Saging in a sage thread. Not a lot of gets for a nice big picture of a frog in here huh?
Getty McDubbs
Thread theme.
It comes from grass too.
Get a grip.
I know you just learned something, but this has been common knowledge since joe rogan was born.
Dude weed.
check this
dmt the spiritual molecule
Dimitry or hypnotoad idk haha it'll be a while til I get one.
Okay let me tell you something, no matter what drug you do you are not going to communicate with god.
Youll believe it but that wont be true, why is this you might ask?
First in humans in general having a spiritual experience = good, getting close to god = good. People tell you if you do this drug youll feel all these good things. And then you do it and what happens? You want to believe that thats true, you want to believe that youre having a contact with god.
Often when i smoke weed, if i listen to a certain type of song i start tearing up and sometimes it goes to an extent of me sobbing, it is a very intense situation. I dont feel sad nor happy, not that i know anyway. But i am just sobbing. Such an intense unexplainable feeling, sometimes so intense i cannot finish listening to the song because i cannot take it anymore and guess what, i dont describe it as a spiritual or any sort of divine feeling. I simply say wow mate im tripping balls and i really like this song.
Humans have an evolutionary predisposition to want to believe and thats okay, but thats really the only reason all of this happens.
Yes yes tell yourself that to rationalize your religious belief in science faggot
I am not religious. However it is incredibly possible that we have a evolutionary predisposition to attach meaning to things, and not just religion, but literally everything. Every single thing.
Wander in the desert for months and then sit on a mountain top for 40 days and 40 nights and you'll talk to god too. Shit, you'll talk to elvis.
Fuck off Plebbit nigger, before I rape your dad.
You're wrong and you're also a fag for smoking le wee wee. Kys pls
You're just like Drax from TGOTG
I was saying that your thought pattern indicates that you have a religious belief in science. That you are devolving a beautiful experience into just brain chemicals and rationalizing away a possibly very real component of being a human that transcends the MUH Atomism meme prevalent in scientific thinking for the past few centuries.
Weed is not a good comparison. Weed is like having a low alcohol beer compared to other drugs like mushrooms and dmt.
Go on a hike in the forest/mountains with a trusted friend and take some mushrooms. It will change your perspective completely.
>The drug is known to send you straight into a spiritual experience with god.
You mean the drug makes your brain think you are being send into a spiritual experience with god.
So youre saying theres a frog in my brain?
if i were a nigger i wouldnt have a dad
your logic is flawed
Yes, YESSSS! Take the drug, Goyem!
KYS you fucking faggot
Can you explain why im wrong or are you going to just call me names and dodge the conflict while trying to somehow make yourself seem correct?
Ill do the same thing so i can pretend i won this discussion unless you actually answer.
Youre an imbecile, your knowledge of the topic is at a level of a child, also you are a faggot for not doing the drug i am doing. Kys pls
How so?
How can i possibly have a dogmatic belief in something that is devoid of dogma?
And all this possibly stuff is not something i want to delve into when it comes to this topic. Its as possible as it is possible that there is a god and that he created the universe, but with the fact that so many things that we know today, point to it not being the case, EVEN THOUGH we are not completely sure, makes me believe one more than the other.
As far as beautiful experience being devolved into just brain chemicals, i do seriously think that everything i do is mostly because of chemistry, but that doesnt mean i dont enjoy the things i enjoy.
>Go to the forest or a mountain n do this other drug
If i were to go to a forest or a mountain while smoking weed, which is apparently not a good comparison, i would still be more tripped out and think differently than if i were to smoke weed in my apartment, i tried this.
So if we consider shrooms a harder drug and it is, then the difference between doing it in an apartment and in the forest would be that much bigger. But i know that the change happens to matter what drug you do, its just that some enhance the difference, and i do not believe that at the other extreme of weed is a spiritual experience and talking to god.
All of these people smoking dmt and doing shrooms never said anything that can be proved to be true or that we dont know already.
>How dope would it be to own a pet that could get you wasted
thats faggoty, just buy shit that gets you wasted, acacia root bark is free and gets you smashed, you'll find it growing behind your house
i feel exactly like u, too much feefees when i listen Londinium, first album from Archive
And id assume that if you were to question yourself really hard as to why you feel that way when you listen to the song is not because youre having a spiritual experience
You know nothing. Stop talking and try it. Nobody takes you seriously because you are a child seeking attention at the dinner table.
Is DMT found in nearly every thing?
DMT can be extracted from certain plant matter too.
You lick it's back user.
yes i agree on each point you previously formulated
Praise Kek.
How did you do this user?
too long dindu read
Ill give you a tl;dr.
Science is devoid of dogmatic belief so you cannot have a religious belief in it, well you can but you have to be incredibly stupid and to not understand science.
There is a difference between when you say " its likely theres spiritual shit " and when a scientist says its likely that the big bang happened, for example.
Going into nature will make you trip differently no matter what drug you do.
Noone that ever did psychedelics never told me anything profound in the slightest.
Also its funny you complain about niggers on this board when you cannot even read a paragraph.
you mixed up a lot of different parts of the Bible there
That's standard practice when proving a point using it, isn't it?
I was going to say the same thing but atleast other people use 1 sentence as a whole. This user couldnt finish 1 sentence without hopping around the bible for it.
I think I would need drugs to understand your horrible sentence composition. Also, can you put a rainbow into a box? No... Such is mango.
Something that hit me hard on psychedelics was the inter-connected nature of everything. Hear me out.
The atoms making up my body are interacting with other atoms, which are interacting with other atoms, which eventually are interacting with your body. The space between me and you right now is only a matter of perspective in the soup that makes up all matter in the universe. I felt my ego disappear and instead felt what I could best describe as the "mind of god" or some sense of being everything at once.
I don't think I actually picked up any useful information from afar. Maybe it can't be transmitted by this kind of interaction, or maybe too much just overwhelmed the brain. But it was a really neat perspective shift to remove the filter on my brain for a moment.
If that doesn't sound profound then I just have to say try it for yourself. Perhaps the most profound part was coming back and feeling as though this life I was entering into was alien. Like I'd been somewhere else, somewhere familiar, and then had to think oh yeah that's right, this is my life.
still too long dindu read
keep getting upset
I can put a mango into a box. I cannot put rainbow in a box in the way you think of it. But i could recreate a rainbow with specific tools and machinery inside a room, which sort of is like a box isnt it?
I understand everything that youve said, but i know all that you mentioned, and maybe a little bit more on why it is that way, without doing psychedelics. I am interested in what people think of this ego disappearing thing because if it is the way i understand it, i am already, maybe not 100% there but id say 90%+ there. So you kind of fall into the category that noone that ever did psychedelics told me something i dont already know through reading and thinking with my brain.
If this kind of thinking that you have, is considered enlightened then alot of scientists are far more enlightened than you and i are together.
Aight you have a problem with reading, thats fine then.