License Plate

Hey guys it's time for me to renew my license plate. I'm thinking about getting a custom plate number but I don't know what to make it

What should I make it? I want to make it something sort of Sup Forums related. I was going to make it DEUSVULT but apparently if the plate number is 8 characters long, one of the characters has to be a space. Feels bad man.

The restrictions are

>7 characters long
>or 8 characters long, with one character being a space

How do you show Sup Forums pride without being a haHAA cringeworthy praise KEK T_D faggot? Is such a thing even possible?

POL 1488


>How do you show Sup Forums pride without being a haHAA cringeworthy praise KEK T_D faggot? Is such a thing even possible?
No it's not.

>in my multicultural paradise of a city

I'm not trying to be killed guys!!!



I'm sad I can't fit something along the lines of WEWUZKANGS

Luv 1228
Start of the 6 crusade


Do normies even recognize 1488?




OP F4990T

Normalfags don't, but kikes do. Boy oh boy those fuckers seem to know everything about farright lingo.

>spending an extra $60 upfront and $31.25 a year on custom plates
shiggy diggy
also New York's custom plate rules are no fun allowed

>What plate combinations are restricted?
>Personalized plates that give the appearance of an official plate or the configuration of special registration classes.
>Combinations that are considered obscene, derogatory or offensive.
>Combinations that do not have one letter.
>Combinations that consist of six numbers followed by one letter.
>Use of the letter "O" between two numbers to make what appears to be a number.
>Use of the letter "I" as the first or last characters on a plate when the other characters are all numbers.
>Use of the number zero (0) between two letters to form a word.
>Use of the number zero (0) and the letter "O" to form a word or number.

the obscene/offensive rule is the least fun since a human being will review your application and reject your application

911 kek

vanity plates are for people who need to be gassed

huge fag

perfect plate for OP

