>Sup Forums supposedly hates "fake news"
>constantly bombards boogie with fake news
Hmm... really makes you think. Fucking hypocrites.
>Sup Forums supposedly hates "fake news"
>constantly bombards boogie with fake news
Hmm... really makes you think. Fucking hypocrites.
You're talking about the same place where """Libertarians""" and Nazis are friends instead of mortal enemies.
>Sup Forums is one person
reminder to sage shit threads with youtuber '""celebrities""'
This fake news attack against boogie is PATHETIC. He's twice the person anyone on this pathetic board could ever hope of being.
Just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they shouldn't have access to affordable healthcare.
so the fact that he's still fat as shit is also fake, right? Sure, let's say it is all a sketch. Why does he still get fatter? If it's all just a hoax, then he shouldn't be 600 lbs and counting. He's ruining himself, and deserves to die
Die boogie
that is pretty disingenuous if people are framing him with fake tweets and using footage from a sketches
>fascists and libertarians are enemies
>"It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aimed at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has for the moment saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history." - Ludwig von Mises
I'd happily forgotten that existed
How much do you want to bet that after the sketch, he ate the food in the sketch?
Furthermore, even if he didn't, he obviously eats like an unhealthy asshole, i don't need to see what he eats to tell you that.
ahhh yah cunt I was eating, FAUK! man
something something of course he is because he weighs that much something something.
If you can't afford healthcare, maybe get a fucking job. Youtube shitting the bed with re-upping it's contracts with advertisers a few months ago made most "content creators" scared as fuck, and move to an entirely separate money making model, like patreon. Made lots of youtubers for gaming move to twitch, as well, which is a huge part of youtube slowly emigrating. No one to blame here but yourself if, with all the money you're making on youtube, you can't afford healthcare still. Know what obamacare did for me? My employer switched from an okay healthcare provider to the cheapest medicaid comparable shit they could muster, and that company said they would only co-pay my medications if I bought in 6 month bulk.
6 months of pills at once, they expected me to pay for. Thousands of dollars. I don't know who the fuck's bright idea that was but i'm glad that shit's done and over with now. Hopefully I won't have to maintain a second job as a special ed teacher anymore, for $8/hr just to get the benefits.
extremist authoritarianism and libertarianism are literally opposite ideologies
If you are authoritarian you are inherently not a libertarian.
> He's twice the person
>I only ate that can of cream ironically
A sketch is not a reflection of his actual life
his body is telling another story m8
You realize that people can be fat without eating a lot, right? Dumb fuck. I eat only 2k calories per day and i still weigh 380 lbs because of thyroid issues.
I'm a chemist, so I actually realize that this is not the case.
The animations for Battlefield 1 look shit.
Eat less than 2k calories a day and see what happens, fatass.
literally twice the person
Probably closer to 20k calories per day, fatty.
He's stuffing his face in all his "sketches" because he's also stuffing his face in all his other videos too
>eating thousands of calories is okay as long as it's for a "sketch"
apologists like you are why he'll never get better
>I can't recognize gravely unwell person with an obvious physical ailment from simply looking at them
I'd argue he's thrice the person I am. He's what, 600lbs?
It's only fake news if I don't like it you liberal cuck
Saying the tweet is fake news is fake news.
He's a fat attention whore with a victim complex. I hope he really does suffer.
>boogie getting bigger year after year
The calories don't give a fuck if it was a sketch or not
>guy still eat calories nonetheless
>call it a sketch
>I was only pretending to be obese
>drinks ~250ml milk as food
>still gets fat
>I took 9000% energy out of this
I call bullshit
If this would be the case the gouverment should clone you as often as possible, put you into factories and forcefeed you to create an infinite amount of glycerin
>Is a sketch
>Dude still ate all that food
then eat less amerifat
> calories in ; calories out, it's simple
> muh thyroid prublums
Then stop eating thyroid
The truth is, the white nationalist movements do for libertarianism more than any libertarian ever.
This is white man's ideals.
Also he's been talking about losing weight for 8 YEARS AND LOST LESS THAN 10 POUNDS DURING THAT SAME PERIOD.
Are the calorie laden foods he eats every day also just sketches that he doesn't record?
>look at this funny sketch of me ear fuckloads of food
>hur i was only pretending to be obese
It's not a "decision" to be fat you inconsiderate fuck. My body requires more food to maintain itself compared to your little twig body. If I tried to eat less, I would have so little energy i wouldn't be able to make it through the day.
It might be enough to get your 120 pound skinny ass through the day, but 1500 calories would make me lose so much muscle it wouldn't be worth it.
cant wait for you to die on the operating table boogie
>ALSO AVAILABLE AS A "DINNER WITH BOOGIE" PACKAGE, ONLY $1499.99 (dinner not included)
he'll never make it onto the table to begin with. any doc will demand that you lose some weight before the surgery - simply to prove that you have the willpower to go through with it. because all those surgeries only assist the weight loss, but they can't cause it completely on their own.
IIRC the NHS only has equipment rated for 500lbs so if you're boogie sized they tell you to GTFO
>Diet coke
Well I don't use the word putrid very much but that is a good way to describe that webm.
A "sketch."
He must practice for those sketches a lot.
Yeah I'm sure he eats reasonable portions and got fat from the air. I can't wait for this obese retard to bite the dust
Lmao. Fat amerilards actually believe this. Your body doesn't need thousands of calories to sit around all day fatass
He should just kill himself
ohh... wait
If he ate 3000 calories in one sitting and was like 180 pounds, no one would care. Especially if he kept the weight off. As of now, Boogie needs some ridicule. Nothing else seems to be motivating him. These "sketch" videos just seem to be away to incorpoate his food addiction into his videos
>Yeah I'm sure he eats reasonable portions and got fat from the air. I can't wait for this obese retard to bite the dust
He makes these threads himself
fuck off and sage
If it's a sketch then the calories don't count
Are you retarded? Do you even know how nutrition works?
t. Someone who studied it
quintessentially american