What did he mean by this?
Banksy kills it again
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Were leaving.
click like if this made u think big and alot
who cares
Remove all stars and then its okay
Banksy hey isnt that the dude that basically steals all of his work?
That's dumb. The stars don't represent the number of countries in the EU.
i like her butt
Came here to post this.
Was worried that banksy would be some libtard, but judging by the cracks across the flag, he thinks the EU's had it.
I don't know but I like the little sexy blonde there
Thats the most retarded logo ever created. Literally no one knows what it means
whoa fuckin DEEP banksy is a fucking free thinking rebel
he's a faggot
>tfw I was in the same year at school with Banksy
>tfw i went surfing with 3D in Woolacombe.
How old are you, 50?
Post yearbook photo now!
tfw you lie on the internet to feel special in front of anonymous people
>tfw I was in the same year at school with the Wombles
Who cares banksys a fag
I'm 43 and so is Banksy
Not even making this up, ask me anything that can't be googled and only someone from that era in that City would know.
Under ground or overground?
I loved the Wombles, did you ever watch Stig of the Dump?
Fuck i wanted to lives Stigs like so bad.
>Post yearbook photo now!
I dont have it, let me check the School website brb
kek, what a fag
>hurr brexit happened so we have to remove a star
literally not stating anything except maybe vaguely implying "brexit is bad mmkay"
Wanksy the posh twat can fuck off
>let me check the School website brb
I'm crushed.
I re-read Stig of the Dump again as an adult. Still great, but the kid in it is a little turd - he spends a week at his auntie's house and FINDS A FUCKING CAVEMAN, but when he returns to his auntie's a few months later, he has literally FORGOTTEN that he FOUND A FUCKING CAVEMAN last time he was there.
Bansky is just like the rest of the buthurt liberals so who cares.