Was 9/11 an inside job, if so, why?
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To cash on that juicy insurance, for starters
Nice bait m8
911 million dollar gal
yes, Clintons and Bushes (and possibly Gore) were all behind this. Why? Reason for intervention in Middle East (read: oil)
not really
The heavily redacted famnoue '28 pages' from the 9/11 report show Saudi Arabian intelligence officers were in communication with some of the hijackers, who were all Saudi Arabian.
Saudi Arabia is a close ally to the US, therefor it was an inside job.
Was it something that they fabricated to go to war? or was it something that they capitalised on or even knew before hand and allowed to happen for such reasons?
There was a great thread about 911 on /x/, can't seem to find it though
resume the jewish war and increase surveillance
The jews did it
It set up americas foreign policy for the next several decades
By now, many on Sup Forums don't remember what life was like before 9/1. That was the intent - to change the dynamic of every day life.
Ask yourself who benefited from 9/11. Was it the goat fuckers? Or was it our bureaucrats? Shouldn't be hard to answer.
Excuse to attack Iraq with full support
9/11 was a part time job, you nigger.
what does "pull it" mean?
They did it with help of mossad
The building was full of asbestos and toxic shit. The cost to renovate would have been more than building new towers. Additionally, there's no easy way to drop buildings like that. Who's going to give approval? Pull in some politicos and use this thing to kill multiple birds with one stone. Oh yeah, and the money.
It means this
Five dancing Israelis and a moving van with a plane painted on it...flying into the world trade center. My uncle says there are a lot of Israelis in NYC.
william binney
thomas drake
both, to me as a wog "who wants to get the fuck as far as far as fucking possible from the fiucking eternal anglo and his oi sai empaya demonocracy sheit", seem credible.
so if those two man, that i have a formed opinion on and any who hears them will get such, are speaking truth - then jewyork habbening is 99% orchestrated. 1% is not proven by hard copy and testimony.
or mind my fucking stupidity, both tom and bill are kgb soviet russian wanna undermine "western civilization" agents.
The lead architect of the WTC said himself a plane could not have caused the building to collapse
Of course.
So roughly, the US needs to feeds its perpetual war machine and ramp up the domestic and global surveillance by way of engaging in a endless 'war on terror' colludes with the Saudis, Mossad and a Jewish investor to blow up the buildings so one guy can claim insurance and America can get set about achieving its domestic and foreign policy goals?
Yes it was inside job. And what will you do with that? Nothing.
tfw you government sells your family's soul because asbestos were to hard to get rid of n shieettt.
>one guy
(((Many)) benefited from this. These two are the most obvious.
Im more interested in how people thread conspiracy theories together.
Some of the links in this post/thread help explain it. Wikileaks documents about our government, Mossad, and some background info
Germany was also a close ally until it turned to Nazism, just because 2 countries are allies doesn't mean that its permanent or that they don't betray each other
Thanks mate.
You're not curious how two 1300+ foot tall buildings, with steel exoskeleton frames, symmetrically collapse in under 10 seconds?
You're not curious how pyroclastic smoke clouds accompanied each demolition?
You're not curious how there were explosions reported in the basement levels, 80 floors below the plane impact?
You should be curious how the fires burned for over 3 months, under ground, starved for oxygen.
I didnt know that there was a huge thread today on this sort of topic. I can understand why people thought that this was bait.
Of course I'm curious about that, that's why I made the thread but part of the point of having a theory on anything at all, be it conspiracy or otherwise, is for it to be coherent and there are a tonne of 9/11 conspiracies out there that cannot have all their be consistent with one another.
>conspiracy theories
It's hard for you to believe that two or more people, would lie about something, for personal gain?
These buildings were destroyed by explosives, who put the demo charges there?
Yeah, I think you got it.
It doesn't take a large amount of brain power to deduce that it wasn't strictly a terrorist "job". Flying one plane into a NY skyscraper is one thing. Flying two? The US prides itself on it's defense, and for something like this to happen without anybody being aware of planes off flight plans, and nobody calling in intercepting jets; that kind of incompetence is unheard of, and would surely result in jobs being loss and restructuring of the NORAD program. But none of that happened, in fact, many were given promotions.
It wasn't enough to have the spectacle of the twin towers, but they went one step further and decided the Pentagon should be hit too. Reasoning behind this is lost on me; maybe they thought the distraction would be enough to justify the slow response, I don't really know. But the Pentagon is just another smoking gun in the shit show that is 9/11. No way in hell that was a plane. Obvious has never been so obvious; that was without a doubt a missile.
It's hard to keep a level head when investigating this event though. The amount of mis-info is enough to steer you in the wrong direction, but there is an equal amount of seemingly spot on info that comes off as bat shit crazy on the surface. The whole idea of the planes being doctored into the footage (very small amount of camera angles/scenes, so not that hard actually, and kind of questionable as to why so many news networks shared the same camera footage of such a huge event); this idea seems way out there, but the more you look into it, the more plausible it seems. Pic related: what the fuck?
The amount of WTF elements may be on a purpose. It just adds to the noise and makes it that much harder to convince the masses to believe anything outside of the "official truth". Even if the masses all believe it to be an "inside job", they will all still be believing only a part of some other aspect, and most likely never willing to go all in on the truth, because the LIE IS TOO BIG.
Any plan that takes place in secrecy is a conspiracy theory until it is acted out. For the sake of conversation, the plan by Al-Qaeda was a conspiracy as they conspired to destroy these buildings for x reasons and so on.
>These buildings were destroyed by explosives, who put the demo charges there?
This comes to one my main points about consistency as there is a conflicting theory that claims that a low yield nuclear bomb were used after the CIA planted them during the cold war. You could argue with someone who held this view endlessly.
the plane flew directly into the offices of marsh and mclennan who were involved in shady stock software
don't forget the enron case blew up with building 7
>they went one step further and decided the Pentagon should be hit too. Reasoning behind this is lost on me;
if they didn't attack the pentagon it would not have been considered an act of war
no evidence the pentagon was actually hit by a plane
>No planes at 1 & 2
disinfo, a weak strawman:
The Pentagon was hit in the Budget Analysts office, they were investigating the missing 2.3 Trillion dollars, reported just the day before:
More disinfo, no radiation detected at Ground Zero.
What about the iron microspheres found in the dust, the kind you find with thermitic reactions?
Do a simple google search: Zionist 911 and you will learn the truth. It's really that simple. Cross check claims that you find odd eventually.
two scoops cant melt steal beems
Yeah, might be a larping newfag because he said it was the "biggest conspiracy on Sup Forums" which I'd think is actually the Holohoax/JQ but there have been a lot of threads about 9/11 lately. Then he started talking about ayys.
Either way, he had good links and has an interesting twitter account.
towers were designed and built with the specific intent of destroying them publicly in 2001(the true start of the millenium)
most likely explosive charges of some kind built right into the building
the design mimics the masonic pillars, they stood for 33 years, 'lead hijacker' Atta was 33
planes were real, but humans were not guiding them (google QRS11, Hillary, Boeing uninterruptible autopilot)
Saudi provided the patsies, Mossad were their handlers, and the mossad 'movers' also probably did any last minute wiring. Security at the wtc handled by Bush's cousin, up until the day before.
Shekelstein has the hutzpah to pretend to be the victim, takes some of the heat, and is well rewarded.
Cheney, Rumsfeld, chiefs of staff etc all had to be in on it or compromised, they were surrounded by dual israeli citizens known as 'the crazies', PNAC pretty much spelled out what they wanted
If all had gone off according to plan (it didn't) the congress would have been taken out by the 4th plane, full COG would be activated, and they would have a full-on war state dictatorship
They wanted to move on central asian resources while america still dominated the world militarily (it won't for much longer)
America is ultimately in debt to the banksters who operate out of the inner city of london
Both Iraq and Afghan were formerly held by the british empire, and both had parliaments installed after conquest. Why would america install a british system? The banksters decide who gets overthrown
The fires that burned for 100 days with no air, while being sprayed constantly shows an anaerobic chemical reaction ongoing in the rubble. No indications of any nuclear reactions imo, but some other exotic weaponry was used to disintegrate the towers mid-air, simply observe carefully and you can see it happening
It was an alibi to intervene within the middle East so the west could secure the oil supplies. Whether 9/11 was an inside job or not is irrelevant imo; the west was waiting for any sort of event, no matter how big or small, and they were going to distort it so much that intervention looked like a necessity.
So jews can get loads of money, destroy middle east, create refugees, destroy society so the jew finally can rub his hands for the last time on his throne of goyim skulls
The Israelis perpetrated 911.
>Not in collusion with the Al Qaeda, but using them as an unwitting patsy cover force.
Israel secretly piggybacking on top of the Al Qaeda plot.
Al Qaeda had a plot to use aircraft to crash into the WTC.
Mossad finds out about the al-Qaeda plot but does nothing to stop it. Does not tell the US about the impending attack.
Mossad demolition experts lay explosive charges within the WTC buildings.
When planes hit, after an interval of time, Mossad remotely triggers the charges it placed in the towers.
America rightly blames Al Qaeda, though most non-Jewish leaders do not know enough to blame Israel for the lion's share of the destruction.
America is red hot furious at Israel's middle eastern enemies and spends 15 years and incurs crippling debt to fight Israel's enemies.
Israel is happy because America mobilizes to attack their enemies.
WTC-7 is its own level of silliness at what people expect the average citizen to believe
People that Israel sent to film the destruction of the towers are captured. Then mysteriously released.
>Cui Bono? Who Benefited from WTC going down?
Israel benefited.
And benefited big.
Can someone explain this, using the principles of physics?
9/11 couldn't have been an inside job. The planes came from the outside.
9/11 was allowed to happen for the same reason Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen. ((They)) wanted to go to war in the Middle East and this was the only way to get public support. Our Patriotic National tribalism is only triggered if we are attacked, otherwise, how would we go to war for Oil if everyone in America is protesting? We have homeless, we have uninsurade, we have massive debt, why go kill Arabs/Asians?
Mohammad Ali said it best when he woke. "No Vietcong ever called me a Nigger."
Our security is a Larp. Muttiple times people have jumped the White House fence. One guy even made it to the second floor before he was stopped. We just have good propaganda to nmake people think we have good security.
lockheed martin
general dynamics
Northrop Grumman
Many polticians spouses are deeply involved in defense contractors.
>Many polticians spouses are deeply involved in defense contractors.
This ought to be illegal, but feminists would go batshit.
>You mean SHE can't have a career, TOO???
Biggest mind-fuck regarding 9/11 is Judy Wood's "Where did the towers go?". Watch one of her presentations on YouTube and prepare for the "WTF?" moments. "Dustification".
Notice the materials that do not get harmed. Windows are just fine, Bus looks like it's decayed for 1,000 years.
nigga the centralia coal seam has been on fire underground since 1962
Actually wall street and founders of CIA initially supported nazi germany
Well I don't know for sure, and from the shit I have seen done it wouldn't surprise me, but what compounds it just a bit for me is shortly before the incident there was a reported 2.3 trillion dollars just missing in our government, and no one knows where it went. I heard some reports saying they did find it but the one or two I just recently looked up and don't feel like reading.
they got hit by space junk, all videos where you can see plane hit to them is just made up
So did the Kennedy's, to a large extent. And Lindbergh. I think JFK even shook Hitler's hand back in the day.
To be fair, though, when the war started, they all got behind FDR's war declaration, crook though he was.
Not an inside job. The dancing Israelis suggested otherwise.
look at the vehicles starting at 2:53
postal van crushed by paper and dust