>France is no longer franc-
France is 85% White
while, USA is 55% White.
France is no longer franc-
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Pic is sandnigger
There are more whites in America than France thus America is whiter.
That girl is not white. She's hot, but not white.
15% not white is too much
>France soccer team
Op btfo
That's the 15%
A white Muslim theocracy will be interesting to see.
>oui, oui, merci muhammed
>That's the 15%
Who will become 20%
Then 40%
Then you wake up and you're a mongrel Islamic state shithole. oops. Remember to face Mecca when you pray!
Where do I find a hot beurette?
dumb toadposter
>what up muh niggerz! WHUT UB TYRONE!!YOU NOGGER!
yeah no, you should be the last person talking about being white.
This is true but dont deny the same is happening in america. The fucking spics manage to outbreed the niggers somehow.
The US is 76% white, including white Hispanics.
Nice job falling for the Marxist/Jewish trap of lumping all Hispanics into one grouping regardless of ethnicity. (((They))) want them to behave like a monolithic voting bloc and think like another "oppressed minority."
Also, one-third of French babies are nonwhite, mostly Arabs and blacks. Give me Hispanics, white or mixed, over Arabs and blacks any day of the week.
>doesn't have a military
>imports kebab at the speed of light
Of course it's happening to America, why do you think Americans are so interested in helping Europe?
Unlike you fags, we have guns and our country is larger than every single one of yours. Most of it is barely populated. We can flee to the midwest and then eventually take the country back. You guys are fucked if this continues.
Jesus fucking Christ, no one understands what it's like to slowly become a minority in the country your forefathers built, to see your cities become non-white drug filled crime ridden shitholes than Americans. Don't worry, we're well aware.
All true, but then again the same applies to you.
Your 56% will become 40%, which will then become 30% then 20% then 10% then nothing.
All you are reinforcing here is that worrying about the US is a waste of time as it's already irredeemable.
>85% white in Europe - there homeland of whites
Just a guess but in the USA certain parts of the country are still very white while major cities and the south west are very non white.
Does France experience a similar situation? Also note that the USA is huge and is sort of like being a citizen of 50 tiny countries that speak English, 48 of which are relatively easy to get to. The states Alaska and Hawaii are much more distant.
I want a French speaking one
Go to Paris.
France is lost. You literally elected Soros's hand
Just accept you reality as a shithole like Germany did
>So? That's the 15%
Such fine 15% I fucking swear to god i will never set a foot in that nigger, mudslime infested shithole called France.
>Unlike you fags, we have guns and our country is larger than every single one of yours. Most of it is barely populated. We can flee to the midwest and then eventually take the country back. You guys are fucked if this continues.
Youve got a point there..
>Jesus fucking Christ, no one understands what it's like to slowly become a minority in the country your forefathers built, to see your cities become non-white drug filled crime ridden shitholes
This shit still hurts everyday. Worst part is is that about 50% of our own people are the reason this happens. Even our king and queen say "what is dutch culture?"
I want king Willem Van Oranje back.
USA counts mexicans in those 55%.
They dont even have 40% whites.
France is occupied under Mecron on behalf of the EU, that's what should trouble you more than American banter.
That woman has darker features than our southern Serbs lmao
I notice you didn't respond to me and correct yourself. We're 60% non-Hispanic white, 76% white, and in the second or third generation, birth rates go down among immigrants. The white population will stabilize around 40-45% around 2080.
The population of Sub-Saharan Africa is exploding. That's a lot of people you Europeans are going to have to take care of. Give me America's demographics over France's any day of the week, limey.
She's the most beautiful woman I have seen in a very long time. By the way we're not 55%
Yes, we're in the same boat. But we're trying to fix it, hence Trump's election. The average American really wants to get immigration under control.
Things are going to get much more violent here in the coming years. Americans are sick of the government and the liberals who are throwing away the country away.
Correction: 40-45% non-Hispanic white around 2080.
Macron loves open borders and Muslim immigration so much, he told the frogs that they simply need to lie down and accept terrorism as a reality of French life going forward.
And half of these Arabs in Europe are unemployed, living on government services. At least the Mexicans work their asses off, because we have a very small welfare state in comparison.
what an awful nigger face
And I know for sure that if you dare to say the little shit is uneducated, you will be shat on
15% is too much
>Give me America's demographics over France's any day of the week
>wanting to be 55% white instead of 85%
Every country in europa is whiter than america
Seriously, if you want to explain to your fellow countrymen/Europeans why non-White immigration is bad, just look at America. Your cities are going to become like Detroit or Chicago if it continues.
It's amusing to see pro-immigrant Euros make fun of America for our crime or gun violence without realizing they're importing the same shit. There's a reason why our police became trigger happy, and you're about to find out why first hand.
If that's "white" I must be a fucking aryan god.
Definitly Marseille.
The difficulty in this city will be to find a white christian girl
>76% white
>posts a French sandnigger as the OP
>Setting foot in France
>Mexican salary
Your money wouldn't even get you a tour of East-Ukraine, Pablo.
that girl is from Estonia
wtf I thought america was white????????????
if u think the person in the pic is white u havent been here long enough
Nice statistics you got there Shlomo, would be a shame if they were not legal in France.
At least Americans don't do shit like this:
and Poland is still > 99.9% white
All "Hispanic" means is "speaks Spanish as a first language"
When people say "Hispanic" they usually are thinking of mestizos, the racial group
>File: file.png (311 KB, 530x420)
How much for half a dozen?
Lel, i fucking took a plane from Barcelona to Frankfurt so i didn't have to step france and see french niggers. Anyway go prep your bull.
she's not white. she is pretty though
sucker born every second :^)
She looks Russian.
t.Baltic face control expert
Whatever helps you sleep at night Eduardo. You'll never be white.
I dread to even consider the possibility of ever seeing levels of cuckoldry this high in my life ever again.
>89% white in Kansas
Checkmate, Frogs
mate I work in the USA. You should come to Europe if you want to see white people.
but the french that look like that unironically think they are
The cucks in the area saw death down their own windows, but I'm sure most families gave their vote for the FN.
Paris has always been a nest for all the filth in politics, just burn it down with greek fire.
White in America
White is about color of skin not hair.
When will you idiots learn?
A Serbian mulatto descended from Ottoman rape babies talking about "whiteness." Amusing.
Take it from us, friend. Enjoy those percentages while they last. I give you 10 years
I'm about to take the 4 train from Harlem to midtown Manhattan.
I should post a picture to show you it looks roughly the same.
Countung sandbiggers and beaners as white
Hooray its 100% white now.
Most of the French would consider her "white". Really makes you think.
>Urban and city retards
>Suburban and Rural patricians
In the United States she is white, in Europe she's not.
White in Sweden will be an Iranian in 10 years
You work in SoCal around mestizo Mexicans and Guatemalans, and now feel entitled to make broad generalizations about Hispanics? Hispanics vary widely depending on country of origin and social class, which is what makes classifying it as a race retarded.
>France is 85% White
Overall maybe, but migrant newborns are at something like 35% or more.
>France is 85% White
Calling BS
Damn, even for a nigglet, he's ugly af
Iranians are actually white as much as greeks. Iraqis arent.
I hate black people and I hate Muslims, a Somali is like a satanic cocktail
it's not bs france is more than just big cities, there are no coloreds in small towns and rural areas
reminder that trump lost the popular vote and that he is a kike puppet
Man i crashed a chevy right under the 4 train and was able to drive it all that way back to Yonkers.
Kim Kardashian is Iranian.
Oh, Washington voted for Trump?
Half the white people in America are "woke" and realized Trump was our last chance. France has just rolled over died.
(((85% white)))
Well their football team's sure inversely representative.
>inb7 muh black superior athletes
Most country's teams are still much more closely representative of their ethnicity ratios
That wouldnt even be considered which in america she looks full latina.
>muh popular vote
No one cares.
>muh kike puppet
Yeah but that's not a surprise. Everyone knows our government is controlled.
Like I said, it's going to get violent one day.
I bet you grandfather makes a backflip in his grave. They won the war but lost their land and culture to blacks in 75 years? Things could be different these days. Detroit would still be a shinig star of the automobile industry, we would have big space programs together and a bright future for our kids. Now this ... Shaniqua, Latisha, Watermelonica and Achmed are your boss now. We are still the ultimative evil (now all Whitey) and you have taken us the possibility by Genfer convention to build the weapons to protect us. Congratulations, winner!
>if this sport team is not white, then your country is not white
okay, Saddiq Khan
Why did you have to post that pic?
The U.S. is 77.1% White. Source: United States Census Bureau.
To prove that muricucks are kinks of cucks.
>including the hispanics as white
>Be a snail-eating french faggot
>Knee-deep in shit
>"hon hon hon hon, why should I get out, I won't drown just yet"
>"Everything will be alright because of muh Napoleon"
Holy shit, just fucking die with your autistic country already.
I wish white people could get a big reservation and start over. Show the natives how sub human they are and let the niggers kill each other.
Well to be fair we keep doing that and then we free the help and try to integrate them as equals eventually leading to superiors via affirmative action and whatnot.
>France is 85% White
this is a lie.
racial statistics are legally forbidden in france
notice how he posts no proof