Bad News For Humpty Drumpfty

>Huge majority of Americans wants independent investigation



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How is Ukraine even a country.

Oh wait.

It isn't.

eh just more talk, trump will bring the end times for the jews, just you wait

Gee Billy, how come Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream REEEEEE

not an argument, you emu fucker

Wow xD calm down

>huge majority of (((Americans)))

liberals just cant take a loss

Try again, sweety!

>Cheeto Benito

are these the same """polls""" that gave trump a 4% chance of winning

>Come to Ukraine, they said
>Every one is welcome, they said
>We are very pleasant, they said


>huge majority

says who? im american and i wasnt asked my opinion. I hate fake news.

And they were absolutely correct! How can you predict Russian hacking though???


wow its nothing sage

Is it true pearly penis papules are common with your countrymen because you're all disgusting, unkempt drunkards?

Based on fucking what lmao how do peoe still fall for this shit

>im american and i wasnt asked my opinion

You are just an alt-right loser, you don't represent actual America!


Ukraine is weak

>independent investigation happens
>no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia is shown

*inarticulate yelling*

KEK blessed me with the numerals.

Sup Forums BTFO

nah. this is how it's done:

Independent of who?

Do they want a civilian agency to get access to tons of top secret information and communications to investigate this?


"Huge Majority" sounds like something a child says trying to sound smart

>mainstream corporate media claims most people want a thing
>therefore most people want that thing

These niggers aren't fooling anybody anymore.

I love Trump


THREE separate investigations by 18 intelligence agencies for 2 years of time turned up pissgate, which was a Sup Forums joke.

I'm not worried, just let the lefties finance it.

>By Kaili Joy Gray
I'm going to take a guess and say there are no references to back up the claim of "huge majority".

>NBC poll


>How can you predict Russian hacking though???
>the states he flipped use paper ballots
Ah, the you hunters are out today, I see.

>Huge majority of Americans wants independent investigation
Is the media still trying to exaggerate their numbers? They are under a truth crisis and more and more people are not believing their "news reports" anymore. The mainstream media has already been caught Gaslighting so many times, and their lies are only digging themselves deeper in a pit of shit.
>CNN has seen its ratings fall 19 percent from 946,000 to 765,000. MSNBC dropped even more – 32 percent – from 825,000 to 559,000.
>During primetime, Fox News has held its audience at about 2.9 million viewers before and after the election.
>CNN dropped from 1.65 million to 960,000, a 42 percent fall off while MSNBC fell a comparable 38 percent, from 1.55 million to 959,000.

People are switching to Fox, and many more are flatout tuning out lugenpresse.

I am impressed about the way you can still manage to get time to care about american presidency issues inbetween fighting for food with the local rats, and getting beaten to a pulp by the russkies daily. Atta lad!


mekola, idi sovetskii huy posasi i uspokoisya. trump tam na dolgo

And what do you fucking know about "actual America" you are a fucking slav!

Next thing you tell me that t*rks are white.

Say it with me : PRESIDENT Mike "LGBTBBQ" Pence

>Huge majority of Americans
Was it a poll?

Turks are roaches.

>Americans Wants

I thought they were the smart ones?

Cringy attemps at renaming Trump and patronizing the ones you are debating by calling them "sweetie". I wonder if i have seen this exact same way of debating before?

not a quantity


>iT's FuCkInG oVeR fOr YoUr ChEeTo BeNiTo, DrUmPfKiNs


Trump won via a grand total of like 77,000 votes.

Bad proxy

can you show me the chart with a timeline that you are looking at?

The chart I'm looking at, CNN/MSNBC are about as big as they were in 2001 and only Fox really grew in a significant way. I see their ratings dropping after a presidential race spike, but that's it.


Digits confirm this is the work of Moloch

>Huge majority of Americans

That really means all they polled were Democrats.

its only reddit fags who still support trump here. this shilling is a waste of time

I swear to God, if this about that fucking ice cream again...

nice try (((ukraine)))

Fuck off

Humpdty Drumphty wumpty bumpty!!!
- Avg lefty

>Huge majority
Majority of overweight people? I don't get it.

>We asked 100 "independent voters" that just happened to be 80 democrats, 10 independents and 10 republicans
>See, majority want Trump investigated!
>Murica has spoken
>Foreigners believe it

>Huge majority of Democrats and Lugenpresse want independent investigation
Fixt it for you!

Just like those (((90%))) who wanted gun control in 2013 and how it never happened?


>Gallup polls

Huge majority of Americans literally want an investigation. This. Is. Not. Normal.

Beginning of the end for Burpkmpfk

It's the new "Obama is a kenyan Muslim" crowd

Pathetic desu


Those are not electoral votes, so they don't matter.


That was started by Hillary's campaign in 2008 during the primaries when she lost to Little Black Sambo.

However, unlike the Russia-Truther conspiracy theories, it never gained as wide of traction by being "examined" on the news.

There is an element to truth because Obama's college records are sealed, mostly because he listed himself as a "foreign student" to get aid and asspats from whitey after returning from living in Indonesia (And attending a Muslim school there, that's never been debated)

>tfw to intelligent too spell correctly


I've spend the whole evening jacking off to photos of your dad OP there's semen everywhere

this sounds great until you realize that the republican party is being sabotaged from within by neocon fucks like Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham and John McCain

Wrong. Ice cream is not a right. By simply being alive you are not entitled to other people's flavors.

>Ukraine not being able to predict Russian hacking
top fucking kek

Ukies are fucking peasant farmers.

I want an independent investigation because I don't believe they'll find anything and maybe they'll finally shut up about it.

Wow, I sure do care.

Shills detected


Good heavens! He never should've taken those two scoops of ice cream! The absolute fiend!

>Oy vey goyim, the majority of Americans at Shalom temple I interviewed want Ronald McFlompf investigated. But I can't let the goyim know that ol' Schlomo is brigading Sup Forums again, so I'll use a Ukrainian proxy. *RubbityRubRub*


They are using eastern european proxies today ive noticed...

>Implying it wasn't GOP-controlled machines flipping votes
khe sanh


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Can you just make a thread about it, or spam it somewhere else that's actually impactful? Spouting YouTube Comment-tier copypastas in a thread that has no relevance whatsoever just makes the cause look autistic.

>independent investigation starts
>finds nothing
>everyone blames russia


Nice comeback for an autist

I don't think so.

Also, a huge win by Hillary Clinton was reported by the mainstream news.

Really op you should stop watching the tv. You would be so much better off for it.

Nice flag. You're either a rapist or a rape victim. Judging by the way you speak, I'd say the latter.

Investigation on the second scoop

Surveys are often constructed to fit a political purposes.

>Do you want criminals to have guns?


>90% of people want gun control

>Do you like to protect the environment?


>100% of people surveyed want a carbon tax to protect the environment

>Do you think people who are being investigated by the authorities should take part in the investigation?


>80% of people want independent investigation in drumpf and russia.

>people genuinely believe trump isn't laughing at the goyim with all his """ enemies" """
you disappoint me

>Trump gets investigated
>nothing found
We want an independent investigation!
>nothing found
We want a marxist/liberal run investigation!