Can we consider Spanish and Portuguese people white after Al Andalus ?

Can we consider Spanish and Portuguese people white after Al Andalus ?

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they are more white than you kek.

Can we consider the French white after Le Macron?


US ip have no right to give their opinion on these threads

Memes aside, I literally mistake lots of times, Italians with Arabs

The Moor invasion didn't have a significant racial impact on the peninsula, that's a nordicist fantasy to explain away why we are swarthy. The Romans already called us dark centuries before that.

You can call us nonwhite all you want, but then again we never were.

You got a point, but as an italian you are not that white anymore

Thx for you response. So, what are you, ethnically ? Wisigoths ?

A mixture of Visigoth and Suebi people + Celtiberians,in the south you will see darker people though.

But all of those people are supposed to be white originally, no ?

European governments actively suppress your racial demographics Dubois.

Visigoths and Suebi are germanic people, that conquered Iberia during the Barbarian Invasions, Celtiberians are Celts, the ones we had in Portugal were mostly Lusitans.

Yeah, so why aren't you white anymore ? Racemixing with moores and blacks I supposed ?

No, they were just ruling class as far as I know.

Highest % of germanic genes in the peninsula are in North Portugal/ Galicia, they come from the Suebi and it's at very low frequencies (5% at most).

From what I gathered Iberians are mostly Old Europeans / Ancient Iberians like the Basques (farmers who settled here from the fertile crescent in the neolithic). Then we have Aryan (from IE invasion), Italic (Roman), Greek (colonial), Semitic and Berber (probably Carthage?) admixture.

I'm not sure how Celtiberians fit into this, I don't think they were an actual separate racial group but only cultural. The again it's rumored they settled the British Isles long ago, most notably Wales. This rumour started with the Romans because apparently the Welsh were 'swarthy like the Iberians'.

The moors didn't racemix with us, we also kicked them out of Iberia, while the Spanish kept them in Iberia and married with them.

delusional as fuck, neglects 1000 years of caliphate on Iberia , pathetic

typical poortumoor

So the semitic admixture could have made you "swarthy" ?

I'm sure racemixing happened ; it always happen

dont listen to him, his delusional, we had been inbreed by so many cultures here.

He prob has jew blood very common in Portugal

After the inquisition thousands of Arabs an Jews were converted to new Christians

It's in our history

>after Le Macron
lmao, the french have been niggers for a while now

Yeah off course, but in a minority, Christians never really married with Muslims.

That's simply not true, most of the "moors" were iberian converts to begin with.
Calm down Ahmed, sorry for not falling for kindergarten-tier history

Romans already called the non-Carthage Iberians swarthy though.

>Namque rutilae Caledoniam habitantium comae, magni artus Germanicam originem adseverant; Silurum colorati vultus, torti plerumque crines et posita contra Hispania Hiberos veteres traiecisse easque sedes occupasse fidem faciunt [...]
>Trans.: The swarthy faces of the Silures, the curly quality, in general, of their hair, and the position of Hispania opposite their shores, attest to the passage of Iberians in old days and the occupation by them of these districts
- Tacitus, Agricola XI, ~98 AD

>Silurum colorati vultus; torto plerique crine et nigro nascuntur; Caledoniam vero incolentibus rutilæ comæ, corpora magna, sed fluvida: Gallis sive Hispanis, ut quibusque obtenduntur, assimiles.
>Trans.: The Silures have swarthy features and are usually born with curly black hair, but the inhabitants of Caledonia have reddish hair and large but flaccid bodies. [The Silures] are like the Gauls or the Iberians, according as they are opposite either nation.
- Jordanes, Getica I.xiii, ~551 AD

>this pic

Enjoy living in lies and ignorance mixed blood...

Okay. But why do Iberians got those traits ? If they are mostly germans and celts ?

Pic related , president of Portugal

True. Most of the Spaniards and Portugueses have Celtiberian blood (R1b haplogroup). Hard to count the impact of Berber invaders, because much of these typical Middle-Eastern haplogroup like E3b or J might have came to Iberia in Neolithic, but it's still less frequent than generally Celtic R1b.

An articulate response, as expected.

As I said we have almost no germanic genes at all. I don't know about the Celtiberians, though we do have large amounts of R1b as says.

okay, thx

Iberia and Portugal in particular do show signals of African(NW African in particular) input, but if you look at the pattern it makes no sense to attribute it to moors as it's higher on the atlantic coast and not where you expect it, the south.
It most likely has something to do with post neolithic movements from north Africa which might have brought megalithism to Europe. Some samples from Funnelbeaker Swedes also show those north African signals.

This accounts for paternal lineage, right? It would prove wrong, by confirming that Portugal did indeed have more moor (E3b) racemixing than Spain.

Of course not,

That's Ancient news at 11.

These threads are sage trash. Obvious, obvious divide and conquer. Go make a subreddit for this shit.

If the portuguese arent white neither are french. After the reconquista the south was desertified because the moors were expelled. Guess who populated those areas? Mostly french and jews.

I get what you are saying but then again the highest % of North African admixture is in Galicia and the moors never touched it. The West of the peninsula (all of Portugal + Galicia) were inhabitated by closely related tribes and it shows in the gene maps I've seen. Any anons feel free to correct me on this.

Al Andalus was segregated. It was a perpetual World of Warcraft battleground. 700+ years of non-stop light cavalry battles.

Spanish naming conventions also made it easy to kick out anyone sired by a Muslim man.

The sons of Moors are in Moor-occo.

only the basque region where they held out.

here's an Eupedia article about it

Yes. y-DNA is being inherited in patternal line.

We must remember that a lot of Northern Spain has not been conquered (Asturias/Basconia, also the regions with the biggest R1b frequency), or only occupied.

Funnelbeaker was a culture created by Middle-Eastern immigrants, however it got destroyed by the eternal Aryans, probably by the conquest considering archeologists found a lot of battle axes from Corded Ware culture.

The E1b1b from North Spain could come from Jews or people shipped there by Phoenicians. There could have also been North Africans on canoes who settled there before Eurasian arrived.

Megalith building comes from Eurasia.

The north never fell!!
There was no mixing races only certain cultures at the south

the thing is, it wasn't created by the Anatolian branch who went straight into Europe, who didn't have African input, but from migrants who followed the north African coast before entering Europe from Iberia, that's where those African signals come from most likely

keep in mind the oldest R1b-V88 available is still found in Iberia and nowadays it peaks in central Africa, meaning that whatever "African" is present in Iberians might be just small shared ancestry with those niggers who got enriched by some group of Eurasian farmers

They were Haplogroup I, G, or R1 according to the article. Northern Europe, Central Asia.

Are you self-taught? I only know bits and pieces from what I've heard over the years, feel free to correct any of my posts if you disagree.

Phoenicians used North Africans as cheap labor.They had a relationship with Berber tribes.

There are also many E1b1b in the Balkans. Albania might have the highest concentration in Europe.

Greeks wrote of some dark people who lived around them before they moved in. There could have been an enclave for North Africans in the Balkans that got absorbed by Eurasians, too.

But those immigrants didn't have R1b mutations at all. R1b came to Europe along with Indo-European (or Indo-Hittite?) expansion.
This would make them a Native European culture which is not very likely considering the Middle-Eastern/North African expansion accured as well.
This is either Middle-Eastern or Caucasian gene.
No, they could have not been Indo-European. This theory has been debunked many times.

yeah, it's interesting stuff tbqh, you slowly learn with years
indeed, but it's a particular version of E1b present only in Europe basically, and most of Iberian E1b is of this kind, it's also likely related to some neolithic culture from the Levant(where the oldest E1b are found among the Natufians for instance)

What about azoreans?

>But those immigrants didn't have R1b mutations at all
they clearly had since we literally have a sample with it

just few days ago a massive paper on SE European genetics came out and they found a shitloads of R1b in mesolithic Balkans

R1b-V88 is very divergent from European/Indo-Euro R1b, the ancestor of V88 likely got to the levant from the balkan area at this point

otherwise, how do you explain central Africans having so much R1b-V88?(and only that, basically, with no diversity whatsoever)

The highest concentration of E1b1b from Europe is in Albania.

Albania is the middle man or the origin of some isolated population of North Africans who eventually got absorbed by Ancient Eurasians.

40+% of Albanians are E1b1b.

According to pic rel, V88 came to Sub-Saharan Africa via Egypt and the Middle-East.
>they clearly had since we literally have a sample with it
From which year? Also this would be possible that some groups from Egypt also migrated west and got in Iberia.

we're talking about such ancient events that talking about "north africans" doesn't make much sense
the latter almost exclusively carry E-M81 while Europe(and Albania in particular) almost exclusively carries E-V13
Natufians had E1b1b basal to both, but they weren't really like modern north Africans, first because they had no African admixture and were 100% west Eurasians(including basal Eurasian) by the looks of it(while modern north Africans have very high sub-saharan input), and second because unlike modern middle easterners they had no input from neolithic Iranians

that picture is very old, they literally found tons of R1b among WHG people in mesolithic balkans, not to mention a basal R1b in mesolithic Italy, that picture has little value at this point

it was neolithic Spain, 5100BC

>that picture is very old
and for some reason is still on eupedia r1b site
>they literally found tons of R1b among WHG people in mesolithic balkans, not to mention a basal R1b in mesolithic Italy, that picture has little value at this point
some source of that? also if it was r1b-v88 then it would be even logical for this is the only non-indoeuropean (probably) mutation of r1b

here's a neat list of the samples and their lineages

it came out few days ago so even Eupedia has to digest it

what did they mean by this? an unknown mutation or just not mutated R*?
Also I've read that R1a2 came to Europe before IE expansion, so this might have been the mutation found in WHG and the Balkans.

perhaps a damaged sample so the specific subclade can't be determined
at this point it seems clear that not only the Balkan ice age refuge was fundamental for the repopulation of Europe but that R1b was also already there and the Villabruna R1b1 from mesolithic Italy wasn't a fluke
this doesn't invalidate the idea of it spreading mostly with Indo-Europeans but at this point we can say R1b(and R1a) are very much European and not just some bronze age intruder

>ITT: Retarded fucking newworlders who's only experience with population exchange is the Europeans wiping out the natives and replacing them with anglos.
>They literally think tens of thousands of soldiers settling in a conquered land will literally replace the millions of people making up the established population
>Turkic nomads conquered Anatolia and were absorbed by the indigenous people.
The central Asian admixture is 20 percent at best
>Greeks were conquered by turks and experienced no significant change in their generics
> Egypt and Persia conquered by arabs and the generics of the regions weren't changed significantly
>Berbers conquer Sicily and don't significantly change the population of the region
>Mongols conquer Kievan Rus and don't significantly change the genetics of Western Russia.

Most of the Muslim population of Al-Andalus were Islamic native Iberians
The moorish blood of Iberia is limited to Andalusia. And even then its less than 10 percent. The truth is that southern Europeans have always been darker. It's almost like being closer to the sun makes you darker.
Nordcucks please leave.

It's just divide and conquer shit,or butt hurt people although I can see a leftard portuguese who probably is either some black Brazilian or is simply a leftard wishing he had black Brazilian enriching his waifu.
Personally I don't give a fuck,to me it's like a dicklet nigger telling me that on average black man claim to have larger penis.
People don't understand how retarded they sound when claiming someone is white or not,when the time comes we simply should trust our eyes not a retarded internet kike consensus
Pic related is northern spain

Why do you translate Hispania with Iberia? No manipules Joao

You're right. The primarily Berber armies that occupied Iberia preferred to settle in rocky Andalusia because it was more familiar to them since they hailed from North Africa. The moors never settled in Galicia. The majority of North African DNA in Southern Europe is the result of ancient migrations.

Pic related about who Spanish society wants corrupt kings and corrupt politicians (galicia, como no)