One Belt One Road (OBOR)

What should we do about this? China is literally expanding its influence and meanwhile our political system is mired down in how many fucking scoops of ice cream Trump gives his guests.

TTP was a shitty agreement, but would it have been effective in keeping the Chinese in place? Bannon himself said he predicts a war between the US and China, yet the Trump administration has barely taken any actions to defend US interests against Chinese expansion, outside of North Korea.

Other urls found in this thread:–Polish_Non-Aggression_PactДоговор_о_ненападении_между_Польшей_и_Советским_Союзом

Besides war, what can we do? The dragon has awoken.

Trumpkins shat all over the TPP because it was unfairly putting China ahead of the USA ...

They didnt know it was actually designed to fuck China.

Good work America.

>blackpilled on China

China is a ticking time bomb. The Chinese are doing this because they need product markets to keep their joke going. The Chinese are starting their transition into a middle class economy, but solely looking at that ignores the rest of the picture.

The Chinese manufacturing powerhouse is driven by state-owned companies that have huge leverage and massive loans. These loans are riding on China continuing to be an industrial economy and continuing to churn out massive exports. The Chinese are flooding the market with steel and other commodities because they need to keep the jig going. The real estate bubble in China makes 2008 look like a joke.

On top of all this, there isn't just an economic collapse coming for China. There's also a massive social unrest coming for the Chinese. Their army is primarily land-based because they need to keep their people in line. In an authoritarian state like China, the state presides its legitimacy on providing economic prosperity and most importantly, jobs to the Chinese. Once those run out, you'll see the collapse of the CCP and hopefully China return to being /ourguy/.


Is there any way we can stop them now?

I don't really see what can be done. North and West Europe are on the wane, China is on the rise, Russia is on the rise.

>China return to being /ourguy/
And /ourguy/ in this context means adopting (((democracy))) and being a puppet of the US?

Stop shopping at Wal-Mart? It's a good first step.

China is the future, just give up whitey

>Russia is on the rise

Oh ffs, Russia's economy is smaller than Italy's. They had a chance before Putin, but now it's basically a petrostate. Shale oil is now the deciding factor in the oil sector, so Russia's long-term state budget is pretty fucked.

Liquefied natural gas exports are now higher than the total natural gas consumption of Pennsylvania. Once the US expands LNG exports, Russia's natural gas pipeline strategy is done.

This battle is between the US and China. The question is which side Russia will choose, as they will side with the one that benefits them more. Thankfully we have Trump who may be able to win them over to our side.

>Russia is on the rise
Seems Russia is in danger of becoming dependant of China, it is dangerous.

We subsidize your defense budgets for you. Without the Marshall Plan and the Euro, your country would look like Poland.

I was thinking an ROC-style state.

This will be great for trade. There being a handful of super powers in the world will be far better than having just the one.

nothing wrong with this, greedy anglos get fucked

If it weren't for greedy anglos your country would literally be a province of Russia

Without America, you'd either be a slave to Russia or a slave to China. I can't imagine they'd care about your populace's well-being or globalism.

looks good to me. We don't rely on the Suez canal and the straight of Malacca anymore. And it reduces time so we can maybe even transport fresh milk in great quantities now. Chinks love German milk.
And when China has a say on how the thing is run then Kazachstan and Russia won't bitch around and introduce instability. Both are too reliant on Chyna.
We don't have much to fear from China. Let the US go and defend South Korea and Vietnam.
Only their involvement in Turky is bothering me. Fuck Roachland.

Without the US, Europe would already be united.

>The question is which side Russia will choose, as they will side with the one that benefits them more.
The population of Russia, especially the youth, tend to choose the USA. Russian government tends to choose the China, as it is more totalitary.

>The question is which side Russia will choose
Where have you been the last few years? This is not even a question. Even with Trump US-Russia relations are still pretty tense, while Putin and Xi are having the time of their live.

>I was thinking an ROC-style state.
So a meme state whose sole existence relies on a strategic interest of the US. Got it.

lol if you think an ROC-style state is /ourguy/

just lol

lrn2history bitch

By Soviet Union, lol.

>If it weren't for greedy anglos your country would literally be a province of Russia
>Without America, you'd either be a slave to Russia or a slave to China
But this is what Poland was for almost 50 years because of backstabbing anglos. You need to read a history book.

I doubt that. The US was supply you guys with materials as well as keeping the UK proped up. Germany probably would have finished you off without US help.

It was close.

>If it weren't for greedy anglos your country would literally be a province of Russia
I demand the pic of Anglos starting a war over Poland only to hand it over to the Soviets afterwards.

We've been fine before the Euro. In fact we were better off.
And get your bases out now, burger. We can defend ourselves.


You should fuck off

>tfw you become a chinese colony for a change


Where? In Russia? Why are burgers so retarded

This will not work unless nothern rout will use transsiberian railroad. this is only thing that may interest russia
Russia has trade proficit with china and they will export even more to china with time.

They will tax goods between europe and china, tax will go to maintain railroad and additional army to protect it.

Otherwise all routes will be destroyed by Trump, kurds, pirates and by jewish wahhabi mercenary armies or even russians. in this case china will lose shitloads of money and people and more civil wars will occur.

this is megajewing jewing jewish chutzpah

>hurr durr durr retarded burger no warlords here
>90% of countries the road passes through end with -stan

KYS Vodka nigger

Are there any polls about that?

The greatest danger was in 1941, while US lendlease was quite small at that time. Later years it was a significant help, but not essential. Though I admit Reich would have some more chances then it had in reality.

Putin is a sort of warlord.

The railroad goes through Chyna, Kazakhstan, Russia and Europe. No warlords there.

I want the dragon to crush the middle east pigs after they subdue the African monkey.

They can get done what the British fucked up.

Do not pause China, take it and do not open your hearts to them, we will look the other way with the hugest grins on our faces.

Britain IS history you dumb fuck. It's only that guy that didn't know.

>Putin is a sort of warlord.
he's more like a mob boss

Good, Eurasia should be the only superpower on the planet. Your time is numbered americans!

We should stop fucking hand-wringing about China and focus on building up our own country.

Nothing. China has about 10-15 good years left.
The South China Sea affair is mainly an act of desperation to make sure they aren't ROYALLY fucked during the upcoming instability.
>future buffer zone to keep US Navy away
>resource grab to help keep their economy afloat

We need to stop "spreading influence" and worry about our own domestic problems.

the only reaso why landlease was required is the initial success of barbarossa, they took 2 industrial regions and big regions in ukraine.

barbarossa was extremely coward attack , because ussr and germany had non-agression pact.

>china will implode any minute now!
>says the increasingly nervous "man" for the gorillionth time

You guys better batten down the hatches, troubled times are looming. Kick out the mudz and pop out some damn kids before it's too late.

>implying anything will get done

now is the time

who cares about birthrates. There are billions of people already in our workforce.

the brown masses of Eurasia will finally rule the world and conquer our galaxy

the brown eurasian Übermensch


Taking a train from Madrid to Beijing sounds like fun.

And it's dangerous for USA, in my opinion. If Russia will fall under Chinese influence and if it will gain access to Russia's resources - this could actually threaten USA's hegemony.
It's honestly pretty stupid from them starting this shit around Ukraine, instead of getting Russia on their side.

There have been thoughts about a tunnel under the Bering strait. You could go from Lisbon to New York by train then.
But it's only talk ofc. Russia won't allow China to buy a shitton of infrastructure in Siberia. They are way too wary of Chinese influence in that region and for a good reason.


This is basically China zerg rushing the world.

They can't get Putin's Russia on their side, because Putin will prefer to sell the resources and land to China.

wtf is a handful of railroads and pipelines going to accomplish, do we not have that already? Ships are far more efficient anyway.

If you see the map there isn't only one route.

Its true they are building abroad with their own crews just to keep the ponzi scheme going.

The Chinese makes the best walls!

Railroads are faster. Train can go at 40-50 average speed along shorter way.

Not only in siberia, but also in kazahstan. russians do not sell infrastrucutre or natural monopolies at all. they sold some to europeans to have balance - if europeans confiscate pipelines or other shit, they will confiscate all european business in russia.

They may transport their goods and pay "rent" through.

So I think only northern rout "china - russia - ukraine (or belarus) - poland - germany" may work

More probable 3rd opium war will occur

Le meme road.
We already have a freight train from Shanghai to Moscow. Costs 2x more expensive than sea.

the speed is negated by the sheer amount of product a ship easily moves

You can put more railway carriages and you can send more trains. Having a faster route allows to send products with lesser shelf life.

>because ussr and germany had non-agression pact
Oh, just like Poland and the USSR in 1939... hmm...

Lol this.

poland and ussr didnt have non-agression pact

But it's also much faster than ships, so in some cases it may be profitable.

correction: train goes from Suzhou no Shanghai

Ships are the thing because the US is essentially an island and Europe does all its trading by truck.
China wants to get in on the action and create its own supply chains while under cutting shipping. Put other countries industries out of business.

Also who has the most powerful navy in the world right now? How can you make it a non issue? Move everything to land.

I dont know. I mean the ships we're talking about are like more than 10x the cargo capacity of a train. Plus the ship moves easily, the train needs to overcome many more forces to move and stop.

>The Soviet–Polish Non-Aggression Pact (Polish: Polsko-radziecki pakt o nieagresji, Russian: Pakt o nenapadenii mezhdu SSSR i Pol’shey) was an international treaty of non-aggression signed in 1932 by representatives of Poland and the USSR. The pact was unilaterally broken by the Soviet Union on September 17, 1939, during the German and Soviet invasion of Poland.–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact

lol who cares about american opinion its free trade isnt it? Also city in Poland called Łódż is in center Poland and on map it looks like its city on German-Polish border

global americanism meant the death of ambitious projects and innovation
which caused most of the degenerate shit you see today
space race 2.0, cold war 2.0, nuclear proliferation 2.0; let's go

Any m-moment now I'm pretty s-s-sure

No Poland. Russia can do no wrong!

They did, until pidors invaded. Get your facts straight, hohol.

just google it.

In 23 of september 1938 ussr have sent a note to poland that any attempt to occupy part of czechoslovakia will nullify pact.

poland occupied part of czechoslovakia - pact stopped to work

pact stopped to work in 1938, poland was attacked 1 year later.

Пpeкpaщeниe дeйcтвия дoгoвopa[пpaвить | пpaвить вики-тeкcт]
23 ceнтябpя 1938 гoдa CCCP пocлaл нoтy Пoльшe, гдe зaявил, чтo любaя пoпыткa пocлeднeй oккyпиpoвaть чacть Чeхocлoвaкии aннyлиpyeт дoгoвop. Hecмoтpя нa этo, Пoльшa вce жe oккyпиpoвaлa и пpиcoeдинилa к ceбe Teшинcкyю oблacть. Oднaкo coвeтcкoe пpaвитeльcтвo peшилo нe paзpывaть дoгoвop, и 31 oктябpя oфициaльнo пoдтвepдилo, чтo oн пpoдoлжaeт дeйcтвoвaть. Этo жe былo cкaзaнo в coвмecтнoм зaявлeнии oт 27 нoябpя 1938 гoдa[1].Договор_о_ненападении_между_Польшей_и_Советским_Союзом

Argentina and Chile were also invited to this meeting.
China want to pick up the influence USA used to have in the region, but I don't trust these chinks

>On September 23, 1938, the Soviet Union sent a note to the Polish government informing it that the pact will be considered null and void in the case of Poland's participation in the occupation of Czechoslovakia [1]. However, this threat was not carried out, as the Soviet government stated on October 31, after Poland occupied Zaolzie area, that the pact remained in force [2]. and it was reaffirmed by the two powers on November 26, 1938 (see [3]). Finally the pact was broken by the Soviets on September 17, 1939, when the Red Army joined Nazi Germany's forces in their invasion of Poland, in accordance with the secret protocols of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact

Even Wiki in Russian confirms this fact, so you are just a dishonest neo-soviet moron:
>Oднaкo coвeтcкoe пpaвитeльcтвo peшилo нe paзpывaть дoгoвop, и 31 oктябpя oфициaльнo пoдтвepдилo, чтo oн пpoдoлжaeт дeйcтвoвaть. Этo жe былo cкaзaнo в coвмecтнoм зaявлeнии oт 27 нoябpя 1938 гoдa[1].Договор_о_ненападении_между_Польшей_и_Советским_Союзом


sorry copied i run now.

it is clear " if you take part of Czechoslovakia - pact is nullified". you took - pact was borken.

it was borken in 1938. war started 1 year later.

Show us on the OP map through which stan countries the proposed routes go.

Lol the butthurt never ends.

I clearly gave you a part of your own post where it's said that the USSR refused to implement this threat on the 31th October, and later - on the 27th November the non-aggrression pact betwen Poland and the USSR was confirmed as valid by both countries. It's literary said in your own citation here, in the last sentence:
>Oднaкo coвeтcкoe пpaвитeльcтвo peшилo нe paзpывaть дoгoвop, и 31 oктябpя oфициaльнo пoдтвepдилo, чтo oн пpoдoлжaeт дeйcтвoвaть. Этo жe былo cкaзaнo в coвмecтнoм зaявлeнии oт 27 нoябpя 1938 гoдa[1].

>neo-soviet moron
Neo-imperialist. There's a slight difference in that neo-soviet morons support Russian conquest as long as it adheres to the communist ideology, while neo-imperialists are in favor of any measures that would bring about a global pax ruthenicae.

Brits and Yanks think their vanished/vanishing empire could do no wrong too. Its a childish mentality.

It wouldn't have worked anyway

China would have just co-opted it, shafted Taiwan, and continue breaking the law, probably even more

If it involves dealing with kebabs, then the only outcome would be total disaster.
Just let them do it, sit back and watch the chaos.

This has been going on since the mid 00's.
While we shell out money for food / grain / wells in 3rd world countries (mainly Africa), China built hospitals and set up cell phone infrastructure (Huawei), all of which ping back to motherland.

Aren't state-controlled companies great!

Well better than going through all the dumbfuckistans, Iran and Turkey for sure.
China has also built a fucking huge container port in Yangshan. They have certainly prepared their infrastructure for a rise in trade volumes. But I don't know if their economy can do that. That's the bigger question regarding the future imo. They try to get into robotics but are lacking behind. And automatization could break their neck since they still don't have a sufficient domestic market.

This investment fund is mostly interesting because the US has warned everybody to join it but nobody cared. Everybody wants a share of that cake (500bn $).

It's not that we think we can do no wrong, but that as long as something is good for the empire, it's objectively good and has to be pursued, even if it results in human suffering and injustice outside of the empire (and sometimes even inside of it). It's a world-scale mentality, that deals with issues that transcend narrow personal goals of the less relevant peoples.

^this nip knows. China isn't exactly known for playing by the rules

>says the increasingly nervous American for the gorillionth time since the Asian crisis in 97'

Agree, the justification on this project is likely mostly to use the government spending to give a little boost to the economy. I'm sure bff's of the central party got a huuuuge commission.

This is the world I imagine...

Chinese manufacturing, manpower and resources and EU technology and values combined to destroy the American tyrant.

I would like to differenciate between dishonest neo-soviets and ethnic Russians, communists killed millions of ethnic Rusians, after all.

The least relevant peoples are the ones that are too cowardly to fight to exist outside the service of an empire.

Lmfao. Look at how salty Americans are by opting out of AIIB.

Pretty pathetic.

We warned you about the chinks bro!

We fucking warned you!

Guess what the Chinks are doing in Greek ports and what are cuck-tier prime minister went to China for?

Giving the Chinks a complete carte blanche to buy all trade ports and shipping infrastructure in Greece, so that they can trade in the Mediterranean without giving ANYTHING in tolls or shipping fees to the EU.

>current year
>not learning mandarin
wew Sup Forums it's like you don't want to succeed in our new chinese world

inb4 - learning_mandarin_screenshot.jpg