Trumptards will try to defend this

The United States is close to completing a series of arms deals for Saudi Arabia totaling more than $100 billion

Other urls found in this thread:

All with a kill switch for when the animals turn against their masters.



top kek

You have to go back.

If the US doesn't sell them weapons, someone else will.

We also sell them weapons, gotta do something to make the trade deficit smaller.

That's a 100 billion worth of weapons in the hands of people who hate Israel. Add to that, Trump has made sure drilling for oil in Yellowstone is allowed now, so there's no longer a need for middle eastern oil.

Arming them + taking their income, we'll see where this goes.

fking sides

They bought Ships and THAADs and some tanks,like every other 170 countries.

What this have to do with ISIS

I hate Israel too

The defense industry manufacturers needs to get paid too home boy

>Hurr duurrr this are good things

I'm guessing you have no real idea of ISIS was formed or Al-Qaeda.

>Cut a social program that only cost 3 million a year
>Give away 10 billion.

>Sup Forums goes apeshit at half-assed Saudi/Clinton Foundation links
>Trump sells the Saudis weapons and they reason it's a good thing

How does the boot taste, cucks?

I haven't actually read the contents of the deal yet, but the OP suggests that the USA is selling a 100 billion dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia?

Yeah, ISIS and Al'Qaeda are both created by the USA to destabilize the region further to make Greater Israel possible, but this doesn't discount the fact that most muslims really hate jews. Saudi Arabia is full of muslims and is only kept orderly because the oil barons ruling the place violently suppress the population. Without the oil barons, Saudi Arabia will revert to another well-armed islamic shithole with no real way of getting to Europe effectively in large numbers.

youre so deep in the meme it hurts

93d monopoly. I would eat Saudi shit and ask for seconds.

Arms sales is our top business. USA is basically a huge gun store.

Again, Trump cut off their funds by allowing drilling for oil in yellowstone. Now he's taking the money they have in return for useless guns. You can't eat guns, and without money, you can't import food.

What you're missing here is that Trump effectively ensured the collapse of Saudi Arabia. But you are right, we will have to see how it plays out. Clinton took money to destabilize America and Europe in back-alley deals. Different ballgame if you ask me, but be sure to remain skeptical of all people in power at all times because the moment we don't, bad things start happening.

If we don't empower terrorists someone else will!

If I don't torture and rape little kids someone else will!


>You can't eat guns, and without money, you can't import food.

You know I was talking about meals on wheels. Which is supposed to feed elderly people who can't works or feed themselves.

Unstable middle east= cheap oil.

This is A-ok in my book

>thinking we give a fuck about sandniggers having tanks, boats, and AA

So long as they don't put AKs in the hands of border-hopping "refugees", I don't give a shit what they get. They don't have nukes, so who cares?

Remember these exact sentences of yours when the next 911 happens.

>muh blowback
Watch the Bin Laden tapes, you fucking moron. The justifications essentially boil down to:

>the US prevented a genocide of the Kurds in Iraq
>the US prevented a genocide of the Catholics in East Timor
>the US is preventing a genocide of the Jews in Israel

>crafting foreign policy to be more agreeable with your enemies
Fuck off.

Porkies are porkies, Sup Forums

Yeah lol i dont think anyone is gonna crash a plane into the small building i work at or the suburbian apartment complex i live at so i do not give a fuck. I do give a fuck about gas prices

>he thinks someone besides the US gov't did 9/11

>thinks Mossad works for the US govt

KSA is a literal puppet state. As long as we keep the Saudi KANGZ happy they will keep the petrol dollar going and keep a lid on their obese, subhuman neetbux cheque cashing 80 iq population.

>thinking americans of Sup Forums care about who pays their NEET bucks

It's all true.
Bin Laden also hated America for not siding with Pakistan against India in Kashmir and for not siding with Chechnya against Russia.

>anacrcho communists
lmao nice try bud

it's 3d chess, cucks
shadilay! praise kek!


why are like a fifth of ancoms trannies (being generous) when it's more like 1/500th at most for the average population

genuine questions

you're all trannies, why

Trump has transcended chess, he is now playing multi-dimensional, intergalactic mouse trap.

The US Patriot, everyone. "I don't care about what happens to my fellow men. Fugg jooz. Hel hitrel!"

you are fake news

dont know where youre connecting those dots from my dude

I absolutely will.

by the way, saged.

lel, read gas prices as "gas kikes"

this place does things to you.

Because we don't give a shit about identity politics like most others

I've met with ~50 anarchists in my lifetime. None of them was trans.

1 USD has been deposited into your bank accounts.

Literal neocon shills.

Funny how they were the only ones left out of the Muslim Ban.... and they happen to do ALL the terrorism...

>he actually believes this

Ancoms. They're all trannies.
Hungary is going to be quite a different case from Western countries as well.

Why the severe overrepresentation of trannies?
If you truly didn't care about muh idpol, there'd be less trannies if anything.

>le tranny h8

when will you grow up?

muslim "ban"
border "wall"



"The Clintons are good people. I don't want to hurt them."

Everyone in he Netherlands is a tranny so it only follows that the anarchists would be too.



I thought that during the election, selling arms to SA was one of the things that Hillary was pilloried for, or am I wrong?

lol @ Nazglob

It's not even just the Sauds.

>dutch user shilling for the american establishment
>using le cuck meme
I seriously hope you were ironic

ITT: Trumptards in damage control

It's more of an American thing, actually.
You're still not answering.

The gigantic presence of trannies in ancoms is very clear. I've not seen an ancom on twitter that WASN'T a tranny.


>Without the oil barons, Saudi Arabia will revert to another well-armed islamic shithole with no real way of getting to Europe effectively in large numbers.

the Saudis have been diversifying their ownership for a long time.

muh 4D chess, you fucking cuckold

Probably because you're looking for trannies on twitter, you flaming fruit.

keep diverting the thread, shill

If I was and they'd all be ancom it would only reinforce my question.

Are you one by chance?
Why are so many ancoms trannies?

Stop dodging the question. Why are you snooping at trannies on twitter?

Is it because you want to be one?

growing up is understanding that degenerate mentally ill hedonists and their enablers have no place in society

Trump agreed to the arms deal because the Saudis agreed to the rapefugee safe zones.

Don't push him! He's already one step away from dumping his folder filled with pics of black penises.

Because communist movements only attract literal degenerates and numales. Any tranny would mentally break down in a communist revolution for not getting his hormones and would promptly get walled. Commushits fetishize weakness and oppression and degeneracy. They're sadists.

>thread about the obvious betrayal of the right by Trump

>commies are all numale degenerates
>ancoms are all trannies

Keep shilling, manchildren!

>Because communist movements only attract literal degenerates and numales
Meanwhile at a local Sup Forums meetup.

Fuck off /leftycuck/, Sup Forums is a white supremacist board

who cares, you are an edgy nazi/libertarian right?
Nobody is going to cut your penis off because politics.
Why caring so much if someone else is a tranny?

[spoiler] this reinforces in me the idea that far-right "ideologies" are just rationalized childish fears.

>the squad isn't complete

Trannies to the gas chamber, jewish tranny enablers tortured to death /leftycuck/

Sup Forums is NAZBOL

/r/the_donald Zionist shills need to get out.

Well then you need to tell your God Emperor to stop selling weapons to the "inferior races" because it ends up in the hands of ISIS.

Can you do that for me?

I-its 25d snakes and ladder you cuck

>literal degenerates
>muh morality

You are as triggerable as SJWs, deal with it


not an argument

You have a wall to be building cuck

Wrong! Bolshevism is jewish! Shitskin out!

What wall? I don't see a wall.

see this

TFW you are a 5,10 Ancom but could comfortably fight each one of these goons.

Ahahahaha I thought were were the physical abominations?

IDK if I could punch the baby face with the curly hair tho he looks so cute like a goonie or something

Because Paco the shill is to busy shilling degeneracy on our board, fuck off /leftycuck/
You both are getting the chambers

You're a Jew lol and probably not white.

>We hate Isis on this board
>But selling top tier military equipment to their top patron is a-ok
/r/the_dumbfuck newfags please go. Sup Forums is a Nazbol board now.

>You have a wall to be building cuck
>being this ignorant about flags

haha yeah who needs morals right?

I suppose you could fund someone to gas me and then blame it on Assad.

Fuck off Mohammed

Daily reminder union jack == shitskin Pakistani

White genocide is already complete in UK

>Check flag
>USA (Israel)
Into the gas gulag.


USA====Jew owned
Americans don't even have foreskins they are jew.

Unstable middle east = swarms of refugees flowing into Europe, terrorist attacks all over the world, and more power for the US military-industrial complex/national-security state.

Of course you probably favour those thing you Zionist, neo-con shill. Anything to help build greater Israel.