give me one(1) reason to be racist, Sup Forums
you can't
give me one(1) reason to be racist, Sup Forums
you can't
We're different.
Racism is necessary to preserve us.
Crikey she's small. Like a chinamans cock!
IQ diferance
raising kids is hard enough without them being torn between two identities
You've never been around niggers have you?
What he said
>not racist
shamefur dispray
go buy a house in south side chicago, that will red pill you faster then you can fap to that picture.
Came here to say this
it makes me more aware of the major differences between people, their culture and my culture, which effectively gives me a better chance of preserving my home and way of life against invaders
That chick is so fucking small
are those results attainable natty?
Have you ever walked through the city you were born, in an area where you family lived since generations and couldn't understand most of the people talking, while the shops made you feel like you were living in the middle east and you were unable to read a lot of the signs in front of these shops?
No you certainly didnt.
Or just take a quick drive through englewood.
I really can't, blacks are the only ones with standards low enough to fuck you. It's totally irrational, for you.
yes you just have to be an ultra manlet so that your inserts are impeccable
that is fucking disgusting.
>give me one(1) reason to be racist, Sup Forums
imagine that girl with a black man, it would be wonderful.
hate me yet?
This is my feel, god fucking damn it
not for a woman
Ever lived in a predominately black neighborhood or gone to a school that was mostly black? If you havent then youll never understand why black people mostly suck.
Also moar muscle girls
My middle school .
In no particular order:
>belly button piercing
>visible veins
>attitude forehead creases
I like fit girls but too many go too far in some places.
fpbp OP is a nigger faggot
Human History.
Nothing just shits into existence except God, talk to any good retard apologist. Because he gets to break his own rules.
Some races/cultures contributed more to human history than others..
If you disagree, you're a retard.
Lick my NUTS.
there was an even chance that you were going to be aborted lucky china girl.
>kike leddit roastie who occasionally shitposts about muh stormfags
Why do you even come here?
Why did they build a counter strike map irl
nice shitpost
niggers commit over 60% of crimes yet are less than 13% of the american population
avoiding contact with niggers get you good chances of not being directly hit by crime
are you a micro dick gook? arent you supposed to like numbers and statistics you chink?
>give me one(1) reason to be racist
because jews/muslims/niggers are racist too
If you want a reason, go hang with the people you're trying to hate.
Because diversity.
Racism has become the way to affirm your identity.
Racism has been a way to affirm Free Speech.
Be Racist.
Because it's human nature to categorize, but somehow, some way... categorizing by race became taboo.
It's fun
I'd rather treat people as individuals, but If we're going to be mobbing up based on tribal identity, it's only fair if I get to join a team too.
Pattern of behavior
Evolutionary psychology. Humans are tribal. We tend to divide ourselves into groups and despite all our technology we're still operating on the same built in instincts we had 10,000 years ago when we first started this whole "civilization" thing. And while we've invented social technology like nations (supertribes) we're still running on the basic operating system that made is the most successful large mammals on the planet. We divide ourselves. By race. By ethnicity. By religion. By political philosophy. It's who and what we are. So remember when you smugly talk about those Nazi racists, the hatred and contempt you feel for them is your own tribalism shining through.
Actually she isn't that short, it's just the angle and the background that makes her look short.
Not being a trotskyist
Have you ever lived in or by a nigger neighborhood? No, not a community with well off middle class black people, a nigger neighborhood. The places you don't walk down at night. Go live there for a month or two, let the sounds of gun shots lull you to sleep, let the roaming crack and meth addicts put into a sense of security and neighborly camaraderie. Watch as the niggress feeds her 12 kids on $200/mo foodstamps without a father and then ask for more gibs because her spawn are still hungry. Listen as they blame whitey for thier predicament yet are unwilling to go to BK or McDonalds to get a job. Watch as the spawn drop out of highschool to join gangs or peddle drugs and continue to blame whitey that they couldn't get educated.
>You're lying, that's a lie by a the alt lite media
No sweetie, I've lived there.
IS that girl a muscular hobbit of some kind?
She looks like she's about 3 feet tall.
Any history book, seriously, take your pick.
Gooks. You gooks hate yourselves. That is why you gung-ho banzai charge into white man's machine gun fire. Charlie don't surf and Hirohito has no balls. White man will always be superior to gooks.
Come to Brazil.
if you're a non-racist, you're a neutered cuck.
When will you send your shemales here? We can take care of your... problem. I myself have an idea for a tranny camp. There would be these nice showers and all kinds of weird medical experiments going on. Like how many times in a day can a tranny ejaculate etc.
>chicks aren't allowed to take care of their bodies
Pussy. A real man would out/fit/ her
the racism of pol is just memes
we love our based black centipedes and our based jews
>Basically the Jewish flag
>Southern nigger
Shouldn't you go back to the plantation?
alright, we're done here boys. question answered succinctly and accurately. pack it up and move to the white bois can't compete thread
From 1913 until his death in 1965 Albert Schweitzer practiced as a doctor in the hospital he founded in Africa in the jungle village of Lamarene. His ethic was "reverence for life." In 1952 he received the Nobel Peace prize for his work.
Before it disappears down the liberal memory hole, here is what Schweitzer wrote about blacks shortly before his death:
“I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with White men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let White men from anywhere in the world, who come to Africa remember that you must continually retain that status: you the master and they the inferior like children that you help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you.”
Easy pizzy lemon squizy.
Define racism.
why do i want to have sex with her
>give me one(1) reason to be racist, Sup Forums
>you can't
You have 2 donuts and 4 people. you and your friend are white, the other 2 are niggers. How you divide donuts?
Being this much of a faggot. Go away, go back to your upvote shithole, you homos are so easy to spot.
you are attracted to the masculine form
you are a homosexual
muscle girls are mens bodies and for homosexuals
sorry for your loss
instinct called group survival
>a vagina is for homosexuals
>traps r not gay
4chin, everyone
If you're racist without understanding why then you need to do some reading.
If you're not racist at all then you are genetically defective and must not reproduce.
>race relation from: literally a mudskin
>Crikey she's small.
>give me one(1) reason to be racist, Sup Forums
lmao op b-btfo praise kek amirite Sup Forumsacks?
Factual statistical data shows a material difference in races
Emotion and stupidity is what is keeping you from understanding this
Shit tier garbage post. Fuck off retard. Read the fucking thread.
Don't be racist, be realist
Japan was meant by god for Japanese people, not foreign invaders. Never let them reach more than 5% of Japan's population and always force language/cultural assimilation
Why does a 11 year old girl workout so hard?
Try working at any kitchen in the city of Phoenix, Arizona as a white male and watch as your co-workers (who will be mexican 95% of the time) do everything in their power to degrade your standing in the eyes of management and your peers.
Oh wait, you can't. Haha, almost forgot you love in a nation that is populated almost completely by people of your ethnicity. My b.
If you call us racist, You -ARE- racist.
We're realists, and we ignore the racist main stream media.
Thread ended before it even had a chance.