Leave the lite and join the right
Leave the lite and join the right
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But Muh based black guy in a trump hat
What is the Alt-Lite?
People whose ideology is based on being opposed to anything "SJW". Among their more cucked beliefs are:
>Feminism used to stand for equality, it's only gotten crazy in the last 20 years
>Illegal immigrants need to get out and reapply, legal immigrants are based
>Advocating for your race's best interests is identity politics and inherently bad
>Anyone can become American if you just respect the constitution
Don't be stupid. Be a smarty! Come and join the Nazi party!
This and it's a gateway to Alt-Right, which is a gateway to NatSoc.
They are useful idiots.
"safe" right wing ideologies for nonwhite people.
Dems are the real racists
Low iq retards care more about race than ideas
How did the french elections go?
Please don't, stay in your alt-lite groups, it's good for containment
All of this is 100% accurate, ethnocucks simply can't handle the civic banter
Low IQ retards actually believe a country can maintain its founding principles if you replace its people.
>Anyone can become American if you just respect the constitution
This one doesn't even make sense since it was basically agreed by the founding fathers nonwhites wouldn't have rights.
both sides are gay
And the founding fathers left room for amendments, precisely because they foresaw that some issues could only be addressed later. Your argument is null.
Doesn't really prove anything other than you take retards seriously.
Australia is gay.
The kekistani shit is hands down the gayest meme to ever spawn out of Sup Forums.
You iq retards think that completely destroying your principles bc muh white race is somehow maintaining your principles
So they left room for the US to be amended to become whites only? Good you see it that way!
hello my fellow pedes
have you posted any based black men today?
Richard Spencer and his Nazi Cosplayers are more cringe than a bunch of autists LARP battling in parks across America.
Spencer tries to sell himself as the dynamic new leader of the far-right but in reality he's a really boring pseudo intellectual with almost no charisma.
A clear example of this was Auburn. After the riots in Berkeley, and Milo being run out of the scene, Spencer had the chance to step in and become the new face of the alt-right. Instead he delivered a boring tone deaf speech that sounded more "History TA" than political firebrand.
What principles specifically are being destroyed?
How the fuck do these fat ugly losers not get embarrassed when they walk around outside flaunting the fact that they browse a taiwanese knitting enthusiast forum. Do they not know that being fat and ugly is frowned upon even here?
Faggy larpers
all of them
But it's clearly not what happened though, is it. And it doesn't look to me like you'll ever be able to reverse it with your 56%.
Nothing wrong with the alt-light. They are the converted normies who show up to rallies and have a literal great time. Other normies on the line see it and see antifa and go "those guys are a blast fuck antifa" Our movement then continues to grow...which was the point of expanding past Sup Forums's small group of autists.
Baby steps. Also: Its working For total domination to be achieved its going to need to be more inclusive, thats what the alt-light is.
Nobody gives a fuck about principles either way. Your founding fathers only allowed "Free white persons of good character" to be citizens, basically forming the foundation of the future demographics. Without that foundation your country, along with all of it's founder's principles, is doomed either way.
you guys greatly overestimate Sup Forums's influence in culture
Oh we will. Remember the Native Americans used to be 100% of America's population and now look at them. Lel.
>Sup Forums shield
>Kekistani Flag
>Muh democrats are the real racists
This Brit doesn't really have an argument, just defeatism.
none, its a shill post. what all of a sudden Sup Forums's alt right movement doesn't want to go global?
I'm not arguing with you, I'm just stating facts.
The 13th & 14th amendments exist. That's a fact.
Whites are only 56% of the US. That's a fact.
Overturning any of those amendments with a soon-to-be US minority will be difficult. That's a fact.
One thing I've noticed that alt-right comedy is completely devoid of subtlety. Shit would be way funnier if you couldn't see every joke coming from a mile away and every element wasn't a crass caricature that lacks any self-awareness.
unless...we convert them...which IS possible...which is what the alt-light and the e-celebs are doing. This is terrifying the globalist...which is why people are here trying to start a Sup Forums civil war and why they are trying to cause a rift between Sup Forums and The_Donald/e-celebs spreading the good word. Its pretty obvious to be frank. If we all stick together and support each other we will win this culture war.
>we will convert nigs and spics
fucking idiot trumpcuck, they will never convert beyond identity politics and gibs the democrats offer
boo hoo
>civil war
You forgot to post about how Trump is a neocon for the "shareblue how to post on Sup Forums hat trick.
im sure the conversions are going swell
It's true though you will never be able to rely on nonwhites for voting beyond gibs.
Shareblue would be proud of you. Unfortunately we have too much momentum for a few shitposters behind a proxy to sway.
explain how the majority of wyoming's mexican population voted for trump...it IS possible. Those "based minorities and trannies" showing up to alt light events are not fake...there were more minorities on our side than antifa for the boston rally, possibly the rest of the rallies...
It IS working...we just have to cut off the fresh supply of 3rd worlders for the conversions to outnumber the immigrants.
The media has proven that if you tell a lie often enough that it becomes the truth.
>muh shareblue
ok fragile trumpflake, I know it's hard to accept reality
s-s-s-shill!!!!!!!!!!11 why do you besmearch based black guy and natural conservative latinos?!
yes, one state, what happened in california? how many Based Spics voted Trump?
>trumpflakes still butthurt about the crowd
ha ha ha
The spics in Wyoming probably ran away from the spics in California.
It's just a stage in the colonization, the shitty brown horde is still coming and catering to them will mean death
I'm not even a Trump supporter desu. Just hate the media pileon.
Alt-Right is cool, but I don't trust Richard Spencer. At times he has seemingly advocated for homosexuality, supposedly his wife is a non-white, and I'm fairly sure that he's choked up during several interviews and made us look bad. Additionally, him getting punched twice isn't great for publicity.
this is really a shitty explanation about muh based spics since Wyoming is just 500k people, and with a small sample tehre is a large error. Everywhere else spics voted against trump.
your shit is a cuckservatism revival
Don't counter signal.. no one is perfect, we are 30 years behind Europe in street activism.
Yeah that's my point.. a tiny sample of based spics means jack and squat,
It makes sense that the best spics will show up first cause they are trying to get away from he avg spics.
They all have to go back.
>At times he has seemingly advocated for homosexuality
I've never heard him say positive things about it, only vague neutral things that could be intepreted as such if one wants to. Not that I give a shit, its not a damn dealbreaker.
>he's choked up during several interviews and made us look bad
He's doing a fine job considering everything is stacked against him. I can't blame him for slipping up every now and then.
>getting punched twice isn't great for publicity
He has personal security now. As bad and regrettable the optics were they weren't all bad since moderate centrists can't help but see an antifa looney suckerpunching a well dressed guy giving an interview (and not even knocking him over)
>alt-right: a bunch of tiki torch faggots
>alt-lite: have war banners and war shields and shit, like some fucking viking invaders or something
Okay OP you have convinced me, I shall travel the path of lite
Richard Spencer is either a plant or an idiot.
Neither is good.
Yeah but that's kind of the alt-lite line of though.
>niggers aren't perfect but these ones are on our side so...
I think that at its core, National Socialism can be summed up as the state enforcing that everyone be the best that they can be. And I simply don't feel that Spencer is being the best that he can be.
Yeah but look at, for instance. If this is just an error, it's a really glaring one. And admittedly I have serious concerns about many of our, "figureheads" being too dependent upon money. Take for instance that Paul Joseph Watson guy who hastily went back on his, "I'm off the Trump Train" thing because it was losing him subscribers.
I agree, at best he should be kept around until we find a guy who really truly has the right stuff, at which point we can Night of The Long Knives the alt-lite and such.
cunt shutup, if you aren't white nationalist you deserve to be raped by niggers.
Wait wait don't tell me, the neo-con approved bombing of Syria was just, "40d intergalactic mahjong."
so fucking cringy
>Yeah but look at, 125614873 for instance. If this is just an error, it's a really glaring one.
I remember him explaining it better in one of the podcasts, I don't remember where it was though. Its still a weird explanation but I think he was trying to say "anti-gay marriage was one of the last implicitly white platforms that was allowed to be part of the public discourse" or something, which is almost the opposite of what people thought he was saying
>Paul Joseph Watson
Not saying he isn't useful of justified, but he's obviously an opportunist, in it for the money and less for the truth. Look how uncomfortable he gets
But how do we know that Spencer wasn't just going back when he realized that his tweet was unpopular. I dare say it's entirely possible. Consider that Ernst Rohm was a homosexual. Either way, I can tolerate him but I have no doubt that if and when our movement takes hold in the mainstream, eventually we're going to have to liquidate those who lack conviction in our cause.
spy, sappin' muh white race
Man, those alt-liters are so fucking epic that when niggers are confronted with them the niggers WANT to become their slaves
those tiki torch faggots would probably get asked for money and then fucking give it LOL
is this the jewish tactic to "divide and conquer"? with the migrant crisis anyone who opposes ((their)) plan is a friend
he didn't go back, the twitter conversation was clear you fag
you are just pulling my leg now
Can you fucking relax for ten seconds? These are normal people who want to fight communists. Be happy for what it is. Who cares if they don't fully understand what they are doing yet?
No no no, you look at that original tweet and tell me it doesn't make it look like he's going back.
context matters, say all you want
no, they want to look cool and complain about ebil commies when the police protects them
They used this same tactic to divide the tea party. From rational people that wanted less government, to bible thumping fucktards that discredited the entire thing, just as designed.
Sup Forums, alt-right is a meme, created by the media, to make republicans and trump voters synonymous with Nazis.
Don't take the bait. It's so obvious that it's cringe worthy.
I'm both, without purity spiraling.
>meme, created by the media
you are like a little baby, I bet you associate the "alt-right" with milo and breitbart, correct? xD
>muh context
That's such a fucking cop out. That's like PJW saying, "I was only off the Trump Train in terms of Syria" when the fact of the matter was that that was not his original statement and that he only made such an explanation because it was unpopular. Between, "you just misunderstood a rather basic sentence" and, "someone who may be a potential profiteer saw a potential loss of profits changed their tune accordingly" I think I know which one is a bit more likely. I mean this is like Trump's, "I'm a globalist AND a nationalist" statement.
Yes, that's my point. These are regular people larping. There is a huge amount of recruitment potential there.
There's no reason to stop them, but there's every reason to recruit from them and show them they either don't make consistent sense or are looking pathetic.
It is about race, not about 'muh western civ'.
I'm assuming you agree with that, so why wouldn't you want them to realise it too?
this kills the civic nationalist
>That's such a fucking cop out
stopped reading there, not worth my time, really
context matters
those are dumb internet kids, who would want to recruit them
Bodies are bodies my friend.
maybe ur right
Like it or not, with a public education system, people have been taught from a young age to look to minorities for approval. Having just one tolken nog or gay is enough to justify being a part of something for most young people. You need to actually be realistic if you want this to go anywhere.
>stopped reading there
Just how you didn't read his tweet, I'm assuming. You're going to hang like a Christmas ornament one day you fag enabler.
wheew, you lack any self awarness
wahtever, you probably are a closeted homo anyways
No you can't, your dirt is not magic and reading your constitution doesn't make you an American.
Your country is what it is because it's got a lot of space, incredible natural ressources and fertile soil and docile neighbours and got settled by high performance people (mainly northern Europeans).
Inviting in the global south will just turn it more and more to shit.
I equate it to the fact that an unknown fuckwad named Richard Spencer, just happened to be holding a speech with maybe 20 idiots in attendance, tops, and this unknown faggot had every left wing mainstream media outlet, just randomly filming this , and he's giving the hitler salute.
He's used by the left, whether he knows it or not. Sup Forums was making fun of bitch tits since he was first broadcast and given a voice thanks to the left.
I take it your either retarded and can't figure it out, or you're purposely trying to tie this board to nazis, just like the old cunt Hillary would like you to.
You are what is commonly called a cuckservative or neocohen, someone who is at best more willing to lose with dignity than actually fighting for a cause and at worst a ... cohen.
you seem like an emotional fag, please stop posting
>if you don't like gays you are gay
Jesus, just go back to already.
>germans having a sense of humor
*squeaky toy*
Yeah he does and says some shit but he is out there. What's integral to the new right movement is solid intellectual underpinnings by people like Kevin MacDonald, Greg Johnson, Vox Day and even stuff like the Bell Curve by Charles Murray plus the proliferation of those ideas over the internet, coupled with a lot of dissatisfied people as the reality of an increasingly multicultural society sets in.
closeted homosexuals are usualy hostile towards the idea of homosexuality, it a scientific fact
your emotional response prooves that
Emotional, lol. That was just facts, captain insecure. You on your period? Want a cranberry juice? I'm sorry if I refuse to be led by a guy with larger tits than Bruce Jenner. I'm guessing you secretly want to suck on those beefy tits of Richard's...