SJW are laughing at us

What do we do now Pol ?

Kill yourself

Concern shilling, nice. Underappreciated tactic but you guys cant really into it so no wonder its under used.

Oh no, whatever will we do, this will surely be the final nail in our coffin.

Laugh all you want.
There's only one reason Trump won. (pic related)

Isn't this pic an invalid argument until his term is over? It's only been 3 months, Jesus Christ

Not to mention the leftist circuit judges are preventing him from doing anything

So they admit there is a need to admit to make america great again after obama?

My ancestors are smiling upon me, Decadent, Can you say the same?


Stop shilling your threads with bots on twitter.

Liberals have lost their shit daily since Trump won the election. There is enough video of liberals crying on youtube to sustain me with daily keks for years. We can't stop winning folks.

Tell em how bad their memes are


this is my swan song

How the hell did you think this was a good idea to use this photo in relation to SJWs?

They're not laughing at us, we're laughing at them. We didn't expect Trump to save the world, just to piss off the right people.

mmm basquash! I forgot about this anime.

>what do we do now?
keep winning




This, I don't even like Trump but I would rather a narcissistic moran run this country than the literal devil. That's why I voted for him.

Helloooo shareblue or media matters or correct the record or soros owned shill


> SJW are laughing

I call bullshit, SJWs have no sense of humor and only laugh when they are instructed to do so...

The question is, how are we ending up with the bottom of the barrel candidates in both parties? Are democrats calling themselves republicans so they can fuck with their candidates, and vice versa, that way they get someone running for president that they don't think that party would actually vote for?

I mean, how did we even reach the point where we are voting for a "bigot" and a "criminal" instead of two fairly normal human beings? I stress the "fairly normal" mind you.

Republican Primary: Trump really was better than Cruz, Rubio, Carson, etc (republican primary is a circus shitshow every time)

Democratic Primary: DNC rigged it so Hillary would win over the voter-favored candidate Bernie.

I'm not even a democrat, but I agree Bernie probably would have won the general.

Had the Dems run Bernie (a New Deal Democrat) they'd have kept the industrial midwest workers for at least one more general election and won the election. Sadly for the High Sparrow it was her turn so they cheated to get her the nomination and lost any progressive momentum they may have had left after Obama.
Democrats BTFO


wtf i hate Sup Forums now

this is my reich song,
my gas the kikes song,
my fashy right sonnnnnnnnnng
my ovens turned on,
now it wont be long
until we right wronnnnnnnnngs


Bernie would have won!


>OMG! They are laughing! at us!
>implying their eternal butthurt isn't the real reason



>What do we do now Pol ?

Get some popcorn, find a comfy chair, and watch their SJW death-throes after they tear themselves to bits. They are losing despite Media control.

Do trumpcucks really believe this?

I come here every few weeks to see if this board is still delusional about electing a documented conman. Trump's constantly under attack because he does stupid things, banning travel to entire countries without conversation, cabinet positions for unqualified sycophants, nepotism and every trade negotiation he tries is fouled because he's already told the world were going to completely renegotiate everything which makes us fucking weak.

>shilling your own shill threads on twitter with your 20 sockpuppet accounts

really grinds my gears


>SJW losing despite media control
>Do trumpcucks believe this?
feel free to check the results of our last election

No it's projecting.

Liberals can't go one minute without rage about Trump. He's the first thing in their mind when they wake up and the last thing on their mind when they go to bed. Their distress makes me happy.

To think, we have 8 years of pure unadulterated butthurt to look forward to.

Likewise. The left have become unlikable.

The left his being defeated worldwide. Getting a Centrist elected is a victory for them now.


"You know what irks me, look, having nuclear, my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, doctor John Trump, at MIT, good, good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton school of finance, very good, very smart, you know IF YOU'RE a conservative republican, IF I WERE A LIBERAL, if like, OK, if I ran as a liberal democrat they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world, IT'S TRUE, but when you're a conservative republican they try, oh, do they do a number, that's why I always start off, went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fort, you know I have to give like my credentials all the time, cause we're at a little disadvantaged, but, you look at the nuclear, the thing that REALLY BOTHERS me, it would have been so easy, and it's not as as important as these lives are, NUCLEAR IS SO POWERFUL, my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power, and that was 35 years ago, he would explain, the power of what's going to happen AND HE WAS RIGHT, who would have THOUGHT, but, when you look at what's going on with the, eh, four prisoners, now, it used to be THREE, now it's FOUR, but when it was three, AND EVEN NOW, I would have said 'it's all in the messenger, FELLAS', and it is fellas because you know, they don't, they haven't figured out that the women are smarter right now than the men so, you know, it's gonna take em about another 150 years, BUT the PERSIANS are great negotiators, the IRANIANS are great negosh, so, and they they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible, but I would have said at the beginning: 'FELLAS, you gotta let our prisoners go', 'it's good for,' 'look, you don't need 'em, you don't want 'em', it would send a great signal to the United States and it would make the rest of it easier, NOTHING."

I didnĀ“t really care if he made America great again, all i wanted were the liberal tears and i got them.

Correction 4 their is no way that this trump could possibly win a second term.

mass suicide is starting to look like an option to be honest

Conservative supreme court justice...
No tpp......
E.o. where every new regulation must have 2 destroyed of egual value....
Hes tried a ban or moslems.....
He got obamacare repealed (still basiclaly there but its done)...
Hes made illegals crossing border to fo sown 60%...
Hes brought in 500k jobs, and made stocks soar....
Hes only been in office 100+ days....
>Not to shabby
>This making us hate him for not doing everything in 100 day is ridiculous, DC is a quagmire and takes forever to do shit.
OP is a faggot

Kill them

Yes, Sup Forums turned into 'I was only pretending to be retarded': the board
It used to be a bit more than that.

>One post by this ID
This is bait but I feel like saying it: SO MANY of us knew Trump was just gonna fuck shit up but we still voted for him anyway just to spite the left's lifelong abuse

2018 is going to be a fucking massacre and they can't even see it coming. This is going to be a fun 8 years.

>Kike puppet aids infested tranny fucking faggots are laughing at us

Kys faggot.

This is probably true.

I'm happy that Trump has kicked ICE into high gear and I'm looking forward to future efforts against the illegals.

Meanwhile, every little thing he does is complained about and shilled against to high heaven, with the mainstream media pretending to be the voice-piece of America when the election proved they really aren't.

Wolves don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep

People said that there was no way Trump could even win the first term.
Look at us now.

That movie sucked fucking HARD and you're a faggot hahahahahahahahha.

You mean twitter users will come to the board? I think it's time to rev up the holohoax and redpill folders.

>Trump's constantly under attack because he does stupid things
>That my propaganda network injects into my asshole every 5 minutes with a new anti-Trump enema.

Even if the rest of your post weren't a fucking laughable, embarrassing joke, the very ground you're trying to stand on is crumbling because you start from the position of a brainwashed leftist moron which means you don't really have a brain to begin with.

I can't believe you're serious with this post. How embarrassing.

>I come here every few weeks
Go ahead and stop doing that. Just don't come here, ever, because you're a retard.


SO MANY of you are idiot faggots that deserve to be deported.

>Obamacared repealed
>ICE kicking out beaners
>Beaners too scared to go to US
>Wall is in early construction stages
>So many new and real jobs in such a short time
>Cutting funding to shitty art programs and other money wasters
>Fired Comey
How is this not better than what we ended up with Obama?

Seems pretty great to me, Got a job and there aren't BLM protesters blocking highways anymore.

Oh and the Supreme Court pick

Like letting Trump shit in your mouth, just so liberals can smell it.

1 post by this ID.
Shill thread.
Sage and report.

That picture always makes me laugh.

Are you not sick and tired of losing all the time?