Trumpfag "free speech absolutists" will defend this

Trumpfag "free speech absolutists" will defend this

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Look, as a Centipede I realise that free speech isn't a right we can afford to give everyone. Some opinions are just dangerous and need to be censored.

Same crazy dead eyes as all the other liberals we see.

How about you fuck off, you pozzed nigger loving faggot

I mean, I disagree with it, but I enjoy their own evil laws biting them in the ass.

Free Speech doesn't mean you can yell and disrupt a Congressional session or a court of law, faggot.

Why aren't the 'free speech warriors' of the Right standing up for this woman? Why are they so selective with their outrage over free speech?

You just took the first step down a very slippery slope. Be careful.

I have a job. Besides she isn't even in court yet, I will outrage when that happens. Meantime I can enjoy their tears, they asked for this shit.

>they asked for this shit

What the fuck are you talking about?

>He's never heard of contempt of court

You don't have a right to free speech on private property or at private events. You don't have a right to protest on private property or private events. You must get a permit from a city to protest legally in the US so they can accommodate you and those not involved in the protest. When will the left understand this?

Everything that bitch did was illegal and she deserved what she got.

>You don't have a right to free speech on private property or at private events. You don't have a right to protest on private property or private events. You must get a permit from a city to protest legally in the US so they can accommodate you and those not involved in the protest. When will the left understand this?

I understand, and agree, with all of this. I think you're missing my point.

Because she's an uppity cunt that doesn't qualify for my outrage? What you don't realize, troll, is we're close to the point where only ask for what is fair. Laughing at someone being a trisexual pyrofox from the forest moon of Endor is bordering on hatecrime which is a form of libel or slander, laughing at the recipient of a confirmation hearing is no different in my eyes. If you want to cry that laws are unfair, then go right ahead, I'll be laughing as they cart her ass off to prison.
Weren't her charges actually
>disorderly and disruptive conduct
>provoking disorderly and disruptive conduct
>parading, demonstrating, or picketing within the Capitol

This person isn't my countryman, so my beliefs cannot help her.

by being filthy communists.

Show me the free speech warriors of the left first

why the fuck would we owe them anything if they literally want us and our ideals to die out.

>intentionally hinder and disrupt federal process
>get jailed
>how is this even an issue

They could get me to actually listen if they were trying to minimize the overreach of the federal government. But sadly they're just Marxist useful idiots autistically screeching.

I give 0 fucks about a liberal going to jail for being a disrespectful cunt.

This is a war. I hope it goes hot soon. Fighting (((MSM and SJWs))) with only memes is getting fucking old.


The best thing for Sessions, if he has the power, would be for her get the max sentence, let her get processed and sent to prison, spend the night and commute her sentence.

The State alone is capable of violating your freedom of speech. Nobody's getting sued for "laughing at someone being a trisexual pyrofox from the forest moon of Endor" - that's a fantasy. The Right isn't actually concerned with free speech; they'd be more than happy to see anyone who disagrees with them thrown in jail for violating anti-free-speech laws - as you so conveniently demonstrated.

At the end of the day, the Right doesn't really stand for anything. They clap like seals when the president menaces the free press, or when riot police intimidate law-abiding peaceful protesters. The Right worships power. They're sycophantic bootlickers with no values - and that's why you're going to be laughing as an innocent American woman is thrown in jail.

was he so buttmad a woman made a sound?

You really don't want that to happen lol. We all know your faces.

there's more to the story than just laughing. The news is lying to you again.

Have they done anything for the alt-right recently? Or at least against Antifa?

So can I go into a courtroom and be loud and disrupt the proceedings?

Is it the same premise as this?

You're using retarded online terms, so I'm not really sure what you're asking - but they oppose state censorship of the confederate flag for example.

>retarded online terms

not sure I can follow

She went into a fucking court and made a huge scene and refused to calm down. Her group was also dressed up as fucking klansmen. And then these brilliant activists rejected a plea bargin which would have ended in a fine

Also: (sorry it doesn't let me post the link)

The State alone is capable of violating your freedom of speech. Nobody's starting riots over "[conservative] speaking at Berkeley" - that's a fantasy. The Left isn't actually concerned with free speech; they'd be more than happy to see anyone who disagrees with them thrown in jail for violating anti-free-speech laws - as you so conveniently demonstrated.

At the end of the day, the Left doesn't really stand for anything. They clap like seals when the president imports migrants, or when riot police intimidate law-abiding peaceful protesters. The Left worships power. They're sycophantic bootlickers with no values - and that's why you're going to be laughing as an innocent American woman is thrown in jail.

Sound familiar? I suppose you lefties didn't actually riot over Milo or Ann now did you? I suppose you would have welcomed them with open arms to speak ideals that are in direct conflict with yours? What does your left stand for? All I've ever seen them preach is anti-Trump, anti-CIS, anti-hate. They stand for nothing, only against. If you want to talk about the right hindering free speech, you should take a long hard look at your side first, commie scum.

>not sure I can follow

The ACLU opposes state censorship of the confederate flag. Pretty easy to follow.

i FUCKING hate WHITE males!

remember when these codepink faggettes shrieked at the top of their lungs for eight years when bush was droning afghani kids and then the second obama started doing it they forgot they hated war and decided to infiltrate and destroy the gaming industry for eight years and then when trump was elected war became a serious issue again and they abandoned destroying male hobbies because they only have the time to do that when a democrat is president

With the right material, yes. Those two articles I posted were the first two search results on "ACLU confederate flag". Is that just a bunch of literally who bloggers? Because they say quite the opposite about the removal of confederate symbols.

>but it only matters when muh feelings

Trumpcucks love it up the ass, don't you queer boy?

A bullet to the back of the head is a more fitting punishment. She's lost, and no use to the white race any more.

>getting baited by JewYork Times headlines

if she just 'laughed' they probably wouldn't have removed her and if she didn't chimp the fuck out they probably wouldn't have arrested her.

>liberals prove time and time again they have no actual principled positions other than anti-whiteness
>conservatives stick to their principles and continue to lose ground as a result
I'm ready to give these people the actual oppression they've been LARPing about for the past sixty years, with a smile on my face

>I suppose you lefties didn't actually riot over Milo or Ann now did you?

Milo the pedo was posting on facebook to THOUSANDS of people when his speech got cancelled. His freedom of speech was completely unaffected. Once again, the STATE is the only entity capable of suppressing free speech - angry college kids aren't writing anti-free-speech laws or throwing anyone in jail for violating them.

Make your enemy play by their own rulebook. - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

Are you stupid?

code pink is run by jews and is used by them to keep tabs on goy activists as well

>milo on facebook
you deliberately chose facebook because you know shitlib faggots banned him from twitter
also free speech is more than just a constitutional amendment, it is a culture, and in terms of legal precedent your bullshit "it only means the state can't touch you" excuse is a complete misrepresentation. freedom of expression has a much more expansive legal foundation in this country than a mere government prohibition.

Like I would actually believe that "she just laughed".

No, the articles don't contradict their anti-censorship position at all. Private citizens (groups, orgs, etc) calling for the removal of the confederate flag is NOT the same as unilateral state censorship of the confederate flag. In fact, at least one of those articles makes that distinction.

So blind are you? You can't even refer to Milo without slandering him. If I got shuttered out of a place I was going to speak out by people wearing all black with baseball bats simply because I was a conservative, wouldn't by freedom be suppressed there? If I made a complaint wouldn't those people be removed for suppressing my freedom of speech? No, instead what happened was your black was congratulated and heralded for keeping a conservative from speaking, you lefties couldn't stop cumming your pants that you prevented "hate speech". Saying only the state can do something while your side actively tries to do that thing to anyone not supporting their view just shows how deep in the echo chamber you are.

lol. its the woman in the back, not the one in the front. Very objective, nobody would side with that cackling witch. And she didn't just "laugh" a little, she feigned a loud laugh, then was asked to go, after which she started freaking out, shouting through the whole room. Just watch the video.

Though a damn YEAR in prison is a little much, a hefty fine would sound more sensible, not that I'll feign any sympathy for her.

>desiree said all she did was laugh
>prosecutors said she did more
Missing some information, don't you think? Sage.

She had a single laugh. If someone sneezes or has a coughing fit, they're disrupting a court of law? They're disrupting congress?

Did you even read the article, mong? She was fucking convicted already.

she deliberately turned down a plea deal that would have gotten her off with a fine, she can get the electric chair for being that aggressively stupid

are you seriously going to go with the meme that it was a simple misunderstanding and involuntary noise she made? go run laps on the highway

>simply because I was a conservative

He planned to dox, and expose trans + undocumented students during his speech as he's done before. Stop running interference for this fucking degenerate, this really isn't the hill you want to die on.

Karma. I'm not going to advocate free speech for a person who advocates for mine to be taken away, simply not that good of a person.

>Ms. Fairooz had “let out a loud burst of laughter, followed by a second louder burst of laughter,” the U.S. attorney’s office said in the filing. The police then tried to “quietly escort” Ms. Fairooz from the room, but she “grew loud and more disruptive, eventually halting the confirmation hearing,” the court papers argued.

How is this an issue of "free speech"?

I'm 100% against it, actually. Free speech doesn't stop where feelings begin. This is an outrage.

One does not morn the loss of a parasite.


funny how code pink is filled with kikes and arabs huh?

>Free speech doesn't stop where feelings begin. This is an outrage.
Except she wasn't convicted for what she was saying (not that she was even saying anything). She was convicted for being as loud and disruptive as possible even after the police was trying to escort her out.

hey you can't let those inconvenient facts get in the way of a perfectly juicy clickbait title, it's best to hide them where most people don't bother looking - in the actual article itself


prove it
>expose trans
I think their adams apples, man hands, and five o clock shadows do more to expose them than milo ever could senpai

So he was planning to uphold the law and rat out illegal immigrants? OH MY GAWD the nerve of that man. Oh no trannies are being exposed as trannies. Good maybe then they'll get the mental help they so desperately need. 10/10 on dodging 95% of my arguments and then moving the goalpost right next to yours.

Sure you'll get the jump on some people. My house sleeps in shifts. We have plans bugout bags and, other security messures.

Because she's a cunt

Loudly guffawing to be disruptive is not involuntary laughter

You people will find any excuse not to stand up for your beliefs. Why not just admit that there are limits to free speech? That's not an indefensible position. But don't fucking act like 'free speech warriors' if you're not going to take it seriously.

I couldn't care less about libtards being denied free speech since they are against free speech themselves.

Good to know. Thanks.

The Constitution is your permit, faggot. From sea to shining sea. The capitol is a public building. A confirmation hearing is a public event. While I do understand that a person can be removed for causing a disruption to government proceedings, that removal should be the end of it. Nobody should go to jail for talking or yelling or laughing. That's fucking stupid.

>Why not just admit that there are limits to free speech?
Because there are none. Simply trying to disrupt the opposition by being loud and obnoxious is not "speech". She is not being punished for her ideas or the content of her speech. She is being punished purely for being purposely disruptive.

The right doesn't believe in free speech you fucking tard. Free speech is a liberal thing. We believe in killing degenerates, throwing faggots in bogs, decapitating commies, etc.

based israel

>le nazis are far right maymay
Found the redditor.

>Code Pink
Should have been shot on sight, but this is good too.

you're doing what every libshit that comes here to argue does - assuming Sup Forums is bitch-made cuckservatives. i have no allegiance to my enemy, my principles apply to citizens who arent actively working to stamp me out. the constitution is not a suicide pact, and i dont have to bend over backwards to give aid and shelter to the people who want to destroy me and mine. as long as the left remains anti-white they dont count as citizens in my eyes.

Look at yourself. You're literally arguing that speaking isn't speech. You're embarrassing yourself.

I only care if it happens to my side.

>why won't free speech warriors support my speech about destroying free speech

Believe it or not; I'm not a 'libshit. I'm a socialist, I'm white, and I'm racist as fuck. These things are not incompatible. Workers of the world unite.

>laughing loudly to disrupt the opposition
>expressing unpopular views or ideas
Guess which one the concept of free speech is meant to protect, you fucking retard. Calling the obnoxious and incessant noises she was making "speech" doesn't prove that her actions are legitimate and should be protected.

They just come here with a "how to argue with a republican" playbook, not understanding that most people here are either authoritarian right or right libertarian and have always hated republicans since the days of Ron Paul.

We did before you guys got all upity. Houses in the middle of nowhere are prime robbery targets to a seasoned criminal.

Why can't more socialists be like this?

kys my man

Real free speech is knowing you have the ability to say anything you want, but not doing it. You sit idly by with the empowering knowledge that your words are always your own to do with as you choose.

What you choose to do with them is entirely up to you, you lay in the bed your words have made for you.

This idiot bitch should have known better, she just shouldn't have laughed. Not out of respect for the man (which she clearly didn't have) but out of respect for the institution.

You don't have freedom of speech because someone told you you do, you have it because speech is just an audible idea. Your ideas are always free.

She had the freedom to say what she said and said it. She now has the freedom to get jailtime for disrupting the swearing in of a gov't official.

>I'm white
>I want to steal your money to pay for my gastric bypass
>I deserve food stamps
>Gimme gimme gimme
>Haha its ok I'm racist, fellow keklords~
get the fuck out of here and go be with your third worlder socialist friends faggot, I bet you've never actually done a hard day's labor

She wasn't jailed for laughing. She was convicted of disorderly conduct and demonstrating on Capital grounds, which are both crimes. Her prior conviction for assaulting a police officer probably didn't help her case.
Holding a pro-Trump sign and screaming "MAGA" during a hearing will get you jailed too. This isn't a free speech issue, you can say anything you want off of Capital grounds.

I hope you're trying to being ironic. You never know on this board.

>I understand, and agree, with all of this. I misunderstand and disagree with any of this.
Pick one, faggot. Americans have the right to public assembly and free speech, but not EVERYWHERE. Courtrooms, government sessions, and private events are off limits. A child can understand this.

Fucking this

wtf is she getting arrested for?!


I have the ability to get up and go kill my next door neighbor. I don't do it though. Not because the law would get me, but because murder is categorically wrong (we use other words for killing when it isn't wrong). Apply that same logic to speech. You have the ability to say whatever you want, whenever you want. No one can conceivably stop you, and any action that would attempt to would break your other civil liberties.

This cunt got to express her opinion in a truly American way. Now she can sit in prison for disorderly conduct during a gov't swear in, which is a totally seperate crime than her free speech being censored.

Why do people think free speech means no consequences? Everything has a consequence. You avoid those consequences by utilizing restraint, something the entire world is lacking and has somehow fallen by the wayside like so many other true virtues.

I'm sure all she did was laugh, just like I'm sure all Mike Brown did was rob a store.

bitch reminds me of pic related.

She should have got the gas chamber.

what happened to archiving links you retard

>free speech absolutists
>on Sup Forums

>get the fuck out of here and go be with your third worlder socialist friends faggot, I bet you've never actually done a hard day's labor

Enjoy your weekend? Thank your local socialist.