Transmasculine teacher gets $60K because coworkers didn't call her "they"
I get called "faggot" here all the time.
Wheres my money cis scum?
These faces of mental illness. You can spot them a mile away.
The article didn't call her they either..it's right there in the title..
What a meaningless word. So you still identify as a male biologically, but you admit you're a sissy?
I'm starting to hate this world we live in.
>they "they"
get with the times Sup Forums its 2017
I'm just hoping the nukes start flying soon.
This shit will work itself out in a few years. Once schools realize they're more hassle than they're worth they'll stop hiring them.
the queers took back the word faggot so it isnt offensive anymore you fucking faggot
>manager dosen't call me xir
>i'm suing
i'm gonna be rollin in bread
Damn. I should've gone to college to become a teacher so I too could have scammed a school system teetering on the cliff of financial meltdown by claiming to be genderqueer.
Using someone's preferred pronouns should be LAW.
If I identify as a jellyfish you better fucking call me Mr Wibble Wobble
Im okay with society going into freefall and total collapse. I know a lot of innocent people will die, especially in the first couple of months. Its very possible i would be one of the dead. odds are I would be killed by a horde of starving sjw's. The sjw's would be kept on leashes and chains by their nigger masters and used as hunting dogs. The hunting dogs sjw slaves would be kept in near starvation and unleashed on rugged survivors like myself when we finally think we are okay. Boom1 the sjw slave horde is unleashed and i am eaten head to toe by faggot kids I used to yell at on Sup Forums. Im dead, yeah, but the sjw slaves are being gangfucked by prison-yard size niggers and have been reduced to raving lunatic cannibals.
It couldnt happen to a more deserving people.
>don't call her 'they"
Is the blog gonna get sued too?
Can we haz fascism nao?
Fishmouth is the sure fire sign of mental illness.
I like this fetish explanation
Would I get a fine if I called it Napoleon Dynamite?
Fuck Oregon.
>The article didn't call her they either..it's right there in the title..
Holy shit. Low key redpill by the writer.
Heh... land of the free... u don't like, millenial? Then get OUT and go to Russia or Iran... this is land of capitalism and freedom and that means genderqueers
It's like a bad dream. The only thing keeping me from jumping off a bridge is the fact that this kind of insane shit seems to be contained to degenerate city centers.
This whole pronoun bullshit pisses me off desu.
You don't use "they" for mental disorders, you use "they" when the gender of the person you're talking about is unknown.
In that sense, "xir" or any of that bullshit is much better than "they".
someone who refers to themselves as "they" is teaching children
Get me off this fucking ride.
Heres the deal, from the water we drink to the plastic the water comes in to the chemtrails to the vaccines to clicking liberal websites, events have conspired against us to create a spectrum of mental illness identifiers. Fishmouth is the sign of full blown mental illness. Can not be cured. Permanent state of inverted autismorphic cranial pressure manifesting in compressed nerves clinching the mouth in to a fixed fishmouth state. Its like having a chunk of number 5 gravel stuck in your prefrontal lobe.
these people need lobotomy technology and they need it now.
Why 'they'? Is it because they have multiple genders? Like schizophrenia?
>Transmasculine teacher gets $60K because coworkers didn't call her "they"
This is why all of these people need to be expelled from society.
They don't just want to be "left alone to live their lives man, love is love" they want to force you to actively participate in their fetishes.
>play friday night magic
>have have shaved head college girl show up
>maybe not brainwashed, she is playing mtg
>play her final round, pretty good player
>we talk, talk about other formats, i like commander and we end up talking about Ahiok
>say "ya, she is a pretty cool card in dimir"
>she actually flips the table, spouting out on how she is gender neutral, I dont know the lore well enough, and I came to have fun, not argue
Can I ever escape this hell
I'm assuming the pronoun thing is only the tip of the iceberg on this particular case.
However - I personally would not start calling people 'they', that's too hard. It's not natural.
I can do him/her. If you want to be a him if you are a her, that's cool, I can handle that. I'm not going to relearn my language for you though.
Another day on Sup Forums, another day where people still haven't learned to link to the fucking articles.
>Oregon Elementary school
Imagine the kids brainwashed to call a single crazy teacher 'they'. Now imagine the kids freaking out because they're terrified to talk to anyone lest the Thought Police punishes them.
Fucking bullshit. Fire the degenerate.
Ridiculous powers of civil legislation is one of the symptoms of societies cancers...
Buy some property and become a farmer, that's pretty much your only chance.
I'm assuming they attempted to, hence the litigation on 'harassment' and all this jazz. There's always layers to these things. As a parent I wouldn't want my kids around this mess at THAT age. Later on they'll be able to see it for what it is if you have a good conversation with them. You can't have the proper conversations with a kid in elementary school to have them properly understand how mentally ill this person is and why they are letting them teach.
Actually many a heterosexual male has been called a faggot and never received compensation. When you call an actual faggot a faggot you need to pay. Our world is a bit insane...
>she is
>gender neutral
Did the lady flip the table onto herself?
Also she just is upset she hasn't gotten a dick in her in awhile and is prematurely balding.
I'm okay with 'they', at least it is a real pronoun. I only draw the line if they demand a made-up special snowflake pronoun like 'xe'.
Calling a women 'she' or 'her' in 2017 is (((harassment)))
>I want off this ride
We should cobble together a class action lawsuit against that school district for failing to protect the children. Any lawfags here?
Well, calling a faggot a faggot is normally done out of hostility. Not only that, you know they are weak minded in the first place. This isn't like back in the day when you could just knock him on the head in the forest and leave him and say the bear got him during the hunt, m8.
I know it sucks.
im transfaggot if you dont want people to call you faggot stop being one
Are they chinese? wtf
I just know I wouldn't be able to maintain it in fluid speech.
That's such a 20th Century issue, O.P. The latest causes are necrophilia and bestiality.
Come on. It's 2017!
That bitch should be killed
That's fucking Jon Heder. Why is that unfunny cunt LARPing as a trans teacher in Oregon?
The madness here is not with the mentally ill, the world is full of it. It is with the system that allows a mentally ill person to get compensated for their own flaws.
Fake news.
Good, anyone with an ounce of sense will stop hiring crazy trannies after realizing they're a liability
Delet this
I caught xir a delicious bass...
No one here has posted (((they))) yet. New as fuck in here today.
> According to The Oregonian, Leo Soell was born a woman, but now prefers to identify as “transmasculine” and “genderqueer,” meaning she does not consider herself to be male or female.
> After getting breast cancer in late 2014, she had her breasts amputated to create a more masculine appearance and changed her name to Leo. Once she returned from medical school in May, 2015, Soell was fully public with her gender-neutral identity.
> Once she returned to work, Soell claims she fell victim to relentless harassment from her co-workers. She says employees persisted in calling her hurtful terms like “Miss Soell,” “lady,” and “she.” If a student asked Soell’s sex, she says she was ordered to reply it was a private matter not suitable for discussion at school.
These fags are going to ruin Public Education for good, nobody will want to send their kids there if they can avoid it.
We need someone to open fashy private schools.
What the fuck
I bet you thought that was hilarious when you typed it, didn't you, faggot?
every day i'm on pol i fantasize about joining a RWDS
I'm all for using preferred pronouns
but unless your identify as a hive mind, "they" is just confusing for a single person.
top kek
Yeah, stop playing children's card games
Money well spent. Hopefully "they" will put it good use instead of, you know, the kids that are going to school.
>Hey, what did the bulldyke want again
>"Uh, yeah I think they wanted 2 scooops"
>Bulldyke: You don't get to call me that, that's our NIGGER
Mtg story time?
>playing in a $1k tournament
>gaggle of trannies walk in
>get paired up against a dude in a wig with a stuffed bra in the final round
>refer to him as "dude" the entire round
>tells me he prefers "she"
>response: ok man
>he tilts and loses
>I get #1 seed for top 8
Despite being 0.1% of the population overall, mtg must have at least 10% of its players be trannies.
lol that makes you a retarded faggot user
>doesnt consider herself male or female
It's clearly an IT. They is plural for multiple persons, while this is clearly something inhuman.
The problem is that "it" is dehumanizing.
>Inb4 edgelord response
That's why done people push for me up pronouns like xe or zim. Honestly, I'm willing to incorporate these words so non-conforming gender attention whores can stop complaining. But i still refuse to use "they" for a single person.
Fantastic argument
>schools end up having to close because they can no longer afford the trans lawsuits
what a world
They, it, thing. All the same.
>Hiring a tranny to educate young minds
Good. I hope that mentally ill piece of shit sues that school into the ground and ruins the career prospects of whomever hired it.
>so non-conforming gender attention whores can stop complaining
That will never happen, there will always be a new barrier to smash open, these cunts exist only to complain about made-up problems
>We are the borg. Respect our pronouns. Resistance is futile.
People's kids have to be subjected to this psycho every day. Staggering
>faggots are being faggots
The real problem is not the faggot teacher, but the judge that took him seriously.
I can't believe we let these freaks around children. Disgusting.
The embers of the purge are beginning to burn. They think they are safe. They think they can keep pushing. They think they can intimidate us.
They better watch out! Our patience has it's limits! One day we will shut their dirty lying Leftist mouths!!!
>If you identify as a jellyfish
I'd argue that you are more flexible than me so you should yield to my grammar and slink away through a crack in the floorboards.
Why is mental illness treated with rewards?
I can insist on someone calling me Bob and if they don't I can sue them? The fuck.