The kind of tiki torches you get on discount at costco for your daughter's really shitty graduation party in the garden.
Is this the last stand of implicit white identity.
The kind of tiki torches you get on discount at costco for your daughter's really shitty graduation party in the garden.
Is this the last stand of implicit white identity.
they're sorry for not affording to use cherry wood hand crafted torches
Well they should have made the effort. this is embarassing to use such shoddy equipment
i will pass your message to richard.
he will take into consideration your constructive critique for future projects.
he better. is this the third reich or a school disco?
This is autistic LARPing at best
the prior night was disco inferno night.
the third reich died almost a century ago, though.
the darkies fear the night fire. reminds them of that time when whitey would storm their barracks and lynch them.
>quit protesting goys just stand with israel and shut up
thats what best with this, there is no way to spin this than
>neonazi KKK is back!
Richard Spencer Gets His Money From Louisiana Cotton Fields—and the US Government
Spencer, along with his mother and sister, are absentee landlords of 5,200 acres of cotton and corn fields in an impoverished, largely African American region of Louisiana, according to records examined by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. The farms, controlled by multiple family-owned businesses, are worth millions: A 1,600-acre parcel sold for $4.3 million in 2012.
The Spencer family's farms are also subsidized by the federal government. From 2008 through 2015, the Spencers received $2 million in US farm subsidy payments, according to federal data.
richard is so based
the epitome of controlled opposition
It actually makes me happy nig nogs are getting scared.
Let's see if this ends the uppity behavior niggers have
Anyone can protest but this tiki torch shit is fucking laughable.
why do you care?
Because it makes nationalist / ethno nationalist movements look like a bunch of mouth breathers and it's pissing me off.
no it doesn't no one really cares
can't really make something that doesn't exist look bad
no fuck this dude. confederate statues are now totally in libs super scopes after this. hes a total retard
Lol everyone look the kraut thinks nationalism doesn't exist. You people really have been fucked in the arse for the last 100 years. I just pity you.
your post is pretty smug but you aren't much better.
Are you saying that nationalism inherently doesn't exist or that white nationalism isn't actually a movement yet
Then donate some cash to his website.
white nationalism isn't actually a movement yet. And to bring hope to those who support it or bring attention for those who might like it, is a good thing. Actually, the bad thing is muting any movements like this because then, they might also not exist.
r/thedonald, hand over the tiki torches
Okay I didn't think you were being a faggot. Good point frankfurter.
I think it's important to have attractive, well dressed people like Richard Spencer to lead the movement. When people think of white nationalist they need to think of Spencer and not a skinhead.
>costco for your daughter's really shitty graduation party in the garden
look at this attempt at a joke. forcing an oddly specific scenario that no one can actually relate to. it is a command to laugh. liberal humor is so shit
>I think it's important to have attractive, well dressed people like Richard Spencer to lead the movement.
I live here, people in Charlottesville are going berserk over this, so much triggering
It works man lol the niggers are sharing shit on facebook about how they are *literally shaking*
>that face
I honestly think he isn't a CIA shill, go deeper. He is funded by Russia, seccesionist movements in the US are perhaps the only way to bring down the current world order and the Ruskies know this. You collapse America. You collapse the juggernaut mercs defending the international finance world order
Can you link to the best shit
You brit faggots and your faggety words for things
confirmed FBI plant/controlled opposition.
>all this kvetching and none of them showed up until they left
what a bunch of pussies, they waited till the lads left to come out with candles and assault a lone guy who ripped off the blm shit from the statue.
Jidf and mullato civic nationalists are so desperate to besmirch Richard Spencer it's pathetic
fuck off to /r/thedonald or "all pro white voice voices are controlled opposition" schizophrenia Sup Forums at infinity chan
antifa get out
>BLM riots
>Murders people, robs and loots stores, houses, damages property, blocks road
>Richard Spencer organizes a protest
>Stand infront of a statue with toches for some time and then everybody leaves
Why is he so damn effeminate? Is he literally taking estrogen? Watch him walk and stand, it's like a male head on a female body.
Funny they never demand "good" Muslims to call out the terrorists.
>not being an esoteric Hawaii/polynesian Hitlerist
Wow you sure are a cuck, mehmet.
only niggers care about testosterone and manliness t b h pham
My favorite one so far
>Oy Vey it's literally da KKK
You really think a woman can be a leader?