How do discourage women from becoming single mothers?

How do discourage women from becoming single mothers?

Cut welfare programs that support single mothers

No gibsmedat = no problem


Also nice try schlomo, but that's a dude

zero welfare
Also, DNA mandatory and names of sexual partners
Then the government takes money from his wage and hers for the child's support
More than one illegitimate child means prison with hard labour


Single best idea in human history

There needs to be more programs to get them off welfare and back in school after the first kid. We can't leave mothers and their kids on the streets ...but encouraging them to keep popping them out on taxpayers dime is not working either.

Why do 3rd world shit holes with no welfare programs have so many single mothers?

Provide competent sex education and easy-to-get contraceptives.

no it's not

The only single mothers I know are white women making other white people. The white guys don't want to stick around, they cheat and fuck whoever they want and run off.

They also don't get any welfare at all and people treat them like total shit.

You guys are all about white supremacy and raising our birth rate until women actually do it. None of you are man enough to actually take care of your own kids.

You are all a bunch of niggers basically, whites just have so much fewer kids that you have less opportunity to run away from them.

no but it went wrong

Don't knock them up? Marry them if you do?

or maybe you live around a bunch of backwater hicks and have a superiority complex

Well, you could marry her.

>didn't include the word millennial in his shitpost

delete this thread try again OP you fucking faggot

make interracial relations illegal

You guys are retarded,

This. Like Africa has more single mother's than anywhere and they have almost no welfare. Obviously this doesn't work.

I suggest that if a woman is on welfare and gets pregnant, that welfare can continue to work the same, but she is required to get her tubes tied if she'd like to keep receiving it or have her child covered.

This would put the worst of the African and Hispanic populations into negative growth rates.

Because pajeets like to inseminate the loo

Why should we care about 3rd world shit holes? They have more important issues. I'm talking about ending degeneracy in my country.

You typed something but all I saw was another childless white not contributing to our race.

Stop paying a single mother for doing so. Sadly while it seems cruel people think short term socity health and fairness to the tax payer is more important.
Single mother support uses the very same stats that show the avg single mother sucks. While they ask for more free shit at the expense of the working people, logic saus they clearly can't hack it as well as a family and they unlike the nuclear family have got an exponential growth in benefits.

>take away gibsmedat from single mothers
>they all shakethatass for a living

>take away abortion from women
>more degenerates have children

Sup Forums is sure good at strategies when it comes to outbreeding their political enemies.

>Why should we care about 3rd world shit holes?

Not caring is how you have 100k new white people on earth for every 10M new brown people

Cross culture analysis shows us that blacks will breed like rats under the conditions you described. Welfare is only partly enabling them. You must find a way to sterilize them instead.

It's negotiable now. If you save people the money of welfare without actually reducing their population growth, you will have only served the economy god and done nothing to help preserve your people.

Data from 3rd world shit holes helps us model and predict what will happen here when we mirror their conditions.

lots of them know that once their kid has to go to school they will need to start looking for work. So they just get knocked up again before that happens. I know a few that get knocked up by the same guy, even though they pay no child support. Their reasoning is it's okay to have kids with the same guy, but they will look like a slut if they have children with multiple men

repeal no fault divorce

Stop subsidizing them.

>Africa has more single mothers
>black demographic in the states has the highest percentage of single mothers
Niggers will always end up having single mothers, we just decide to compensate them here. Remove the compensation and promote stronger family values and less interracial couples

>Sup Forums is one type of person

Is this message to yourself then?

So? As long as we don't go totally extinct. Plus their resources won't be able to support that many people. Their pop growth will reach an asymptote eventually.

>You must find a way to sterilize them instead

>"Damn liberals in and their birth control... wait! Let's spike their water with it!"

There there, frogposters


White single mothers with white kids should be supported because it would help white demographics grow.

Jesus, why is this such a hard concept?

People are feeling the cost of welfare, you could talk the average voter into still supporting single mothers for one child, then requiring them to get their tubes tied. This would force welfare recipients into a negative growth rate. This would serve 2 purposes, it would sterilize blacks that would have kids with or without welfare since they choose the laziest route. AND it would enable whites to have kids that otherwise wouldn't because of costs. It is the biggest possible net gain for us that I see.


It seems like a lot of people here don't know how babies are made. You know there has to be a father in this right?

Since when were any of us against birth control for blacks? The alt Right is generally pro abortion because it's disproportionately brown people and liberals doing it. Republicans would have be unable to be voted in after a mere 18 years of a total abortion/birth control ban anywhere post 1979.

The republican party is insane and stupid and has no foresight about where it's going. It's as controlled by Jews as the left and just as suicidal.

Stop subsidizing it. The government started basically funding single motherhood under lbj. That's what caused single motherhood in the black community. That's why black crime rate is so high

make it illegal to have a child unless she has IQ over 100

The rare us shitpost?

Teach generation z to not be single moms

Don't impregnate them

One time payment ($5000) for sterilization. Doesn't have to be gov, a private group could do this.

Pretty simple actually

Pic related?
if yes, i will marry her

But then you'll have a shit ton of illegal unregulated kids, which will make the administration of your population a nightmare

There aren't single mothers.

Youre either married to a man of married to the state

The only way would be to reverse time and kill the women responsible for feminism, so that premarital sex & out of wedlock pregnancy remains a disgraceful, shameful thing

Not if you sterilize those women.

She's some twitch streamer dumbass

Your trap radar is fucking shit

You can't end a thread yourself faggot.

Also, do you want smart niggers? Because that's how you get smart niggers. And they would hate us even more since the survivors would probably get it.

Also like in China, forced abortions and fines for non-compliance would probably be best enforced in higher income areas. Meaning, this would get applied to lots of whites. Also, lower IQ whites 80-110 is where the majority of our growth rate comes from, but they tend to be financially better off than similar IQ blacks. Meaning they would have enforcement easier to apply to them.

So your idea sounds nice on paper, but after any investigation comes up as a stupid plan that would destroy what's left of white growth. Mix it with a heavy spoonful of (((Open boarders))) and you effectively make whites non-competitive.

How about uncucking yourselves and just passing racial laws that say it's ok for whites with white kids to receive welfare? You could pass it in a colorblind way by making taxes be dispensed by group. If a group as a whole is contributing then it can receive welfare benefits, if it is not, then it has limitations put in place.

What happened to the girl in the photo? She really hit the wall

safe access to abortion, obviously