Let's get a brain thread going
Other urls found in this thread:
Whites came from albinism.
damm rly maks u thynk
that's so fucking wrong though
you are like a little baby.
watch this:
Neoliberalism is something totally different in Germany. We call guys like Hayek neoliberal and the wiki article also sees it different.
t. country LITERALLY built on enlightenment values
If it was literally built on Enlightenment values there wouldn't be Native indian burial grounds under their feet, it'd be copies of Voltaire
>it'd be copies of Voltaire
It'd be literally Voltaire. Fuck Voltaire.
1776 was a mistake
>t. Muh McDemocracy™ Anglo
Who the fuck are those people? I know OberSturmfuher Swift, but don't recognize the rest?
The only way to save the anglowests values of individualism is to become authoritarians
>LITERALLY built on enlightenment values
We built it with the bodies of dead Englishman and stolen capital from the British Empire. France distracted y'all and we stole your shit like a bunch of niggers.
Communist faggot
>that meme having anything to do with communism
>american education
Based OP. Liberalism is a cancer
>Child porn soundtracks
>God was raped
Wait what
lmao, top meme
what's the legal status of cp soundtracks?
My brain just melted.
>Liberalism destroying civ
>Trump supporter
Liberalism and neoliberalism want fewer government interventions to the market (Milton Friedman - monetarism. Hayek - Austrian economy school)
OP is an idiot
that means the Sup Forums is working
"Liberalism" = Leftism in modern American politics.
>when you see that he's holding the penis
we need a darwinist authoritarian system
What is that
>What is that
Humans doing human stuff, I am not totally sure.
Observant, very impressive
original comment
>not 1913
laughed heartily, have some more OC
need the poo flag on the last one
Muh sides
this is one of the best ones
>golf rumors
dare I ask?
Theocratic distributism is the next step
Golf doesn't exist, no one plays golf for real, it's like a fictional sport you see in other fiction to make the world seem weird.
>supporting the side with the least chance of winning then telling your friends and family that you leaned in their political direction but ultimately chose for the underdog so they become angry and accuse you of wasting your vote
Surah 9:5
Show me a form of individualism compatible with individualism and I'll consider it.
And I'm spent.
>implying tiger woods exists
The rabbit hole is deep user, why do you think Presidents are always "playing Golf"? Some questions are better left unasked.
Deep Soy???
Surprised this very relevant classic hasn't been posted yet
I think icebergs could also fit into these kind of threads.
>Runescape in New York
This one is unironically true kek
Black Twitter is truly the final piece of evidence for how subhumanly stupid niggers are.
soy based Xenoestrogens are making you develop breasts. (Also you should eat better, your mama is worried!)
>read labels, you would be shocked if you knew how much of what you eat contains soy
Instagram is gross.
>look at can of lentil stew I bought for dinner
>"may contain traces of Soy"
>implying the bottom one wasn't always true
This cancerous reddit tier shit belongs in just like half the threads in the fucking catalog. You can bitch about shills all you want, but this is why we hate you reddit faggots; you spam forced memes without hardly ever contributing any OC, you never bother to look in the catalog before making a thread and none of you know shit about anything. You all deserve to die a slow painful death
That is pretty messed up, user.