what books that have influenced your philosophy/political beliefs, Sup Forums? pic related
What books that have influenced your philosophy/political beliefs, Sup Forums? pic related
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Who is this kyuuteepie?
Brave New world
The giver
Starship troopers
Prelude to foundation
Cats cradle
Robots and empire
Post feet
She looks nice, but, she appears to be holding the shitlord bible.
Into the trash.
Oh I forgot one. Card's best:
Speaker for the dead.
Its not strictly a book its a tabletop softcover of nude Baron Trump sketches published by me
KJV my nigger.
Why do women need to include themselves in every single mundane thing they photograph? Just take a picture of the book alone and call it a day. Nobody wants to see your ugly mug.
None dare call it conspiracy by Gary Allen.
The Hidden Hand of the Shadow Government by Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich.
The protocols of the learned elders of Zion.
Its good when people say they have read Ayn Rand because then you can immediately ignore their shitty warped world views and listen to people who aren't stupid.
This and probably The Brothers Karamazov
Nothing has ever influenced any of my beliefs. All of my beliefs are based entirely on intuition and on the natural reactions of my reptile brain.
I don't have a set ideology but killing all Jews would be a good first step.
Who es thees semõn demõn
Starship Troopers
The book not the abortion of a movie that's an attempted smear of Heinlein
>Protocols of the learned elders of Zion
You know how I know people are scared of this book?
Find me another book on wikipedia where it doesn't even give attempt to give more than a sentence or two summary about what is actually in the book.
Christ Chan isn't a whore, she wouldn't wear short sleeves
You do know the main character in Starship Troops was Asian. He was a Filipino gook.
He's also a good man who does what he's supposed to even when not rewarded. His ethnicity could not be more meaningless to the story.
The chapter where the teacher waxes and wanes on rights vs. Responsibility had a greater impact on my personal philosophy than anything else I've read.
Ah, Ayn Rand. The gentlesir's choice. I commend thee, fellow transcender of the morality of the plebian droves. To know Objectivism is to live without the limits set by mere weaklings and fools. Perhaps we may discourse sometime on this topic, my Randy friend
There's many, the majority of which aren't even political in nature.
The Day the Universe Changed by James Burke (Dad got me this after I started getting better at reading)
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
Atlas shrugged.
Shitloads of engineering/science/math textbooks.
School assigned sociology textbooks too, as their nonsense and agenda always put me off.
Stranger in a Strange Land
Animal Farm, 1984, The Giver
Beyond Good and Evil
The Origins of War in Child Abuse
and what started it all
Blood Lines of the Illuminati
Ayn rand is the original fedora queen
John Ralston Saul, he has the greatest understanding of Canada's position as far as I'm concerned.
Rothbard, he showed me that sociallist are jews, globalist and are stealing in most ineefective way possible.
PRL (polish comunistic state) showed that too
it's in polish middle school
Kikes try to discredit the Protocols by saying that they're a forgery but whether they're a forgery or not is fucking irrelevant anyway, since E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G mentioned in the Protocols is happening RIGHT NOW. The Protocols literally gives the Jewish game away.
You mean "what he was told to do".
The book is for boot-lickers.
you win
I just wish I could get my full socialist friends to read this.
>muh ayn rand
It should be in all middle schools.
buks r gay
God's Formula
Connecting modern science and technology with old religious ideas. Theories about the existence of god, the purpose of the universe and how we live inside a well tuned simulation.
>what books that have influenced your philosophy
this one, good read
Lauren seems to be having a lot of fun.
Everything by Nietzsche. Also, Ernest Becker and Carroll Quigley have had a large impact on my perspective.
100 Years Together
Two* Hundred Years Together
Patrician tier
the Tao Te Ching
My nigga.
One of my favorite books.
If only you had to earn the rights of a citizen, instead of being rewarded for simply surviving in a bubble wrapped world we live in today. So many of these people who have not the interest of their home, or own people would not get a voice. I understand we are all human beings and shit, but some aren't in it to make the world a better place, no, they simply exist to tarnish what got us to this point in our civilization.
The movie wasn't too bad, I enjoy it as a B movie. It's fine as satire.
Are this and Evola's other works worth reading for the average conservative who might not be all that spiritual
Ok why don't you go shit up reddit with your edgy teenage angst
The book is about personal responsibility, individuality vs society, rights vs obligations and sacrifice. It's a great story for young men.
This is a great one too for practicality. Best lesson: people respect deceitful people so long as they're successful. The truth meant less than dogshit in 1500, just like it does now. Sun Tzu was also big on this point in Art of War.
I'm waiting on a book order right now. I actually managed to get a copy of Heathen Imperialism, which I'm reading in the meantime, and is a good read after Revolt...
Aside from reading Evola, I'm also intent on reading other traditionalists (Guénon, Schuon etc), as well as Spengler, Toynbee, Glubb, Klages, Guyau, de Gobineau, de Benoist, Donovan, Sunic... i think that's about it.
apart from that i've been reading the presocratics and am gearing up for plato and aristotle, then the middle and neoplatonists.
anything else you'd recommend?
having read Revolt... I would say it is a far better introduction than Ride the Tiger. Never start with Ride the Tiger without the context of his other works, it's literally one of the last books of his you should read.
You could try reading Revolt... it will either chime with you, or it won't. If it doesn't, you can just move on. If it does, it may profoundly change your outlook on things, and you'll know if you want to read more. I thought I was fairly fringe in my beliefs before, and it still managed to blow my mind.
Also this (Hours of decision in English)
Thanks for the tip off. I've only got Decline of the West on order right now. I'll add that to my list.
The ultimate redpill...
at least for kids anyway
go back to noobit
I love how girls cant just read a book, they have to take a selfie next to it
Fiction that's a lot truer than non-fiction.
Anything Orwell wrote
The book was satire.
Hence the plot twist at the end, when the main character is revealed as a sub-human.
Mien Krampf
Women don't actually do anything for the sake of doing it.
>Henry ford paid to have 500,000 printed
Sad how fast a country falls. I'll pay (((them))) a compliment, they're good at what they do.
I have a fairly comprehensive book collection on Rudolf Hess, which I haven't actually read yet because of the rest of my reading list.
David Irving - Hess: The Missing Years
Wolf Rudiger Hess - My Father Rudolf Hess
John Harris and Richard Wilbourn - Rudolf Hess: Treachery and Deception
John Harris and M.J. Trow - Hess: The British Conspiracy
Eugene Bird - The Loneliest Man in the World
Desmond Zwar - Talking to Rudolf Hess
Is "Simulation and simulacra" a good book
>not NLT
>christfags complain about how "m-muh LARPing faggots" are divisive
>christfags ignore millennia of sectarianism in their own religion
>christfags even argue over which translation of the bible is right
>They pursue the Muslims into the riverEbro, where the Muslims drown.
Kek niggers were drowning in 778.
I have to read this it sounds fucking based. Thank you user.
Ride the Tiger
American Militant Nationalist Manifesto
The Republic
Revolt Against the Modern World
Starship Troopers
The Culture of Critique
Mein Kampf (this is a difficult one simply because of the stigma surrounding it, though if you can look past that then you will find some genuinely insightful talking points about politics and psychology)
Plus a bunch of others, fiction and non-fiction, that likewise contribute to everyone's political viewpoints in small but cumulative ways.
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius. This one is never mentioned in these threads.
meme tier, the day of the rope is what is good for
Subhuman retards
yes a jewess philosophy is gud goym
C S Lewis - Mere Christianity
Does anyone have that infograph of essential reading for a budding national socialist?
Men Among the Ruins
The International Jew
The Decline Of The West
Brave New World
The Holy Bible
The Confessions of Saint Augustine
Decline of the West, by Oswald Spengler
Concluding Unscientific Postscript, by Soren Kierkegaard
Homage to Catalonia, George Orwell
Sowell's Basic Economics
Mises' Human Action
Rothbard's For a New Liberty
Friedman's Machinery of Freedom
Sowell's The Vision of the Anointed
Hoppe's Theory of Socialism and Capitalism
Pic related
Epictetus' Discourses
reading Mein Kampf in 2016, it felt like it was written yesterday.
anyone who even remotely agrees with the zionist kike subhuman ayn raynd deserves a bullet in their trustfund heads