I'm okay with people getting welfare/NEETbux (it's a necessary social program, and some people genuinely need it), but they should be required to do 20 hours a week of community service.
I'm okay with people getting welfare/NEETbux (it's a necessary social program, and some people genuinely need it)...
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wouldn't that not be welfare then if they're working for it?
thats more like a government work program and doesnt apply to people who ACTUALLY cant work because they're retards or disabled or something
Why only 20? Why not 40?
If someone actually works though, 20 hours a week isnt going to be feasible. To be more realistic, welfare is fine as long as there is a set lifetime benefit cap and a set lifetime cap on time you can be on welfare.
For example, in a lifetime, you can not use it for more than 5 years or draw more than 25k in benefits, whichever comes first
give them the mexican job
"they took our jobs"
"they took our jobs"
>they're retards or disabled or something
These people do not currently get welfare. They get money from Social Security Disability, which is a totally different part of government
>Why only 20? Why not 40?
Because then you guarantee they will never actually find a job and will stay in the program forever which is the exact opposite of what you want
Instituting that program would actually cost double the price of welfare as you would need people to monitor everything. Getting rid of all the bureaucracy and just creating an in work, out of work payment system would be far better.
If there's force involved, it's welfare.
>hey, you have to give us money or jail
>hey, you have to do this job or jail
It's called extortion, also known as taxation. Forces you to interact with the worst of society.
>see welfare
>always think of precious scumbag mother in precious
yeah I agree in that a cap and more restrictions are needed, altough ther'd be a lot of riots probably.
>thats more like a government work program
Yeah, pretty much. Obviously there would be some exemptions, but even most retards are capable of picking up trash in a park or something.
I came to that number because where I live the base welfare rate is about half of what someone would make working 40 hours at minimum wage. People should also have free time to look for real jobs.
If there's 20 hours of community service available to some millions of people, wouldn't that just be available jobs?
Why not just give them those jobs instead?
People on welfare tend not to be suitable for working. Rewarding this only encourages them to breed faster.
>he punches the alien
best gif I ever saw... what is that from?
NEETbux faggot here
I would actually fucking love if this was a thing so it would provide social training for me and help me integrate socially with people
but I guarantee welfare people would never even dream of implementing something like this that would be extremely helpful for socializing people and actually help them develop
they are entirely dependent on keeping people psychologically fucked because its what brings them their paycheck
everytime I go see some bureaucratic mental health professional and ask about group socialization programs, community programs that would get me mixing in society, therapy for anxiety they have nothing to offer
but they always try to get me to get more welfare money through more programs and push medications on me that I have taken in the past to no positive effect
>Why not just give them those jobs instead?
Because you would be paying them far below minimum wage, similar to prisoners being paid $2.50 a day
the reason somebody gets welfare is usually because the person is unable to provide any services
Ok fair enough. But why not just pay them minimum wage and make them work 40 hours a week?
You can only unfuck yourself by continuously improving yourself.
I recommend starting here:
Gorilla Mindset is also great for adjusting your attitude and posture. I used to be too afraid to go to a bakery to buy bread, now I tell complete strangers at social gatherings about how the Soviets created the holocaust to distract from their own murderous regime.
>I would actually fucking love if this was a thing so it would provide social training for me and help me integrate socially with people
I'm a former NEET and I got back into the workforce by participating in this kind of program, although it was voluntary and offered by a non-profit organization rather than government.
>tfw not a neet anymore.
>tfw painment is 650 euro a month work for 10 hours a day.
>tfw not fat anymore
>tfw i wasted 4 years of being a reterted /r9k/ neet
feels like my life is actually worth something now and actually contributed to society at large.
The problem I see in Canada is that we allow perfectly healthy, childless young people to be on it for YEARS. They have no proper monitoring system. I live in Brampton and you can easily find a Job in a day.
Volunteer faggot
Seems fair.
>group socialization programs, community programs that would get me mixing in society,
Its called volunteer work. If you live in Illinois, there is Lambs Farm and a company called Avenues to Independence. They both give you jobs working with other mental defects and interacting with the normal public. They also both pay above minimum wage.
Beyond that, volunteer for a charity like Wounded Warriors or Home for Vet. Or pick a charity you support and volunteer for them. The last time I worked with Wounded Warriors there was a vet with no arms, legs, and was missing his lower jaw and unable to talk. He wanted to help so he sat in his wheelchair and propped up the sign by the roadside telling people where we were.
If you want to get out NOTHING can stop you except you.Think about that for a second. A man with no arms, no legs, and no jaw found a way to make himself useful. You have ZERO excuse
hahaha hahahahahah ahaha ahha
ok, back to our regularly scheduled program. thanks for the joke
>the reason somebody gets welfare is usually because the person is unable to provide any services
KEKE he fell for the only disabled ppl have disability meme. If only it worked like that user, if only.
I'd recommend looking up local charities around where you live. It is a great way to interact with people while simultaneously working towards a positive goal.
I don't like Molymeme really
he has interesting points sometimes but hes too obnoxious to listen to more than once a month
telling people about redpill subjects at social gathering sounds like you are very ill adjusted
If I enquire with mental health professionals very politely about the metrics they use for what would constitute 'success' in their minds for actually getting people rolling in society again, they either spout a bunch of meaningless bullshit about how that isn't a question to be asked, or act like I am aggressively attacking their lively hood and might even tack on some other psychological issues to my case file for asking something like that.
They are 99% horrible, horrible people that greet you with a smile and try to act like they can help.
Any measure of actually helping people is zilch.
This is one of the things that makes me feel not as shameful for getting welfare. Because I know all these people get 50k-200k a year and are far more parasitical to tax payers than I am.
>I used to be too afraid to go to a bakery to buy bread, now I tell complete strangers at social gatherings about how the Soviets created the holocaust to distract from their own murderous regime.
That's all well and good, but does anyone actually take you seriously as a rational human being or do they just see you some unstable crazyperson?
I'll do that again, I did it in the past through some bureaucratic mental health center I was attached to and my job was to video tape this group of people attending local community events like stand up comedy and it was the most horrible shit ever. All they did was complain about the amount of welfare they were getting and talk about their 'sobriety' like it was a fucking pet dog. I could see their identities were entirely made up of being 'sober ex drug addicts on welfare' and it was the worst shit ever. I feel like they had been molded into this by their therapists and mental health people. So instead of this being some problem in their life to defeat, I could tell it WAS their life in entirety. They were old too. Horrifying.
>I don't like Molymeme really
Ah, so you reject information because of the TONE of a conversation rather than its content.
>telling people about redpill subjects at social gathering sounds like you are very ill adjusted
And yet I have dozens of friends and a happy long term relationship, because I am not afraid to have opinions. I don't hide who I am or what I think. Your servile attitude of not trying to displease anyone makes people recoil from you.
>relying on a government program to get you out of a government program
Yes, prattle on about your problems, ignore solutions and console yourself with the idea that you aren't as bad as the bigger leeches. You are still taking money that was extorted from other people. You are a bad person and you should be ashamed. Without people like you, these bigger leeches wouldn't even have these "jobs" nobody asked them to do.
You've been given a starting point, it's up to you to do something with it or to continue whining until you're old, having accomplished nothing.
I run a reasonably successful software business nowadays. My girlfriend went to arts college but went full anti-communist after we've been together for a year. My business associates also invite me to social events without having to. I have friends with which I like to barbecue and discuss technology, others I talk with about philosophical topics. I'm not afraid of telling people the truth and I don't need people in my life that need to be coddled with lies.
Government is employing people at that point and not just making them pick up trash or something stupid to justify throwing money at them. No real jobs.
>But why not just pay them minimum wage and make them work 40 hours a week?
Hahaha that's rich, the minimum wage and income taxes are the CAUSE of the unemployment.
did I say I reject molymemes points?
can you post a picture of your workspace with timestamp paper?
>650 euro
Huutings, is that good in Latvia?
Are you insane? I'm not posting ANYTHING that could even potentially identify me on Sup Forums of all places. Feel free to dismiss everything I've said based on "well you won't provide me with a timestamp" if that makes you feel better, I don't really care what you do with your life. I'm just passing on what others gave me.
doesn't have to include any identifying shit
just a picture of your office surroundings and timestamp to show you are telling the truth
I know NEETs have an incredible capability for pathological lying and projection, I'm just curious if you are legit
mandatory drug testing
One million times this.
Whatever commie. When people are required to exchange labor for goods, that is called a job, not community service.
And as an employee, they are entitled to WAGES under existing labor law, not WELFARE.
Your just trying to Uberize people out of employee status with this. But it won't work, as welfare recipients who are required to work are ultimately government employees.
We literally have that system here. It doesnt work and they are going to abolish it soon. The jobs they can make people do are extremely limited because of potential lawsuits and the required training would just be an even bigger waste of money. I did 'work for the dole' about 10 years ago. It consisted of a bunch of losers sitting around talking shit for 4 hours.
incredibly expensive, and has be proven ineffective
it's just another way of punishing the poor for being poor
*fakes drug test*
If you want food stamps, in my state, you have to volunteer 20 hours a week.
>there are millions of hours work every year just sitting round ready to be done
>and a massive beauracratic system ready to oversee this massive commie regime
>all so wagecucks can feel less angry about a few people gaming the system (while the rest genuinely need it)
>oh yeah lets drug test them while we're at it. that's been proven effective, and doesn't cost 100 billion times more than it works
god Sup Forums, why are you so fucking retarded?
Why are you showing us a pic of Lena Dunham